Fengzheng, some of the servants went to other places to tidy up.

Feng Minsheng, Feng Jin and the four maids entered Feng Jin's small courtyard.

"From now on, you will live here with Xiao Jin, and be her personal servant girl, so you don't have to be busy with other things outside."

Feng Minsheng opened his mouth.

Xiaojin's small courtyard occupies a large area and is also very exquisite. Not to mention four maids, it is more than enough to accommodate dozens of people.

This is really a leap to become the eldest lady of the capital.


Feng Xiaofeng and the servant girls responded, and stood respectfully beside Feng Jin.

They are the best female warriors in the world, and besides protecting her, they also have another important mission beside the little master.

Swipe a brush and splash ink, and kill the Quartet with words.

The courtyard is surrounded by servants' rooms, and the middle position, except for a lobby, is Fengjin's boudoir.

The boudoir is very big, and there is a compartment for the maid. Feng Jin doesn't like people sleeping near her at night, so she doesn't plan to keep the maid to sleep in the boudoir.

Inky and antique.

It looks simple, but each piece of furniture is carefully selected, and it is obvious that it is different from the carpenters in the village.

Even the gauze curtain around Fengjin's bed is made of high-quality cloud smoke gauze.

Exquisite porcelain, a cabinet was pulled out from a whole wall, and there were complete sets of jewelry in it.

All of them are exquisite and valuable.

"Are these things more expensive than this house?"

Feng Jin looked at Feng Minsheng, and wrote a stack of blueprints, how did so many things come in exchange?
Could it be that the previous owner forgot to take away the contents of the mansion?

"The businessman in this mansion has just been built, and he reluctantly gave up his love. These things..."

Feng Minsheng didn't say the rest, but the father and daughter had already guessed it.

Either Chen Yu or Wang Tong got it here.

"This...isn't it good?"

Feng Jin always felt that there were too many things, and it was not good to accept them.

No matter how dull he is, he still understands the significance of the jewelry on this wall.

However, it's also really pretty.

Feng Jin couldn't help but take a few more glances, and even looked at her own place where clothes were kept.

Sure enough, a lot of clothes and cloth were stuffed inside.

Even the small warehouse outside was filled with boxes of silver, gold, jewelry and the like.

It looks like a big stone on the side of the road, and it can be seen everywhere.

"It's okay, if you like it, keep it! Today I will write about how to make explosives and a simple version of earth guns. I believe any of them will be very interested."

Feng Minsheng thought about it, and decided to sell these to the people who bought them.

It's not appropriate to send something back to my daughter directly.

That being the case, switch to another way and return it.

However, Feng Minsheng and Fengjin still feel a little bit embarrassed.

Suspected of being a white wolf with empty gloves!
But the four maidservants who heard Feng Minsheng's words all stared wide-eyed.

They don't know what an earthen gun is, but they know very well what dynamite means.

It is the thing that blows up those tens of thousands of dead men to scum, and can make ordinary people more powerful than those dead men who are worth ten thousand!

Earthen guns must be more powerful than explosives.

The maids looked at Feng Minsheng with pained faces, prodigal, such a prodigal!
If you make explosives properly, you can directly rebel without using an army, and blow up the palace without anyone noticing.

But the master just prepared to give the prescription to the people who sent these copper-smelling jewelry.

Too extravagant, too wasteful!

Also, why do the two masters look embarrassed? Is this too low self-esteem?
They are already messy.

Does the master understand the significance of explosives in this country?

Anyway, no other country has such a thing. If someone controls it first, in the future... maybe it will really be able to unify the world!
The more I think about it, the more I feel bad.

However, the master scratched his head in inferiority, it's really hard to describe!
The maids were heartbroken, but they didn't say anything after all.

After all, they are the masters, let alone give others the recipe for explosives and soil guns for nothing.

Even if it is burned, they have no reason to say no, their task is to listen to the master.

Let whoever is killed be killed.

Write what you want to write.

"Okay, it's not good to just give them these two prescriptions. I'll think about what else can make up for them."

Feng Minsheng scratched his head, and felt ashamed again for his empty handed white wolf.

But the things my daughter likes can't be returned. Once she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, she would forcefully buy and sell things if she didn't want to lose face!

Pretend you're not taking advantage!
As soon as Feng Minsheng left, less than a cup of tea, Feng Zheng strode into Feng Jin's yard.

Because there is no maidservant guarding the gate in Fengjin Yard, according to the usual practice, male servants are not allowed to come in without orders.

But there are too few people, that's all there is to it.

"Miss, a Miss Chen came outside the door. She said she was a neighbor from a nearby street. Seeing that she just moved here, she wanted to exchange a handkerchief with her."

Feng Zheng spoke respectfully.

But after he finished speaking, he hesitated to speak.

He saw that Miss Chen's attitude was not very good. Although she spoke kindly, the arrogance in her eyes was not concealed at all.

Even the maids who followed her looked arrogant.

It was as if it was a great honor for this mansion for them to come to visit.

They also just came to the capital, and they are not very clear about the relationship network in the capital.

Originally, he didn't want to pass it on. Seeing that Ms. Chen is not a good person, according to his previous thinking, he basically wiped her neck directly.

However, he is considered a good man now, he can't kill people directly, he has to follow the rules, and don't bring trouble to the master.

It's also the first time for the master to come to the capital, so it's better to keep a low profile first.

"Who is Miss Chen?"

Feng Jin is a little strange, she only knows one Wang Wu among the ladies in the capital, but this is a real daughter, not a fake "daughter".

"It's the family on the farthest end of the street. I don't know the distance and location. I've already sent someone to investigate."

Feng Zheng said.

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look!"

Feng Jin nodded, and strode towards the gate.

When walking, there is still a little bit of resentment.

It's really inconvenient for such a big house!
It takes a long time to walk!

outside the mansion.

A group of servant girls surrounded a brightly dressed woman. The red dress was flamboyant and bright, which made the woman's delicate face even more charming.

The skin can be broken by blowing bombs, and the skin is as white as snow.

A pair of phoenix eyes are attractive and gorgeous, and there is an indelible arrogance in the eyebrows.

At first glance, she looks like a young lady who has been raised and raised since she was a child.

"Miss, they don't know how to be polite, they just let us hang out like this and won't let us in!"

"Yes, miss, the sun is too strong, why don't we go back to the mansion first!"

"This is just a nouveau riche from a small mountain village, and he doesn't deserve to be treated like this by the eldest lady!"

"Miss, I just took a look at it. It's very empty inside. There are not many servants. It's just an empty shell!"

A group of servant girls persuaded the bright and beautiful woman, belittling the Feng family's mansion from time to time.

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