As soon as Chen Yu opened his mouth, Feng Minsheng felt that what Chen Yu just said was teasing him.

Explore the Kindergarten Diploma first?
What the hell is that guy Wang Tong talking about!

"You don't need to learn this. Only three or four children will learn it. If you have this time, let's quickly organize officers and soldiers to rescue the people affected by the disaster!"

Feng Minsheng is more concerned about this.

Judging from the extent of the disaster in the county seat, it is much better than the village.

Probably the villages near the mountains were hit hard.

The people in their village are basically fine, not necessarily in other villages, there must be a lot of people buried in the house.

"This time the disaster seems to be serious, but because I predicted it in advance, before the earth dragon turned over, I had already sent the hidden guards to set fire to the ground. Not many people were hit by the house, and the people in the village could recover by themselves. If you want to build a house, just ask for some food relief from the old emperor!"

When Chen Yu said this, he took a meaningful look at Feng Minsheng.

Great wisdom sir!
When the dark guard discovered that Feng Minsheng's father and daughter set fire to their house, he received the news through Feige.

It was easy to guess the reason.

So, he followed suit...

Around almost every village, the fields were on fire. The fires were small but could not be extinguished for a while.

Feng Minsheng didn't recover from Chen Yu's words for a long time.

I only know that His Royal Highness is crazy.

For the first time, it was discovered that His Royal Highness was still an arsonist!

Feng Minsheng himself has completely ignored his behavior.

"Even if you are free now, you don't want to learn the knowledge of three or four-year-old children!"

Feng Minsheng put a large piece of meatloaf into the pan and fried it, and the whole room was filled with the aroma of meatloaf and a faint smell of fireworks.

Chen Yu put a piece of dry firewood into the stove, and sat down on the small bench.

The tall body shrunk into a ball, still unable to conceal the elegance of his body.

"From the beginning, I want to become an undergraduate just like Xiaojin!"

Chen Yu answered with confidence.

...Although he doesn't even understand the meaning of undergraduate or junior college.

I only know that it is about the same as a bachelor.

Feng Minsheng: "..."

Hehe, his daughter's brain is not good enough, he urged her to do her homework every day, and tutored her every day, so she finally got a third grade.

Not to mention anything else, with Chen Yu's brain, Feng Minsheng is determined, and probably won't even be able to get into a junior college.

... If there is a problem in thinking, it is pedantic to mention a pen, and it must not be full marks.

Feng Minsheng can occasionally spread knowledge to Chen Yu, but he can't treat him like a three-year-old child and teach him to eat with chopsticks, take a nap, dance and so on.

Too hot for the eyes.

When Feng Minsheng thought of Chen Yu moving a small bench and looking at him with the kindergarten children, he became a kindergarten teacher...

It's scary to think about it!

"I think, with your level, you can skip directly to junior high school!"

Feng Minsheng put the meatloaf on the plate, and took another meatloaf and put it into the pot.

The sizzling sound sounded again.

"Success! Then please trouble sir!"

Chen Yu actually breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he was really bad, so bad that he was not as good as a child in modern society!
"You memorize the initials, finals, and Arabic numerals first, and then I will teach you something else."

Feng Minsheng thought for a while, took out the paper he had prepared a long time ago, and handed it to Chen Yu.

He has long wanted to "eliminate illiteracy" for this era.

I just wrote some last night and stuffed them into my sleeves. I was planning to use the words of this era to describe various calculus and other geometries.

Since Chen Yu wants to learn, let him try the water first!
Feng Minsheng knew Chen Yu's talent, he was crazy, but his memory was quite good, not as good as Feng Minsheng's photographic memory, he could remember it after reading it twice.

He thought it shouldn't be difficult for Chen Yu.

Facts have proved that what the teacher thinks is not difficult, for some students, it is quite difficult.

Chen Yu took the paper given by Feng Minsheng, and silently looked at the dense symbols on it.

Juemei's face froze for 1 minute.

Even breathing stopped.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

Feng Minsheng put the prepared meatloaf on a plate, picked it up and prepared it for his daughter, and he didn't forget to look back at Chen Yu.

"...Why don't we start at the kindergarten level!"

Chen Yu folded the papers and stopped looking at the ghostly symbols one by one.

Feng Minsheng: ...

This prince is nothing more than that.

Not much smarter than his daughter!

A plate of heavy meatloaf was placed on the table, before Feng Jin could pick it up, Feng Minsheng picked up a chopstick and put it on the plate in front of Feng Jin.

"Thank you daddy!"

Feng Jin started to eat without any hesitation.

Feng Minsheng looked at Feng Jin who looked like a little hamster with a smile, and suddenly said,
"Why don't we move to the capital tomorrow! It is said that it is very prosperous there, and it will take some time for the old house to be rebuilt. Why don't we go to the capital first to earn money from those ladies!"

Feng Minsheng's words are amazing.

He didn't discuss it with anyone, it was a decision he had just made.

The appearance of another "Feng Jin" completely panicked Feng Minsheng.

He didn't know how to keep the brainwaves of their father and daughter in their bodies forever, but he also understood that the reason for that person's appearance was because Dilong turned over.

Dilong turned over and caused people in the village to suffer. When the original owner saw his relatives injured, he burst out with strong emotions.

That is, the brain waves become extremely active.

In order not to stimulate the brain waves of the original owner, the best way is to leave here and go to a strange environment.

This is the only way Feng Minsheng has thought of so far.

"The capital? What about the shop at home! What if someone cuts corners and materials when building a house for us!"

Feng Jin's eyes widened, surprised by Feng Minsheng's decision.

At the same time, his hands gripped the chopsticks tightly.

There must be something she didn't know about, which prompted Dad to make a decision.

She clearly knew her father's character, that was too stubborn.

When he was not rich, he was not very good at taking the next step, and it was not his style to go directly to the capital.

And in the recent period, apart from being hunted down, it was strange that she fainted and woke up from the yard in the shop for no reason.

"Let's buy some servants to manage the shops. Back in the mountains, we don't have to worry about cutting corners when we find someone to build a house. In this era, you will lose your head if you do shabby projects!"

Feng Minsheng didn't care about these things.

If possible, he hoped that Xiao Jin would never return to that small mountain village, and that "Feng Jin" would never "wake up".

Biological brain waves are only active at the same frequency, or in a familiar environment.

Feng Minsheng could only choose this way to escape.

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