Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 232, the decree is just written

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

All the officials just didn't stand up, they knelt on the ground and the mountain was long live.

Feng Minsheng and Xiaojin were about to kneel on the ground when Chen Yu lifted them up.

No need to kneel.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin didn't bother with this, and they didn't kneel if they were not allowed to kneel. They didn't have the gene of admiring the royal family in their bones.

"By God's blessing, the emperor ordered that the daughter of the Feng family is bright and bright, virtuous and gentle, with a bounty of ten thousand taels, a hundred bolts of silk and satin..., and the title of Princess Jinxiu..., hereby!"

Rongfeng just read the seal and read it like a cup of tea. Although his mouth was a little dry, he didn't dare to listen at all.

It wasn't until after reading that that he let out a long sigh of relief.

His fingers dragged the imperial decree, and accidentally touched the ink on it, and the ink wet his fingers.

This edict was written by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince himself, and he is still raving about it!
Hearing that the crown princess suffered a loss, she hurriedly wrote the imperial decree, and even the jade seal was just snatched from the emperor.

Rongfeng was serving the emperor to drink tea, but the old emperor didn't even take a sip of the tea, so His Royal Highness threw the teacup and dragged him over to read out the imperial decree.

These rewards were all directly moved from the old emperor's private treasury.

The old emperor let him move with a smile while clutching his teeth in pain.

Rongfeng felt that if he moved like this two or three times, His Highness the Crown Prince would soon ascend the throne!

If it weren't for the common people's reward, she couldn't be directly named a princess, it would be too eye-catching, and the crown princess would not only have the title of princess.

You know, only the daughter of a prince of the opposite sex can be named princess, not to mention Xiao Jin's family lived in a small mountain village in the past.

If it weren't for being bound by some rules and regulations, Rongfeng would have suspected that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would directly confer the title of Empress.

Rongfeng believed that His Royal Highness was crazy enough to do such a thing directly.

After the decree was read.

Everyone opened their mouths, stared, and forgot to respond.

They never knew that there was another Fengzhai here this time, let alone the little girl who was sealed up.

He popped up suddenly, was made princess suddenly, was protected by the new minister of Dali Temple suddenly, and was treated differently by His Highness the Crown Prince...

It's really confusing.

But everyone has only one thought in mind, no matter what happens in the future, they must not offend the people in Feng Zhai.

There is also a small group of people who taste the word Feng, and start to guess whether this Fengzhai has something to do with the former Master Feng Taifu?

"Hurry up and see Princess Jinxiu!"

With a high-pitched voice, Rong Feng scolded everyone.

Rongfeng's voice directly woke up everyone, and they quickly shouted at Fengjin,

"See Princess Jinxiu!"

Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng glanced at each other, and couldn't help but raised their hands to touch the back of their heads at the same time.

It's too exciting.

After criticizing feudal imperialism so many times, I didn't expect that I would also be feudal.

Just being named princess and getting so much money, the two of them still feel a bit embarrassed in their hearts.

Feng Minsheng wondered if it would be a bit too cheap to only write about how to make explosives or earthen guns.

Just write some methods of making grenades. Although Feng Minsheng can't make them by himself, Chen Yu has an army and his own craftsmen, so it's only a matter of time before they can be made.

"Cough, everyone, get up."

It was the first time that Feng Jin saw so many people kneeling down for her, and many of them were wearing official uniforms, silently hiding behind Chen Yu.

Always feel a little social dead.

Feng Jin was too worried, His Royal Highness was standing beside her, his body was so cold that few people dared to stare directly at Feng Jin.

Some people have already decided in their hearts that the reason why the prince has changed so unusually is that he must have taken a fancy to this young lady from the Feng family.

It's just that there are women of the right age in the family, and when the concubine is publicly selected, has the position of the crown princess already been reserved?
"Thank you Princess Jinxiu!"

Under Chen Yu's dark eyes, all the officials bowed to Feng Jin again, and then got up.

"Can I go back?"

Feng Jin tilted her head and spoke to Chen Yu in a low voice.

"of course can."

Chen Yu also tilted his head and talked to Feng Jin in a low voice.

Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng got the answer, turned around and walked into the yard.

As a modern person, it is really embarrassing to be kneeled by so many people.

"Everything is brought in."

Chen Yu glanced at the team carrying things, and motioned for them to carry the rewards in.


The guards quickly carried the heavy boxes and walked into the wind house.

One team after another, endlessly.

The box alone lifted more than 100 boxes.

"Your Highness, how should they deal with it?"

Lin Chengjie pointed to Mrs. Chen and Chen Jing, as well as some of the secret guards.

With the power of Dali Temple Minister, they can naturally be tried, and the location of the charges is different from what Chen Yu said himself.

"There is no such person in the Ministry of Rites."

Chen Yu left a word and went straight into the wind house.

When Master Chen heard Chen Yu's words, he was completely paralyzed on the ground.

He didn't even know the ins and outs of the matter, so he lost his official position directly.

His current status is also obtained through more than ten years of hard study and more than ten years of hard work. He didn't expect that it would be completely over because of a temptation by his daughter.

The words of the prince are more unshakable than the words of the emperor.

Not to mention that he was just dismissed from his position, even if he hacked himself to death with a knife in the court, the emperor would just say a distressing sentence - don't tire the prince's hands.

Lin Chengjie glanced into the courtyard of Fengzhai for a long time, but only saw the guards carrying the boxes.

So I had to give up.

Still thinking about reminiscing with my buddies!
But Chen Yu was inside, so he chose to deal with his own affairs first.

"Come here, put Miss Chen down, and lift up the maids and servants of the Chen family by the way, don't dirty this place, be careful, don't break anyone's legs."

Lin Chengjie spoke quietly.

As soon as Lin Chengjie's words fell, the crisp sound of bones breaking rang out.

Chen Jing, who was in a coma, let out a muffled snort, and woke up abruptly from the pain.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw many men looking at her, and there was even a guard with a long sword in his hand, and the hilt was waving towards her.


With a cry of surprise, he passed out again.

But the sound of bones breaking was heard again, this time it was the arm that suffered.

Lin Chengjie glanced at it lightly, but didn't feel cruel.

In the memory of his original body, there are many cruel things, this is just a drizzle.

Chen Jing's screams made many officials shudder.

At the beginning, the officials who wanted their daughters to compete for the position of the crown princess disappeared in an instant.

The Feng family is not only protected by the prince, but also the minister of Dali Temple. There is no possibility of winning at all.

It's just that some hard-headed people still think that it should be possible for their beautiful daughters to be a prince and side concubine.

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