Wang Tong didn't talk nonsense with Gu Nansheng at all, picked up the dagger and continued to smash it on Gu Nansheng's head.

Gu Nansheng was only shocked, and pulled Wang Tong towards the nearest teahouse.

He was hit on the head a few more times, but he didn't feel any pain, and a strange light shone on his whole face.

Going straight into the box, Gu Nansheng threw the bamboo hat aside, several big bumps appeared on his fair face.

Wang Tong continued to smash it with his hands.

"Okay, okay, your strength doesn't hurt at all, so save your energy and beg for food!"

Gu Nansheng pushed Wang Tong to the side vigorously, but he was not angry at all. Before Wang Tong could yell at him, he quickly asked,
"Did Xiao Jin also come to this world? Why did we suddenly travel to this world?"

Gu Nansheng stared at Wang Tong closely, he wanted to know the answer to the first question.

"You know all about it and still ask me what I'm doing!"

Wang Tong rolled his eyes and glanced at the script in Gu Nansheng's hand.

From the hands of Fengjin.

Even if Wang Tong doesn't say anything, Gu Nansheng will find out, it's just a matter of time.

Tell Gu Nansheng that Wang Tong also has his own schemes.

The man behind the scenes who chased and killed Chen Yu Fengjin was hiding too deeply, and the big villain Gu Nansheng could still come in handy.

"It was really written by Xiaojin! Where is she now? Who has she become? Is she still called Xiaojin?"

Gu Nansheng asked several times in a row, clutching the scripture book in his hand tightly, spit flying all over the place.

"Go, go, don't mind me being so close. She is in the capital now, you are the prime minister, and you will meet at some banquet in the future!"

Wang Tong pushed Gu Nansheng in disgust, and wiped the spittle off his face.

When talking about the banquet, he took a meaningful look at Gu Nansheng,

"By the way, speaking of it, the invitation should be sent to your house, remember to attend."

Otherwise, he was afraid that Xiao Jin would suffer.

Originally, I planned to change into clean clothes by myself and go to participate in the event after washing them cleanly.

But his presence there is really a little sensitive, and it will bring unnecessary trouble to Xiao Jin.

If Gu Nansheng went, it would be easier. Gu Nansheng's behavior could also give people in the dark a wake-up call and disrupt their thinking.

"Is it the flower viewing banquet of Princess Minghui?"

Gu Nansheng was stunned for a moment, and quickly guessed what Wang Tong was talking about.

The eldest princess Minghui is the younger sister of the current emperor's mother and compatriots, who is more than ten years younger than the current emperor.

She is the only princess of the first emperor, and the current emperor has no daughter, so she is also the only princess of the present. Although she has recruited a son-in-law and given birth to children, she is still very much loved.

As the only woman in the royal family, the responsibility to win over the ministers' wives and daughters fell on her.

The Princess Mansion is on the street closest to the Imperial Palace, which is also the street where Fengjin lives.

Princess Minghui holds a flower viewing banquet every year at this time.

Those who were invited were all young ladies who had not left the court in the capital, as well as official children.

Although Gu Nansheng was an official to the prime minister, he never got married, so he was on the list every year.

But he never went.

Everyone knew about his ambitions, and it was useless to go there, each of them was wary of the other.

"If there is no accident, Xiao Jin should also be invited. Because of the relationship of His Highness the Crown Prince, the Eldest Princess will definitely not embarrass her, but the Crown Prince is a piece of fat. I don't know how many famous ladies will follow her by then. !"

Wang Tong spoke quietly, his voice was calm when he spoke, and he couldn't tell what emotion it was.

Xiaojin was finally taken away by the toad.

All unwilling, all pitiful.

"Then I will definitely go there. If anyone dares to bully Xiao Jin, I will directly slap her!"

Gu Nansheng raised his fair fingers, showing a vicious gesture.

Some well-known ladies who avoided the prime minister probably couldn't imagine that the majestic prime minister also had such a silly and cute side.


"its not right!"

"Every lady in the capital has taken a fancy to the prince, why did they attack Xiao Jin?"

"Is this inappropriate?"

"Wait! What is the relationship between the crown prince and Xiao Jin?"

Gu Nansheng withdrew his outstretched hand, squinted his eyes at Wang Tong, and suddenly thought of a possibility.


Wang Tong only dropped two words, then turned and left the box of the tea house.

When he left, he searched Gu Nansheng's body and put all the gold ingots hidden on him into his treasure bag.

Then they closed the boxes intimately.

At the same time as the door was closed, childish cursing came from the box.




Fengjin's house finally had a guard, a guard in armor.

Feng Jin has already been named princess, so she is qualified to have some guards to guard the house.

According to the rules, there should be no more than 500 people.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince waved his hand and dispatched [-] elite soldiers. One person blocked a hundred people, which was considered a violation of the rules.

But the hidden guards are far more than this number.

The plaque of Fengzhai was also hung up, without luminous pearls or gold embellishments.

It is written by Feng Minsheng himself, Feng Zhai.

The writing is vigorous and powerful, and the atmosphere is simple.

As soon as there were more people in the yard, it became lively. Lanterns were hung everywhere, as if it had begun to integrate into this seemingly impersonal capital.

In Fengjin's small house.

Four servant girls are accompanying Feng Jin.

Feng Xiaofeng and Feng Xiaohua took a pen and paper to record the plot of the story dictated by Fengjin, acting as an intelligent artificial voice system, and Feng Xiaoyu sorted out the manuscripts written by the two of them.

And Feng Xiaoyue tidies up Fengjin's room so that she can have a good night's sleep today.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Miss, the princess's mansion sent an invitation card, asking you to attend the flower viewing banquet tomorrow."

The sound of Fengzheng came from outside the door.

In Fengjin's small courtyard, there are only her and the four maidservants in the house for the time being, Fengzheng can only enter the courtyard if he wants to find Fengjin.

There are not so many rules in Fengzhai, unlike the big families in the capital with strict rules.

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin are not rigid people, but Fengzheng's dead soldiers trust their master unconditionally and do whatever they ask them to do.

The rule is to listen to the master and have no other intentions.

"Okay, got it."

Feng Jin yawned and answered.

She heard Chen Yu say that he has an aunt who has a good relationship, but she didn't expect to send an invitation today.

Feng Xiaofeng went to the door and took the invitation card, and put it in front of Feng Jin.

Feng Jin opened the invitation and took a look. It was written in beautiful small characters. It could be seen that the owner of the handwriting was a woman who knew how to read and respect.

The flower viewing banquet was for peonies, but Fengjin went to the Green Expo Garden to enjoy the flowers. There are all kinds of pink flowers everywhere, and the ancient flower banquets are nothing more than this.

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