Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 239, the prime minister is here

Wang Wu, the richest lady on the surface, is also the only daughter of the Wang family, and will be the helm of the Wang family in the future.

The Wang family has no official positions, but just this monstrous wealth can make the ladies in the capital want to make friends with each other.

Feng Jin was suddenly named princess, coupled with the special treatment by the prince, I don't know how many ladies' eyes are red.

This time, it is destined that something interesting will happen at this banquet.

The Wang family once wanted Wang Wu to get close to the prince and become the princess, but the prince almost ransacked the house, so they gave up.

In the eyes of others, it was Wang Wu who wanted to be the princess, but was cut off by a little girl.

Those who want to teach Feng Jin a lesson, the first ally they want to find is Wang Wu.

Wang Wu only ate and drank at home, and several waves of people came to curry favor with her.

Wang Wu's purse has already filled a lot of melon seeds, and when Xiao Jin is provoked and beaten, he will watch the fun.

Soon, Feng Jin and Wang Wu cooked most of the food on the table.

After greeting Feng Minsheng, Feng Jin and Wang Wu left the gate together.

He didn't bring the guards with him, but "only" brought four servant girls.

The true strength of Feng Hua Xue Yue's four maids can settle all small calculations.

Wang Wu's luxurious carriage slowly moved towards Princess Minghui's Mansion. Passers-by and carriages along the way quickly gave way when they saw that it was the carriage of the Wang Mansion.

Those who did not give way were the carriages of family members with higher official positions.

Princess Minghui's mansion is also on the street where Fengjin lives, and the carriage stopped slowly after less than 10 minutes.

There are a little more carriages at the entrance of the Princess's Mansion, and the guards of the Princess's Mansion will escort them one by one to a place specially used to park the carriages.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu got out of the carriage together.

After getting off the carriage, Feng Jin heard the sound of gasping for air.

"This is Miss Wang Family? She really is the number one beauty in the capital!"

"She is still an only daughter, and she will be the only heir of the Wang family in the future!"

"Good-looking is good-looking, but I don't know if I can keep such a huge family business!"

"Which lady is that next to her? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"The one who can stay with the merchant's daughter is probably a concubine from some family!"

"Tsk! A concubine is so well-dressed, I don't know whose concubine is so unlucky!"


Many people around were discussing in low voices.

Feng Jin looked up, and could clearly see a few gorgeously dressed women whispering.

Every woman is dressed exquisitely, followed by two servant girls, and the whole set of jewelry is meticulous.

If the voices of these women's comments are ignored, Feng Jin is still willing to appreciate this beautiful scenery.

Seeing Feng Jin look over, there was no embarrassment on his face, instead he continued to discuss.

The daughters of officials of the first rank and second rank look down on the daughters of merchants.

There is also an element of jealousy.

Men are the root of inheritance, no boy means no family, rich and powerful people will definitely marry a few concubines, and spread their branches and leaves.

Desperately gave birth to a son.

They look brightly dressed, but in fact, there are many concubine sisters and brothers doing tricks at home!

Everyone restrained their gazes, greeted them in a pretentious manner, and then looked into the distance on their own.

They're all waiting for someone to come.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu didn't pay much attention to them and just skipped them.

"Miss Wang is here!"

The guard's servant hurriedly shouted and lowered his head to invite Wang Wu to enter the mansion.

At the same time, he didn't forget to sneak a look at Wang Wu's face.


Only when attending banquets, Wang Wu would not wear a bamboo hat, which would appear impolite.

The consequence of not wearing a bamboo hat is that everyone will look at your face, and at the same time, you will get a lot of envious and jealous eyes.

Wang Wu was used to it.

What's more, he is a man at heart, he is careless, and he doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

He will be hysterical unless someone snatches his chicken leg!

Wang Wu took Feng Jin's hand and happily walked to the Princess's mansion. It could be seen that she came here often and was familiar with the road.

Happier than the maid who led the way.

No one noticed Feng Jin, and even if someone did, they wouldn't take it to heart.

They were all watching Miss Feng's appearance at the door.

Others can't figure it out even if they think about it, Miss Feng's family can hold hands with what they think is a rival in love!

"Xiao Wu! You are here!"

A woman in white greeted her from afar.

"This is the eldest daughter of Princess Minghui, Princess Mile, be careful with her, she is your rival in love."

Wang Wu teased in a low voice.

"You seem very unstable. If you can start a family and start a business, maybe it will be better. Hurry up and I will ask Xiaochen to marry you and Wang Tong!"

Feng Jin doesn't suffer at all, so I will talk about it first.

"Sister! You are not cute at all!"

Wang Wu hissed at Feng Jin, and stuck out her tongue bitterly.

more than 200 tight fat people make this expression is too full.

Wang Wu does it and is cute.

Feng Jin was taken aback, and pinched herself severely, so that she would not indulge in Wang Wu's coquettish death.

The time when the two were bickering quietly, Princess Mi Le had already run over.

She was wearing a white dress and light makeup.

When not speaking, she is a gentle woman, a bit like Chang'e in the stories and legends.

But the arrogance and rudeness in the eyebrows and eyes were engraved in her bones, and her image was exposed with a single mouth and a single look.

"See Princess Mile!"

Wang Wu gave a simple salute to Princess Mile.

Feng Jin didn't understand either, so she bent down casually.

Although they are all princesses, Princess Mile is obviously a few years older than her, so Fengjin should also salute.

I didn't care about it.

"Sister Wang, you must help the princess this time, otherwise the princess' life will be over!"

Princess Mi Le didn't even look at Feng Jin, and when she spoke, she spoke in a commanding tone.

"The Princess is too worried. The Princess is deeply loved by the Eldest Princess and the Holy Majesty. Naturally, this life will be safe and smooth."

Wang Wu was a little displeased with Mi Le's tone, but she didn't show it, and spoke politely.

She often comes to the Princess's Mansion because they all live in the same street, and the old man in her family often donates money to the royal family.

The eldest princess naturally took more care of Wang Wu.

The eldest princess is a gentle woman, and she has a good impression of Minghui eldest princess.

But for Princess Mile, just...

"It's not that bitch who dared to snatch my princess's cousin Yu. This time, the princess will definitely take the opportunity to make her look good!"

Princess Mile's face turned ferocious by the way, and the fairy-like clothes couldn't stop the horror on her face.

Feng Jin silently touched her nose when she heard the words of Princess Mi Le, feeling a little embarrassed.

But it doesn't matter, she endured it.

If you can't directly start beating in public, then wait until no one is around, and beat with a sack!

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