Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 221, Dali Temple Minister

Feng Jin opened the curtain and looked outside.

The common people hugged their heads and cried in the street, crying heartily.

Some people even held wine jars and slammed their glasses in the street, feeling bored.

Don't ask why you're so happy.

The question is because the magistrate of Fengyang County was promoted to the capital.

It is said that they set off today, and the imperial decree arrived just this morning.

The people of the whole county were beaming, happier than Magistrate Lin himself!

Thinking of the days when they were plucked, all the rich and squires were about to cry.


If they had known that Lord Lin could be sent away in such a way, they would have started promoting the reputation of County Magistrate Lin early!

Definitely mold him into a great upright official!

Since he can't be brought down, it's good to let him get promoted and make a fortune!

The people of the whole county suddenly became enlightened and began to tell each other.

He kept saying that county magistrate Lin was an upright and good official, but no one could tell why he was so good!

Even three-year-olds were happily running up and down the road with their bare feet.

They don't know why they are happy.

But they knew that today the parents of the family cut some meat to celebrate the promotion of the county magistrate.

"Didn't that guy try his best to change his image! Why are everyone still reacting so violently!"

Feng Jin lowered the curtain silently, but through the heavy curtain, she could still feel everyone's excitement.

Almost shot!
"This is everyone's stereotyped impression of Lin Chengjie. Even if Lin Chengjie has become fair and strict recently, it will be difficult to change everyone's impression of him."

A person who has done [-] bad things, but only one good thing, is hard to be seen by everyone. When everyone sees it, they will still remember his well-behaved behavior.

"It's done!"

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, suddenly remembered something, and asked Feng Minsheng again,
"Father, do you know what official position Lin Chengjie is in the capital?"

If he becomes a high-ranking official, he probably won't have to worry about being bullied by people in the capital in the future.

It is said that in the capital, when a brick is thrown casually, the three people hit are all people with backers.

It's hard to guarantee that people from rural areas like her and daddy won't be bullied!

What if someone stepped on their heads to do their best!

Obviously, Feng Jin was overthinking.

No matter how short-sighted the people in the capital are, they will not bully the people His Royal Highness likes, unless their whole family doesn't want to live anymore.

"Master of Dali Temple."

Feng Minsheng's face twitched and he spat out four words.

Prince is really a talent.

The emperor really indulged the prince.

Lin Chengjie is also thick-skinned.

Dare to give such a position.

"What is this position for? Watching the TV series, it seems to be equivalent to a judge deciding a case."

Feng Jin vaguely knew something, but he didn't know how important this position was.

Anyway, Lin Chengjie now looks more than 30 years old, old enough, no matter what position he is in, he is quite suitable.

"To judge the crimes of hundreds of officials in the capital, as well as the difficult and miscellaneous cases submitted by various places, is also the highest position in Dali Temple, which is equivalent to the current Ministry of Justice."

Feng Minsheng rubbed his twitching face, feeling that he was about to lose his grip.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about Lin Chengjie's black history, probably many people in the capital know about it.

Those who know that he is the prime minister know that he is seeking the people's fat and anointing for the prime minister.

There is no unsealed wall in the world. Suddenly, from a small county magistrate to Dali Temple Minister, there must be many people who want to see what this person is capable of.

When the time comes, Lin Chengjie won't even have any pants left, so he will definitely be heard clearly and plainly by others.

Anyway, everyone knows that he is a corrupt official.

And such a person became the Minister of Dali Temple.

What case to settle?

Those who are locked in the dungeon may not be as serious as Lin Chengjie's previous crimes!
"'s quite magical, but it's also very good. If anyone offends us, he can directly file a complaint to Dali Temple and find Lin Chengjie to settle the case. He will definitely win!"

Feng Jin thinks this can be done.

After all, in the Gongdou drama, Dali Temple is the most common one.

Lin Chengjie can tell nonsense with his eyes closed without spending money at all.

Even others will not be surprised.

After all, Lin Chengjie was originally such a person. He was a corrupt official. How could he make a corrupt official better?
Feng Jin's head was filled with inspiration instantly, and the soul of the novel lingered at his fingertips.

The new book - "I Became a Corrupt Official in the Capital" will definitely be a mudslide in this feudal superstitious dynasty.

Not to mention the ladies, even the officials in the capital, probably have to be urged to change.

Among other things, the main reason is that you can empathize with Shuangwen.

Who can refuse to be a corrupt official openly, don't worry about losing your head, the emperor even praised you as a good person!

Hearing Feng Jin's words, Feng Minsheng silently rolled his eyes, pulled out a book from the side, and continued to read.

It's time for another exam after a while.

Even though he left here, he could still take the rural examination in the capital. If he won the title of scholar chief this time, he might be able to get along better in the capital.

The first case of a scholar in the capital basically means that he will definitely be able to enter high school in the future.

Stop and go along the way.

Feng Jin also worked hard with the pen.

I am writing the follow-up outline plot of the female respected article.

What she didn't know was that the manuscript written by staying up late last night had already been delivered to the shopkeeper of the study, and the shopkeeper of the study began to print a large number of manuscripts immediately after receiving the manuscript.

Let His Royal Highness have a look.

Chen Yu read it all night, even when he was busy, he still held the manuscript written by Feng Jin.

The reason why Chen Yu didn't come to deliver Fengjin was because of his secret cooperation with Wang Tong.

But now, when discussing things with Wang Tong, the manuscript is still in his hand, and it has been read over and over several times.

"Written by Xiaojin? Did you realize that your world is very pedantic and not as free as ours!"

Wang Tong only glanced at it, and saw the content above, densely packed, most of them were similar novels.

He also read a lot.

He liked to read all the novels Xiaojin liked to read.

"Well, she wrote it. It's impactful. It's going to change the world."

Chen Yu nodded, and it was rare for the first time that he didn't refute him too much in front of Wang Tong.

"Hehe, I hope you can abide by the agreement. Although I am not as powerful as you, if you go back on your word, I will definitely not let you go. There are ways."

Wang Tong's eyes instantly became much colder.

He looked outside the door, and saw an old man trembling towards the room. The old man's face was wrinkled, his hair was gray, and he seemed to be very old.

"Of course I will abide by the agreement, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here now."

Chen Yu also glanced at the old man, and then at the direction of the capital.

Xiaojin should have left the county seat by now and walked on the official road.

But, after leaving here, can Xiao Jin really be Xiao Jin forever?
Chen Yu's fingers turned slightly white, and he looked at the old man at the same time as Wang Tong, quietly waiting for his arrival.

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