Feng Jin didn't ask where Chen Yu and Wang Tong went, but thought they were busy with the victims.

But with the foresight of the red fox, there were not as many victims as she had imagined, and Chen Yu didn't need to spend too much time at all.

She is busy describing the plot of the storybook, and hopes that after she arrives in the capital, she will become the favorite writer of all the famous ladies.

For two days in a row.

From the mountain road at the beginning, to the dirt road, the official road, and finally to the capital.

When entering the capital, you need a document issued by the government, but Fengjin and the others don't have it.

When the carriage was approaching the gate, the groom showed the soldiers guarding the gate a jade plaque.

The soldiers let Fengjin in very politely.

Once inside the city gate, Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng couldn't wait to lift the curtain and saw the scene outside.

On the bustling street, there are a lot of people in the neat shops on both sides, and the overall dress is much better than that of the people in the small mountain village.

But not too amazing.

It doesn't have the busy feeling of modern ordinary cities.

"It's a bit like the various ancient towns that Dad took me to see, but this one is bigger."

Feng Jin was slightly disappointed.

It looks prosperous, but the GDP created is probably not as good as ordinary small towns.

It looks a little low.

However, these people are wearing real gold and silver, and white silver hairpins can be seen everywhere.

From time to time, some young servants can be seen carrying small sedan chairs, and the people around the sedan chair are either young servants or maidservants.

Everyone's ladies and sons and sisters are extremely particular about their travels.

"This is already the most affluent area. Although there are no high-rise buildings, the wealth they own is indeed considerable."

Feng Minsheng didn't feel that this place was not prosperous, it was too prosperous.

There are many people who have a lot of gold, silver and jade.

In modern times, they are all rich and noble families. The reason why Fengjin looks down on them is because they look too shabby.

No amount of silver or gold can buy a car, so it looks poor.

It's different when Feng Minsheng comes.

You have to earn money first!
The money earned in Fengyang County, and even some dowry accumulated by Feng Jin from writing his own scripts, gave Wang Tong a lot of money last night.

Ask Wang Tong to help buy a mansion in the capital.

After spending a lot of money, Feng Minsheng was very distressed, so he decided to get the money quickly.

Blend cosmetics and sell them to noble ladies in the capital at high prices!

Feng Minsheng told the groom an address, and the carriage slowly walked towards the palace.

On the street closest to the palace, there are several lavish courtyards.

On the far side is the mansion of the Wang family, the richest man in Ye Country.

The four bright characters on the plaque of the mansion "Wang's Mansion" are all made of solid gold.

There is also a row of precious luminous pearls inlaid on the top. Every night, the luminous pearls will emit a faint fluorescence.

The four big characters "Wang's Mansion" will always be lit up, and you can see them when you look up.

Feng Jin saw the big yellow gold characters and the round big night pearl inlaid on it at a glance.

At the same time, Wang Wu's carriage also stopped at the gate of Wang's mansion, and the guards at the gate immediately greeted him and saluted Wang Wu's carriage.

Wang Wu opened the curtain, waved at Fengjin from a distance, and went back to the mansion first.

The mansion that Wang Tong helped buy was also on this street. Wang Wu had been away from the Wang family for too long, so she had to go back quickly.

The only daughter of the Wang family, he has many things to do.

"Tsk tsk tsk, father, does the mansion we bought have such a big night pearl?"

Looking at the extremely luxurious gate and plaque, Fengjin couldn't help but envy.

The position of the night pearl is really just right, it directly fills up the specifications.

"We don't need to spend that money, just light a lantern as soon as possible!"

Feng Minsheng looked at the row of night pearls, and added,
"Light a row of lanterns."

Feng Jin: ...

The carriage continued to move forward and stopped after walking for a certain distance.

It was only at this time that Feng Jin realized that the house in front of him was only one mansion away from Wang Wu's house.

The gate of the mansion was closed, and it seemed that no one had moved in yet.

Feng Minsheng took out the key Wang Tong gave him, and opened the door of the mansion.

Feng Jin looked inside, he couldn't see the end at a glance, there were scattered houses everywhere, clean and empty.

Feng Jin was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

"Father, when did our family have so much money?"

Last night, Feng Minsheng just asked herself to ask for 10,000 taels in silver notes. These are her share of writing scripts, but she definitely can't afford such a big house in the capital.

"A big house with seven entrances and seven exits occupies several acres of land, so it is naturally unaffordable."

Feng Minsheng shook his head and walked in calmly.

"Wang Tong hacked someone with a knife? Did he agree to sell it?"

Feng Jin always felt that something was wrong.

It's too cheap!

"That's not true. The original owner of this house was a jewelry merchant. I gave Wang Tong a stack of design drawings, and the merchant sold it to me for 10,000 taels of silver."

Feng Minsheng's fingers trembled slightly.

For this house, I painted the style for almost one night, it was really hard work!
Tsk, money is so hard to earn!
Those blueprints were enough for the jeweler to make a fortune, and caused waves in the circle of ladies in the capital. They would give out thousands of taels of silver for jewelry.

The businessman is not bad either.

Hearing Feng Minsheng's words, many of Fengzheng's servants subconsciously looked up at Feng Minsheng.

A look of disapproval flashed in his eyes.

Their master has lost a lot.

The value of these people is based on one tael of silver, so why is the house ten thousand times more expensive than them?

"Our place is too empty, hurry up and buy more people!"

Looking at the empty houses and courtyards around her, Feng Jin felt that everything was quiet.

Not safe.

As everyone knows, with the servants behind Fengjin around, this is the safest place in the capital.

"Take a day off today and go shopping tomorrow."

Feng Minsheng also felt that it was not good for such a large mansion to be empty, without even a guard at the gate.

Feng Jin finally arrived at her small yard when her feet were hurting.

After entering the small courtyard, a faint scent of gardenias blows over my face.

A gardenia tree surrounded by several people is located in the small garden in the yard.

Gardenias fell all over the ground, and under the gardenia tree, there was a table and chairs made of high-quality nanmu.

If you look carefully, the soil around the gardenia tree is still soft and it has just been transplanted.

The mansion has just been bought, and the plaque of Feng's family is not even hung, so it is a bit bleak, but the small courtyard where Fengjin lives looks much more exquisite.

The tables and chairs under the tree are all directly carved out of a whole piece of nanmu, which is invaluable.

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