Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 217, Kindergarten Diploma

Looking at Wang Tong who was getting more and more proud, Chen Yu was speechless.

He knows the difference between Feng Minsheng and is knowledgeable. He is the best gentleman he has ever met.

The students taught by such a master naturally have different knowledge from ordinary people.

What Wang Tong said, he basically had only a half-knowledge.

But he can probably guess some of what a college degree means.

Those who study advanced knowledge in the Taixue in the capital are university scholars.

In their world, Xiao Jin really shines brightly.

"Compared with ours, your place is a backcountry. Our world can walk side by side with the moon, but you still think the earth is square. It's really incomprehensible."

Wang Tong's mouth seemed to be hanging open, and the ridicule didn't stop.

"You don't even have running water here, and you have to go to the well to get water. It's a waste of time and effort."

"Usually I don't have a game console, I can't watch TV, and I can't chat on the Internet, so I can't be more bored!"

"The transportation is not well developed, there are no high-speed trains, and there are no planes. You can only run on horses. This is considered cruelty to animals!"

"The most important point is that medicine is too underdeveloped, and everything is poured with black liquid medicine. Logically speaking, a CT scan and an X-ray should be taken, so that we can truly see the cause of the patient!"

"Also, you are too pedantic here, and girls are too restrained here. If I were Xiao Jin, I would definitely feel that my wings are being restrained!"

"And in our world, love is free. Parents' order and matchmaker's words are basically nonsense. Unlike you, you can marry whoever your parents say!"

Wang Tong talked so eloquently that his spittle was almost flying on Chenyu's body.

Chen Yu took a step back calmly, and said calmly,
"Since you don't listen to your parents' orders and the matchmaker's words, why are you still unmarried? Could it be that no one has taken a fancy to you?"

This guy also looks more than a 20-year-old, with half of the loess buried up to his waist.

Even if Xiao Jin painted Wang Tong's portrait, Wang Tong's face in another world is not too small.

Why haven't you started a family yet?
"This is what I call "single to death, rather lack than abuse."

Wang Tong stubbornly retorted.

"Oh, it's not that no one wants it."

Chen Yu made a mend, and walked away without listening to Wang Tong's explanation.

He was afraid that if Wang Tong continued to complain that he didn't have a kindergarten diploma, it would make him look very uneducated.

But it is also easy to solve this problem.

Feng Minsheng is a teacher, that is to say, as long as he can get the teacher's approval, he is equivalent to getting a diploma.

Chen Yu had no chance at all behind Wang Tong who was clutching his heart, all he wanted was to surpass Wang Tong.

The icing on the cake On the stone table in the backyard, there is a table full of meals.

Feng Jin said he wanted two sweet and sour fish, and Feng Minsheng cooked it, and he also ordered a lot of food.

The cooks in the kitchen have prepared semi-finished products in advance, and Feng Minsheng processed them and finished them quickly.

"Quick, come and eat, my dad's cooking is delicious!"

Feng Jin's mouth was stuffed, and he was still free to wave to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu saw Feng Jin waving towards him.

The feeling of inferiority and confusion just now dissipated.

A smile unconsciously appeared on the beautiful face, and the coquettish peach blossom eyes were dotted with stars, which looked bright and clear.

He touched Feng Jin's hair with his big hand, and after messing with Feng Jin's freshly arranged hair, he didn't sit down, but looked in the direction of Feng Minsheng.

Feng Minsheng put a plate of dishes on the table, turned around and went to the kitchen again.

Because today's Fengjin is very abnormal, he has a serious sense of crisis.

I just want to give Xiaojin everything I can get now.

Because he doesn't know who will have abnormal brain waves next time, and who will return the original owner's brain waves.

Forget about Wang Tong, Wang Wu, and Lin Chengjie, they are all alone in this world anyway.

He and his daughter can live well!

At the very least, they must be left to collect the corpses of those corrupt officials with big capital!
Feng Minsheng ignored Chen Yu who was about to bow the cabbage, turned around and entered the room.

At this time, Gong Cabbage no longer made him worry. What he worried about was whether the cabbage could feed him.

"Sir, can you teach me some modern knowledge, I want to change the world."

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Yu saluted Feng Minsheng with a very upright manner and a serious face.

"Why do you want to learn this? Why do you want to change the world?"

Feng Minsheng guessed that guy Wang Tong might have talked about some modern things.

In fact, I can't hide it.

After all, when Fengjin threw explosives out, it was always in packs.

There is also the geography knowledge he mentioned when chatting with Chen Yu before, it is not surprising that Chen Yu knows it.

"I want this world to be exactly the same as yours, so that you will no longer be alone. Here, you won't be as lonely as in another world."

"I also want to make this world more colorful. There is a big gap between our cognition and your cognition, but I believe that as long as we change, we will definitely be able to change!"

When Chen Yu answered Feng Minsheng's words, he didn't squint.

The eyes are firm and powerful.

He thought, if this world becomes the same as before, there will be no difference between Xiaojin staying here and going back.

In this way, he and she can be together forever.

Even if she insisted on going back, he still had to learn some knowledge. Wherever she went, he would go there.

It can be regarded as being able to adapt to the environment in advance.

Chen Yu didn't say what happened next, but Feng Minsheng could guess it.

"Let's not talk about knowledge. What needs to be changed should be some concepts. The issue of equality between men and women should be resolved first. Otherwise, I am afraid that someone will be wiped out if I only have one daughter!"

Feng Minsheng rolled his eyes.

In modern society, he would be gossiped even if he had a daughter.

Here, there are more people talking about him and her daughter, but Feng Minsheng doesn't think there is anything wrong with it, but he is worried that his daughter will be calculated by others.

After all, not having a son means that no one will inherit the assets of the family.

"After I go back, I will write a book and start to change, starting with the construction of a women's college."

Chen Yu already had an idea in his heart, and now he didn't want a woman's status to be too low, for fear of wronging Xiao Jin.

"However, I still have another important thing to do, which is to learn the literature knowledge of modern society with the teacher first, and strive to get the diploma recognition."

Chen Yu still cared about Wang Tong's frightened eyes.

"to make."

Feng Minsheng has no comment.

Chen Yu is the prince, and to a certain extent, changing him also changes the world.

"Then start with a kindergarten diploma!"

Chen Yu had a serious face, feeling that this was a tough battle.

It should be harder than leading troops to fight.

Feng Minsheng:? ? ?

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