"What are you looking at me for?"

Feng Jin touched the back of his bulging head again, and looked at the crowd watching him in surprise.

There is a sense of déjà vu in Journey to the West, where the master and apprentice gather together to wake her up.

"Nothing, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Feng Minsheng tidied up his clothes, and asked a question calmly.

At this time, Feng Jin realized that her stomach was empty.

Looking out the window, the sun has already run to the middle.

"Eat sweet and sour fish, two! Make up for the missed breakfast!"

Feng Jinguo broke his mouth.

No one will refuse to eat one more sweet and sour fish, unless it is three sweet and sour fish.

"Sure, you... Play for a while, don't sleep, it will be done in a while."

Feng Minsheng rubbed the area between his eyebrows, glanced at Fengjin, said nothing more, rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the kitchen.

There are cooks in the store, and there are also cooks who can cook sweet and sour fish.

But Feng Minsheng believes that what he makes is more flavorful, nutritious and more at ease.

Feng Zheng followed behind Feng Minsheng and went out together.

He can't stay in the Missy's boudoir.


It's okay if Feng Minsheng doesn't say anything, but as soon as he says not to let him sleep, the rebellious factor in Fengjin's body takes the upper hand.

Involuntarily yawned.

His body was shaking, he wanted to sleep with his eyes closed, and he waved his hands at Chen Yu and Wang Tong.

Indicates that he is going to sleep.

"Xiao Jin!"

"Don't sleep!"

The two suddenly shouted, and Chen Yu's hand had already grabbed Feng Jin's arm.

Fengjin's arm hurts from being clenched.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Jin was taken aback by the two of them, so she couldn't close her eyes any longer, and stared at them with her big dark eyes.

"No, it's nothing. If you sleep during the day, you won't be able to sleep at night."

Wang Tong explained dryly.

"Come on! Anyway, I can't sleep now."

Feng Jin got out of bed, sat on the chair by herself, and kept pouring tea for herself.

One cup after another, I was very thirsty.

"Xiaojin, did you...did you have a nightmare just now?"

Wang Tong also sat beside Feng Jin, staring intently at Feng Jin who had been drinking tea.

"Nightmare? Why are you asking me that?"

Feng Jin was stunned.

There is no nightmare, it's just a nightmare, and I can't move all the time.

"You were talking in your sleep just now, but we didn't hear you clearly. Let me ask you what you dreamed about."

Wang Tong randomly found a reason.

"Did I talk in my sleep? It's strange. I don't seem to be having a dream. It's just a nightmare. I can't do anything, and I can't control my body."

Feng Jin shrugged her shoulders, not caring about the nightmare.

If you don't sleep well, you will feel dizzy, which is a normal phenomenon.

"Do you remember..."

"That's nothing, I'll ask the imperial physician to prescribe some soothing prescriptions for you."

Wang Tong wanted to ask something else, but was interrupted by Chen Yu.

"to make!"

Feng Jin didn't refuse either.

I have never seen the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician, and I don't know the difference between it and the various houses written by my father.

The strong fragrance soon wafted into the room.

Feng Minsheng's cooking is almost ready.

"You guys talk, I'll go find my daddy first!"

Feng Jin's eyes lit up, she stood up, and rushed towards the kitchen at a speed of [-] meters.

Only Chen Yu and Wang Tong were left in the room.

"A few months ago, there was an extra celestial being in the imperial palace, the celestial being invited by the old emperor using the treasures handed down by the royal ancestors, that celestial being appeared out of thin air, and the time of appearance was the same as the time when your temperament changed drastically. "

Chen Yu spoke suddenly.

There is no taboo about secrets or secrets.

Wang Tong said that they were from another world, and it was hard for Chen Yu not to connect this matter.

"It's the national teacher! He wears a mask every day when he goes out, and no one has seen his true face."

Wang Tong knew that such a person existed.

He also wondered if this celestial being came from the 21st century, but the old emperor was still an emperor after all.

After several decades in power, it is still difficult to find out if you want to hide a person.

"However, the important thing is not the celestial being, but the method of coming to this world."

Wang changed his voice and continued,

"You have also seen that maybe one day, we aliens will slowly disappear. At that time, where we will go is still unknown."

Wang Tong knew some things about heaven and man.

As a member of the royal family and a prince, Chen Yu must know better.

Even if he doesn't know now, as long as he asks, the old emperor will tell him.

Wang Tong never liked to join forces with the crazy criticizing prince, but now it was about their lives, so he had to think about it.

"Is that painting Xiaojin from another world and Xiaojin from now?"

Chen Yu didn't answer Wang Tong's words, but instead said something irrelevant.

What Chen Yu said was a sketch Feng Jin drew for himself.

That was the first time Chen Yu saw the exquisite painting skills that could draw such a similar expression on people's faces.

It was also that time that Chen Yu had a portrait of Feng Jin.

In that painting, there are two portraits drawn in total.

One is the current Fengjin, and the other is a portrait of a girl named Yue, which is very similar to the current Fengjin, but it is not Fengjin.

The dark eyeballs are very similar, as if they can see through the soul of a person through paper.

Chen Yu would often look at that painting, and also engrave the two thoughts in his mind.

"Yes, we originally had our own life trajectory, but suddenly came to this world one day. She, I and Wang Wu, and Lin Chengjie are classmates. Teacher Feng is the teacher of our class. The beautiful days were broken. .”

Wang Tong did not hide this.

He knew that if he wanted to continue working together, he couldn't hide anything.

He wants to get a clue of that way from the mouth of the royal family.

Wang Tong felt a little sad as he spoke.

In fact, even if he didn't tell Chen Yu about the past, Feng Jin would tell Chen Yu that their relationship...is very close.

"How can men and women be in the same class?"

When Chen Yu heard Wang Tong's words, his beautiful peach eyes widened slightly, a little surprised.

If a man and a woman don't kiss each other, even if they accidentally touch each other's skin, they have to be responsible.

Can we still study together?

Although Chen Yu is the prince, he still knows some folk customs.

"Oh, that's because you are superficial. Men are human beings, and women are also human beings. Men and women should be equal. Naturally, they can receive the same education. It's only natural that they study together in school."

Wang Tong said quietly,
"Now do you know the generation gap between you and Xiaojin?"

Chen Yu's fingers tightened slightly, and he didn't even ask what the generation gap meant.

Afraid of being ridiculed by Wang Tong again.

"Also, under normal circumstances, how can we say that we have a bachelor's degree, how about you? You don't even have a kindergarten diploma, and the cognition gap between us is simply a gap!"

For the first time, Wang Tong felt that he still had a sense of superiority.

He not only has a kindergarten diploma, but also a primary, junior high and high school diploma!

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