Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 219 Corrupt officials can also be promoted


Feng Jin suddenly felt a kind of panic in his heart.

It's like a child who left home suddenly, afraid that he would never find his way home again.

But it was only a few months since she came to this world.

That home was also a dilapidated home. For her, the place with her father was her home, she could go anywhere, and there was nothing to miss about an empty shell.

Why is it still so uncomfortable.

It was hard to even breathe.

All kinds of images flashed involuntarily in my mind, all of which were the original owner's previous memories.

Although I was scolded by my grandparents and uncles most of the time, there were still warm moments.

The honest and honest father and the gentle mother, the family is very warm when no outsiders are around.

Feng Jin "looked" at these memories from the past, so fascinated that she didn't even know that the meatloaf on her chopsticks had fallen off.

"Xiao Jin! Xiao Jin!"

Feng Minsheng suddenly shook Fengjin's shoulders, almost knocking Fengjin off the stool.

Chen Yu also stood beside Feng Jin, bent slightly, and pinched Feng Jin's wrist with his slender fingers.

Hold on tight.

It was as if Feng Jin would fly away at any moment.

"What, what's wrong?"

Feng Jin came back to his senses.

Some wondered why he could empathize with what happened to the former owner, but he was even more surprised by the reaction of the old man and Chen Yu.

"It's nothing, the house at home has collapsed, and there's no need to go back and pack up. I'll go buy a few people in a while, let Fengzheng hand them over, and let's set off together tomorrow!"

Of course Feng Minsheng knew about Fengjin's situation and he couldn't go back to the village.

Even the people in the village didn't want her to see them.

Maybe it would be good to go to the capital!

Feng Jin actually thought it didn't matter, but she didn't know where the sadness came from, so she suppressed the urge to cry and nodded.

"You can find me if you want to buy it! I still have people there, and I can sell it to some of you who know how to do business at a high price."

Wang Tong didn't know when he came over.

Judging from his tightly clenched fingers, he has been standing here for a while.

"I have some skilled craftsmen there. If you want to build any house, you can give them the drawings, and they will definitely do their best to build it."

Chen Yu also opened his mouth.

He was talking about the craftsmen in the palace.

Yesterday when they learned that Feng Minsheng wanted to build a new courtyard, they had already been sent here from the capital.

It is estimated that it is coming soon.

"to make!"

Feng Minsheng did not refuse this time.

At this time, there is no need to shirk the entanglement for such a matter. The most important thing is to hurry to the capital and get away from the original owner's hometown.

Chen Yu and Wang Tong's help is naturally in his eyes. He will take advantage of this advantage first and pay it back later.

However, Feng Minsheng felt that Chen Yu might not have to pay back the cheap price, because that guy was about to take away all the cabbage pots from his house.

"What about Wang Wu and Cheng Jie?"

Feng Jin did not forget her other two buddies.

I always feel that best friends are perfect when they are together. If they are separated in different parts of the world, their uniqueness will not be revealed at all.

"Wang Wu was originally the eldest lady of the Wang family. The Wang's mansion is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the capital. As for County Magistrate Lin, during his reign, the people were prosperous, everyone praised him, and he was awarded by the emperor. It is no problem to come to the capital if he wants to be promoted. "

Wang Tong opened his eyes and talked nonsense.

As we all know, County Magistrate Lin has the character of plucking the wild goose and leaving the skin when the beast walks!

The people in the prison are all good people, and the money in their pockets is more than the money in the pockets of the whole town.

As for the imperial edict of being rewarded by the emperor, it was actually written about implicating the nine clans.

"As it should be, the Ye Kingdom will naturally praise the honest magistrate Lin. Tomorrow there will definitely be an imperial decree congratulating the magistrate Lin on his promotion to the capital. Even the mansion will be bestowed by the emperor."

Chen Yu's beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed.

Not to mention anything else, just mentioning the fact that County Magistrate Lin has seven wives, Chen Yu felt that he was safer than Wang Tong.

Chen Yu didn't know what others thought of this former corrupt official. Chen Yu knew that County Magistrate Lin was a student of Feng Minsheng, and that was enough.

His knowledge and insight must be more thorough than all officials in this era, and he can afford to be promoted to an official.

As for whether others will discuss it, it is no longer within the scope of reference of His Highness the Prince.

The big deal is to kill those who have opinions, otherwise no one will have opinions!

"If you do this, someone named Chen Sheng and Wu Guang will appear sooner or later!"

Hearing the question and answer of the two, Feng Jin couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Maybe others will discuss it, but the people of Fengyang County will definitely join the road to see him off.

No matter how absurd it is for magistrate Lin to be promoted, there is no magistrate Lin in Fengyang County anyway.

It doesn't matter who the next county magistrate is, it's already the last time, there's nothing wrong with another one!
Even if the new county magistrate is a pig, he is better than county magistrate Lin!
"Who is Chen Sheng and Wu Guang? Is he also a student of Mister?"

There was a trace of doubt on Chen Yu's beautiful face, and even a little curiosity.

Mr.'s students belong to the wonderful and capable type.

Chen Yu really hoped that the husband would have more students.

In this way, turning this world into Xiaojin's world is a little closer.

"No, it's an uprising, a general term for rebellion to become emperor."

Feng Jin calmly explained.

Probably because he is too familiar with Chen Yu, so familiar that he can hold hands, hug and fly a kite, and Feng Jin has no scruples about making jokes.

Not to mention the awe of the ancients, Xiaojin doesn't have that stuff at all!
"Oh, you can if you want."

Chen Yu didn't care about this.

If Xiao Jin wanted to be the queen, Chen Yu would definitely be the first to agree, and would quickly kick the old emperor off the dragon chair.

As long as Xiao Jin is happy, as long as she stays here, she can do whatever she wants.

Even Chen Yu thought that if he married Xiao Jin, it would be good to have only a little princess.

Like Mr. said, men and women are equal.

Then let the little princess be the prince and become the queen in the future. The people all over the world know that the royal family treats men and women equally.

Then, revolutionize this pedantic world.

"That's to be determined!"

Feng Jin's face also began to twitch.

I always feel that this guy Chen Yu is getting more and more casual. He used to scold the dog emperor and prince dog together, but now they all started discussing the rebellion.

If one day Fengjin doesn't step on the dragon chair to point Jiangshan once, I'm really sorry for this guy Chen Yu's connivance.

Everyone sat around the stone table, eating the table full of food, and discussing words that could make ordinary people implicate the nine clans.

From time to time, the servants in the shop passed by with plates in the yard, and couldn't help but glance at them.

Sometimes, they also don't understand which side the master belongs to.

The master seemed to want to rebel, but being so close to the crown prince really didn't look like a rebellion, like a madman.

Could it be that he was driven crazy by the prince?

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