Wang Tong is a master of martial arts.

The prime minister has a lot of power and power over the world, but he is a scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken.

As long as Wang Tong killed the prime minister and handed over the rest to the prince, everything would go well.


Just as Wang Tong wanted to stab the prime minister, a book suddenly fell from the prime minister.

"The Domineering Prince Falls in Love with Me" was written impressively on it.

For a moment, both Wang Tong and Gu Nansheng were stunned.

Gu Nansheng quickly bent down and took Fengjin's work of conferred gods in his hand, and patted the dust on it.

Looks like he loves this book.

Gu Nansheng's movements were very light, so that Wang Tong managed not to stab Gu Nansheng, but restrained his murderous aura.

This prime minister seems to be different from the legend.

Thinking about it carefully, he is probably also interested in the throne, why did he want to investigate Xiaojin's life experience?

This is what Wang Tong cares about the most.

Rather than stabbing Gu Nansheng to death, what he wanted to know most was why Gu Nansheng wanted to find Xiaojin.

"not enough?"

As soon as Gu Nansheng looked up, he saw that wretched beggar just now was still looking at him.

I thought that the gold I gave was not enough.

In broad daylight, the beggars thought they were running out of gold.

Gu Nansheng didn't think too much about it, there are many professional beggars, and there are also those who touch porcelain.

The last thing he cares about is gold. Anyway, there are gold everywhere hidden in the house, not in vain or in vain.

So, knowing that it was Pengci, he gave Wang Tong another gold ingot.

Wang Tong put it away silently, but he still didn't leave, and followed Gu Nansheng silently.

He squinted his eyes and stared straight at Gu Nansheng. Gradually, he felt a distressing aura from Gu Nansheng.

I don't know why, but I have resisted the urge to stab him to death just now, but I still want to stab someone again.

The hand pressed on the dagger again.

"Brother, two gold ingots are enough for you to marry several wives. I suggest you go to that street over there to squat. The people over there have more money!"

Gu Nansheng pointed in the direction of the palace.

White and clean, gentle and gentle.

Quiet black belly.

Wang Tong remained silent and continued walking side by side with Gu Nansheng.

Gu Nansheng didn't drive Wang Tong away, so he let Wang Tong follow.

Maybe it was because he was so lonely these few months, he actually wanted to say a few more words with Wang Tong.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, he is the high-ranking prime minister, and everyone is afraid of him and afraid of him.

No one can talk to each other.

And this beggar exuded an indelible obscene aura, very much like his former buddy who was a sand sculpture.

Inexplicably happy to talk to him.

"Man, how many daughter-in-laws do you have?"

Gu Nansheng raised his eyebrows at him. He had a fair face, a refined appearance, and no exaggerated expressions, but the words he said were a bit frivolous.

His temperament is not as wretched as Wang Tong's, but his words are.

The familiar sand sculpture breath made Wang Tong roll his eyes and didn't answer.

He had a bold idea in his mind, but he was still not sure, but he kept thinking about the prime minister's original name - Gu Nansheng.

It just so happened that one of his buddies was named Gu Nansheng.

If Gu Nansheng is really Gu Nansheng, then...don't blame his ruthless dagger.

He must be stabbed to death!
Seeing Wang Tong's white eyes, Gu Nansheng knew that this guy must not have a wife.

After all, this guy looks too wretched, no normal girl likes a wretched and undeserved girl.

"How many daughter-in-laws does your lord have?"

Wang Tong spoke suddenly.

This is a primer.

Gu Nansheng's answer allowed him to guess who the other party was.

"I don't have a daughter-in-law, but...before I went, there was a beautiful little girl who clinged to me every day, crying and begging to be my daughter-in-law, but I didn't agree."

After Gu Nansheng finished speaking, he nodded in self-affirmation.

"Why didn't you agree?"

Wang Tong's pupils shrank slightly, and the dagger was already in the palm of his hand.

Very good, now Gu Nansheng is that buddy Gu Nansheng.

It's Feng Jin's "ex-boyfriend"!
Crying and calling out to be Feng Jin's boyfriend, Feng Jin didn't agree, and then wrote a love letter to herself in Feng Jin's name, and reported it to the teacher...

Feng Jin was honored to be crowned as chasing after a puppy love, and was almost hanged up by the head teacher.

He was not smoked, but was fined to clean the toilet later.

It's really because this guy is so good at imitating other people's handwriting, he imitated Fengjin's handwriting so vividly that my own father didn't even notice it!
I thought that my daughter was really blind and fell in love with such a narcissist!

In short, after a series of operations, this guy became the boyfriend in name.

However, after Feng Jin beat Gu Nansheng violently and made him hospitalized for two months, he admitted that he had become an ex-boyfriend.

In short, narcissism is too much.

As for why Wang Tong stabbed him, it was purely because of jealousy!
Why didn't he come up with such a good idea in the first place!

The ex-boyfriend is also a boyfriend!

envy, jealousy, hate!
"She's too good to be good enough for her."

After Gu Nansheng finished speaking, he added another sentence,
"Besides, the medical conditions here are not very good."

In modern society, being beaten up by Xiao Jin, he admits that he can bear it by gritting his teeth.

But it won't work now, and it will definitely be beaten to death!
Gu Nansheng was a little disappointed, if he could still see Xiao Jin, he would be beaten to death!
He can say that Xiao Jin murdered her husband because of love and hatred.

I can die laughing just thinking about it.

"Ha ha."

Wang Tong smiled inexplicably, and asked again,

"Didn't you get beaten to death at the beginning, crying and shouting that no one else was behind you? Why did you suddenly change your mind, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death again?"

When Gu Nansheng heard Wang Tong's words, he stopped abruptly and stared at Wang Tong with wide eyes.

Seeing Wang Tong's wretched smile is not a smile.

He didn't recognize this wretched face, but he knew that the one who was beaten while crying must have come from the 21st century.

Between the sparks, he thought of a name.

"King! Tong!"

Gu Nansheng gritted his teeth and spit out two words, his eyes almost popped out.

While speaking, he tightly clenched the notebook in his hand.

If the beggar in front of him is Wang Tong, then the owner of the script in his hand is...

Gu Nansheng didn't dare to think about it anymore, for fear that what he was thinking was an illusion and would suddenly become a bubble.

But the thought lingered.

Wang Tong didn't answer Gu Nansheng's words, but swung the dagger towards Gu Nansheng,
"I hacked you to death, you shameless bastard! How dare you ruin Xiao Jin's reputation!"

Wang Tong didn't pull out the sheath of the dagger, but just the position of the handle was enough to knock Gu Nansheng's head out!

"I'm going to go! It's really you!"

Gu Nansheng was shocked, and he hit Wang Tong abruptly, but he didn't move.

There is a big bag in the head, but it is like a normal person!
Ever since he was severely beaten by Xiao Jin, Gu Nansheng's ability to resist beatings has become much stronger.

Wang Tong's beating, drizzle!

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