Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 220, congratulations, sir, for getting promoted and getting rich

After lunch.

Feng Minsheng and Fengjin went to collect another handful of wool.

Go to the place Wang Tong introduced to buy servants.

The servant he bought this time was not a killer like Fengzheng, but an ordinary capable servant with business experience.

Most importantly, very loyal.

As for why you no longer go to the Lie organization to buy people for one or two dollars, it is because the landlord has no acquaintances at home.

Throughout the afternoon, Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng were not idle.

There is no need to organize too many things, and basically put them in the space when setting fire to the house.

But it is still necessary to train those who just bought it well and let them stay in this place.

Serve as the backing of Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin.

Fengzheng's slightly more powerful servants naturally wanted to go to the capital together.

Feng Jin never forgot that in the capital, there was a noble lady who used Wang Wu's name to buy her own life with money!
There was also the unknown mastermind behind the scenes, who had recruited killers all over the mountains and plains to kill her and Chen Yu.

Feng Zheng and the others followed, so Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin could feel more at ease.

Wang Tong didn't have time to stay here either. After buying someone, he went back to busy with his own affairs.

Even Lin Chengjie and Wang Wu didn't come to find Feng Minsheng's father and daughter.

When Feng Jin passed by the gate of the yamen, he took a special look at it. It was deserted, and occasionally a beggar would enter the yamen, and he didn't know what he was going there for.

It is estimated that Wang Tong, Lin Chengjie and the others are planning something dubiously.

Until late at night, the newly purchased servants became familiar with their duties and the surrounding environment.

The craftsman mentioned by Chen Yu also rushed to Yangjia Village, but instead of helping Feng Minsheng's house build the house immediately, he first helped the homeless villagers build houses.

Of course, it is not voluntary labor, and some fees will still be charged.

In the evening, Feng Jin began to write the novel about the fantasy heroine. She moved her mouth, and Feng Xiaofeng and Feng Xiaohua wrote at the same time.

high speed.

After a few hours of work, I wrote a thick pile.

Until late at night, Feng Jin yawned before falling into a deep sleep.

It's just that when she was going to sleep, Feng Minsheng deliberately kept her from sleeping several times, and made delicious food for her in the middle of the night.

It seemed that she was afraid that she would not wake up from a long sleep.

With delicious food, Fengjin naturally went to bed late.

But in the end, he still had to sleep. Under Feng Minsheng's worried eyes, Feng Jin fell asleep.

On the way, he was woken up by Feng Minsheng, and answered a few questions in a daze.

It's basically a question from her childhood, asking her if she still remembers which teacher she played tricks on.

She answered them all.

At this point, Feng Minsheng felt relieved and let Feng Jin go to sleep.

early morning.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Xiaojin, are you up yet? Hurry up and have breakfast, and you can leave after eating."

Feng Minsheng knocked on the door, the sound of knocking was a little hurried.

Feng Jin stretched, got up slowly, and opened the door.

"Father, it's not even dawn yet, what are you doing up so early!"

Feng Jin rubbed her messy hair, a little speechless.

The capital is neither close nor far from here.

If you ride lightly and pack lightly, you will arrive in a day and a night.

The carriage was a little slower, and it took two days.

Anyway, I have to spend the night outside in the middle, so I don't have to wake up early in the morning in a daze.

Seeing her daughter's sleepy look, she even rolled her eyes at herself.

Feng Minsheng felt relieved a lot, this is because of his unfilial son.

He was worried that the unfilial son would suddenly disappear without a trace while he was sleeping.

He has no strength to restrain a chicken, and he doesn't know how to cook and wash clothes. If he were not in this body, Feng Minsheng really can't imagine where she would go!
"Breakfast is ready and everything is packed. The carriage is outside. Let's go first. If it's late, we have to enter the capital with Lin Chengjie's team."

Feng Minsheng smiled gently, and put the breakfast in Fengjin's room.

Fragrant egg pancakes, and a bowl of millet porridge made with rice oil.

The very ordinary breakfast, after Feng Minsheng's hands, instantly became full of color, fragrance and taste.

Fengjin's taste buds were instantly opened, and after a brief wash, he began to eat.

Feng Minsheng had already had breakfast, so he simply waited and watched Fengjin eat.

"Isn't it good to go to Beijing with Chengjie?"

Feng Jin knew that Lin Chengjie was about to get promoted and made a fortune, and the imperial decree for promotion was probably coming soon.

It was all done by that guy Chen Yu.

When officials enter Beijing, they must be protected by officers and soldiers, and they always feel safer.

"Let's go on the road alone! That guy has offended too many people, and the common people want to strangle him. It's not safe to go to Beijing with him!"

Feng Minsheng resolutely refused to go to Beijing with Lin Chengjie.

After entering Beijing together, others will know that his student is a corrupt official!
Coupled with Lin Chengjie's future official position, Feng Minsheng decided to quickly keep his distance.

"You... are right!"

Feng Jin thought of when all the people in Fengyang County cried together, or when Lin Chengjie was praised by the emperor, they cried so loudly.

Yesterday's Dilong turned over was not as tragic as that day.

After eating, Fengjin glanced at the icing on the cake.

There are people coming and going in the store, and there are still many customers.

But the boy in the shop has been replaced by a refined and easy-going Shopkeeper Zhu.

The boys are also hardworking and capable, and they know a little bit about fisting.

For the people of Fengyang County, the icing on the cake is as delicious and lively as ever.

For Feng Jin and his daughter, they are leaving here today and going to the capital.

Going here will definitely not be peaceful, but what kind of sparks will be stirred up in the capital?

Fengjin originally wanted to go back to the village. Although the house was burned and collapsed, he could still see his friend, Xiaofang.

But Fengmin refused to let her go back, and kept urging her to go to the capital.

Feng Jin had no choice but to give up, so he asked the newly appointed shopkeeper Guo to go to the village when he had time to help Xiao Fang who was abused by his family.

The shopkeeper Zhu also made a suggestion to ask Xiaofang to help make some ingredients for the icing on the cake.

Feng Jin naturally agrees, but only hints that shopkeeper Zhu must remind Xiaofang to control the money by herself, and don't be troubled by her family again.

I wish the shopkeeper is a good person, so I will understand it naturally.

After a while, he got into the carriage, and the carriage walked slowly on the street.

A few carriages followed Feng Minsheng's father and daughter, and it was Feng Zheng's carriage.

The carriage was given by Chen Yu, and the luxury inside was no less than that of Wang Wu's carriage, but the exterior looked a little more plain.

On the way, Wang Wujia's luxurious carriage also joined the camp.


"Congratulations, my lord, for being promoted!"

"Open your eyes, your lord has finally been promoted!"

Before walking out of the street, the people on the road broke out.

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