Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 231 Why Didn't Kill You

Chen Yu's voice was not mixed with any emotion, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking or his attitude.

But Mr. Chen knew that if he didn't speak out again, he would seek so-called justice.

In the future, all officials will laugh at him.

"Your Highness! I beg Your Highness to be the minister! This Feng family not only hanged up my daughter and beat them, but also beat the court officials!"

Mr. Chen didn't know whether he was guilty or cautious, and he didn't even mention the so-called loss of the jade pendant.

Many officials dared not speak out, and no one spoke.

Lin Chengjie didn't refute Master Chen's words either.

Rebuttal or not is irrelevant.

The guy standing in front of him is Chen Yu, a man who has been beaten up several times by Xiao Jin, and he hasn't been beaten away yet!
He is more "unreasonable and troublesome" than himself, and tolerates Xiaojin unconditionally.

Therefore, apart from Mr. Chen's voice, no one spoke.

Even Feng Xiaofeng didn't refute, just knelt on the ground blankly, touching fish.

What Feng Xiaofeng was thinking at the moment was that he didn't have to look at these people for a while, and he could fish in a daze until Miss Wan wrote the script.

so good!
"Hit you?"

Chen Yu asked indifferently.

No sorrow or joy.

"Yes! I beg Your Highness to be the master, please Your Highness to save the minister's family!"

Master Chen knelt on the ground and kowtowed, not daring to look directly at Chen Yu.

But I feel in my heart that even if the Feng family was not provocative at the beginning this time, it must be the Feng family who suffered.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has never had friendship with anyone, and he will not talk nonsense with his eyes open like Dali Siqing.

At the very least, from the bright side, the family is still at a disadvantage.

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen's expression darkened. No one cares about his prostitute's daughter until now!
"Heh, why didn't I kill you?"

Chen Yu snorted coldly, his voice was cold and thin, as if he was stating an unimportant matter.

The words of His Royal Highness instantly turned everyone into petrification.

They all looked at His Highness the Crown Prince in shock, but didn't dare to look at it for too long, and quickly lowered their heads.

What's happening here?
His Royal Highness is also related to the Feng family?
It must be, if not, why would His Royal Highness say that?
"His... Your Highness, you..."

Master Chen opened his mouth, wanting to ask something, but found that he didn't know how to ask.

He also fully understood that the prince must have something to do with the Feng family, so even Dali Temple Minister would cover up the Feng family in this way.

But why didn't the capital hear anything about the prince's friendship with the Feng family before?

Master Chen's body shook violently, wishing he could slap himself.

If I had known this earlier, this daughter-in-law, don't mind!
Now, I can't get off the stage!

Chen Yu ignored Master Chen who was kneeling on the ground, but walked up to Feng Xiaofeng, and said to Feng Xiaofeng who was touching fish,

"Is your lady up?"

Compared with the coolness just now, the voice was a little more subdued.

Feng Xiaofeng slowed down from the state of fishing, and glanced at the sun.

The sun is already hanging high in the middle.

A long time has passed since Mr. Chen came here and now.

"It must have happened."

Feng Xiaofeng couldn't guarantee it either.

After all, her lady writes the storybook at night, sleeps very late, and wakes up even later in the morning.

There is also a very strong wake up breath.

"Go and see, if it happens, let her and Mr. come out, there is an imperial decree."

Chen Yu thought about it, and decided to let Xiao Jin come out to receive the imperial edict.

He was afraid that he would go in and give Xiaojin an imperial edict, and if Xiaojin didn't get up, he would have to give him a big bag.

It is also beneficial to come out to receive the imperial decree, that is, let some people who do not have eyesight see clearly that Fengzhai is being protected by him, so don't let Xiaojin suffer.

It's only been a day since I've been here, and there are already so-called ladies looking for faults.

Don't worry about it if you don't fix it.

"But... I still have to watch them! Miss said, they can't leave if they can't find the jade pendant!"

Feng Xiaofeng hesitated for a moment.

The prince has to listen to what the young lady says, and it is obvious whose words are the most important.

When everyone heard Feng Xiaofeng's words, the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely.

The brain circuit of this maid from the Feng family is really unusual.

No matter what time, the crown prince came to personally say that the imperial decree had arrived, and this bitch was still looking at his prostitute at the door!

This Mr. Chen really suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck!

"The prince is watching, you go and call your lady!"

Chen Yu also took a bit of seriousness when he spoke, and then really stood where Feng Xiaofeng stood at the beginning.

Just like the servants of the Feng family at the beginning, they were afraid that someone would rescue Chen Jing and the others.

Seeing the prince's attitude, Mr. Chen suddenly collapsed to the ground.

There is only one thought in his mind, it's over!

He turned around and wanted to find a few colleagues among the many officials, so that he could say a few good words for himself later.

But every official who caught his gaze turned his head away immediately, for fear of getting involved with him.

At this time, he suddenly realized that no one from the Ministry of Rites was here, not even the Master Shangshu from the Ministry of Rites showed up.

He just gave him a few hidden guards at the beginning.

Mr. Chen seemed to understand something, he could only accept his fate and kneel on the ground, waiting for his future fate.

After Chen Yu stood there, Feng Xiaofeng went back to Feng Mansion, and closed the door after returning.

The blood at the door is too heavy, Feng Xiaofeng is afraid that it will be unlucky.

But in the eyes of everyone, a servant girl dared to shut the prince out, this Feng family really couldn't afford it!

All the officials have already made up their minds. When they go back, they must remember to tell their daughters and wives not to offend the eldest lady of Fengfu.

In order not to end up with Chen Jing.

After half an hour, the gate of Feng Mansion was slowly opened.

It's really because the Fengzhai is too big and Fengjin is too slow to get up, that's why they came so slowly.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin walked in the front, followed by the servant girl from Feng Mansion.

Everyone is here, there are not twenty people in total, the number of people is really pitiful.

The first thing Chen Yu saw was Feng Jin, seeing her sleepy eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

I think it's so cute.

I really want to reach out and rub her temples to wake her up.

He did the same.

Without going through the brain at all, the big hand has already landed on Fengjin's temple.


Feng Minsheng slapped Chen Yu's hand off, with a warning on his face.

In broad daylight, don't ruin his daughter's reputation!

Didn't see so many people!
Chen Yu smiled embarrassingly, and silently took his hand back, but still couldn't help rubbing his fingers.

Anyway, if you come across it, you won't suffer.

All the officials heard the crisp sound, and subconsciously shivered.

I thought that beating the prince would cause a rage, and the least crime would be to implicate the nine clans, but the prince didn't seem to care.

Occasionally, I saw the prince smiling wretchedly...

"Mr. Feng, Miss Xiaojin, please accept the order."

Rong Feng bowed respectfully to Feng Minsheng Feng Jin, and then took out a shining imperial edict.

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