In the wind house.

Feng Jin didn't pay attention to the commotion outside.

With Lin Chengjie around, it should be quiet outside soon.

Lin Chengjie looks gentle and gentle, but when it's time to get serious, he won't be soft-hearted.

What's more, he still has the genes of that corrupt official in his bones.

Feng Jin walked ahead, scratching her head while watching the guards move things into the small courtyard where she lived.

Feng Zheng led the servants to continue tidying up the mansion, while Feng Minsheng went to the study by himself.

Except for Chen Yu Fengjin, there were only guards who moved things.

The guards were almost out of breath under the weight of the heavy box, but they still carried it with all their strength.

Every step is extremely heavy.

"Did you add everything in my yard?"

Feng Jin remembered all kinds of decorations in his house, even in the small warehouse, there were a lot of things.

"If you don't like it, I'll make another batch."

Chen Yu spoke softly.

Originally, Wang Tong helped Feng Minsheng buy a house, which made him feel that he was already on the way to lose, so he must fill up the house that Xiao Jin lives in.

An hour before Feng Jinfeng Minsheng came to this house, there were countless hidden guards who were at a loss with some pink and tender jewelry.

"I like it very much, thank you."

Feng Jin naturally liked it, with a faint smile on her face.

Chen Yu looked at Feng Jin's side face, the sun shone on Feng Jin's face, reflecting just the right amount of fine fluff, and the whole person became much softer.

A big hand grabbed the weak and boneless little hand and tightened slightly.

Feng Jin felt the trembling of Chen Yu's hand holding her, and looked curiously at the man who was close at hand.

I saw Chen Yu whose face was full of sunshine.

The beautiful face was coated with a layer of sacred light, like a god in the sky, sacred and not profane.

Bang bang bang.

The heart couldn't help beating.

Feng Jin's ears were slightly red, and she couldn't help tightening her fingers in response.

Chen Yu was a little flattered by the small force coming from his hand, and he grasped Xiao Jin's fingers more firmly.

It was supposed to be a moment of happiness, but Chen Yu suddenly remembered what the old man said.

He said that people who do not belong here in the first place do not belong here after all, and if they stay forcibly, they will be punished by God.

I panicked, and unconsciously used some strength in my hands.

"what happened?"

Feng Jin asked the handsome man in front of him who looked like a banished fairy.

"Are you...will you leave here?"

Chen Yu's voice was so soft that if Feng Jin hadn't looked at Chen Yu's lips, he wouldn't have known what he just said.

"If you want to leave, you can't leave!"

Feng Jin shrugged his shoulders, not saying much.

Leaving here meant the death of this body, and she really didn't know if her original body was still intact.

To a large extent, it must have rotted.

In short, she will not seek her own death.

However, if the original soul of this body comes back, she seems to have no way to refuse.

Just go with the flow.

She subconsciously looked at Chen Yu's face. The five finger marks left by Dilong when he turned over had disappeared, and the previous traces could not be seen at all.

She can only rely on her own guesses to guess what happened before.

She's not stupid. Dad suddenly didn't even want to take care of his home, he didn't even look at it, and he didn't personally supervise the construction of the house. There must be something unavoidable.

And this situation can only come from Fengjin herself.

Feng Jin's answer did not comfort Chen Yu, but made him feel more and more uncertain.

All the way without talking, finally arrived at Fengjin's small courtyard.

There is already a yard full of boxes in the yard.

The box was not opened, but the heavy box left traces on the ground.

Feng Jin casually opened a box, which was stuffed with a box full of jewels.

There are pearls the size of pigeon eggs, as well as crystal clear jade products, layered on top of each other.

There is no luxurious box decoration, it is a real box.

"so much!"

Feng Jin was shocked.

"If you like it, I still have it over there, and I will give it to you at that time."

Chen Yu opened his mouth sullenly.

When the time comes, it refers to the time of engagement.

But Feng Jin didn't hear it, nor did he hear Chen Yu's depressed mood.

"Get rich, get rich!"

Feng Jin happily watched the last guard walk out of his small courtyard, and waited until the gate of the courtyard was closed.

The hand touched the box, and the box disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a mark on the ground.

Feng Jin didn't shy away from Chen Yu. Ever since she threw explosives, Chen Yu knew the secret of her space.

Chen Yu silently watched Feng Jin make the big boxes disappear like magic tricks.

I feel that one day, Xiao Jin will disappear like a box.

His face became more and more pale.

"Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Feng Jin suddenly leaned in front of Chen Yu and grabbed Chen Yu's fingers.

From what day?

Maybe it was the first time Fengjin was kidnapped and the two had their first heart-to-heart conversation.

Maybe it's time to throw dynamite packs around.

Feng Jin already subconsciously thinks that Chen Yu is her boyfriend.

Such a handsome, rich and powerful man, it's hard not to be tempted.

As for Chen Yu, from the second time he saw Feng Jin and the two of them were in the same room, he had already decided that both parties should be responsible for each other.

What Feng Jin said, Chen Yu didn't hear clearly, but felt that Feng Jin smelled very good.

He only noticed Feng Jin's opening and closing lips, when she spoke, he subconsciously nodded.

There is a sudden flower in front of my eyes, and the tip of my nose is instantly filled with the special smell of soil, mixed with the fragrance of various fruits.

Chen Yu looked around, and everywhere he saw, there were many fruits and herbs all over the ground.

After Feng Minsheng's hard work, the most fruit trees and herbs are planted here. Even the ginseng seeds sprinkled at the beginning have become the best ginseng for decades.

Intense herbal flavors mixed with fruity notes for a refreshing smell.


Chen Yu's eyes fell on a corner of the space, where there was a big box that the guards had just carried into Feng's house.

This is the place where Xiaojin received the things.

"This is my space, and that's my two friends."

Xiao Jinsu pointed at the two red and white figures running wildly in the distance.

Following Feng Jin's gaze, Chen Yu saw a white tiger with a strong physique like a hill, and a red fox with a petite physique.

He has seen the red fox before, and it is often held in Xiaojin's arms.


"Xiao Jin, you are here!"

The red fox ran into Fengjin's arms again, and rubbed Fengjin's fingers affectionately.

Bai Hu ran to Feng Jin's feet and lay down, glanced at Chen Yu with a thief, and said in a low voice,
"Xiao Jin, is this your wild man?"

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