"Master Mile is smart and kind. I think His Highness the Crown Prince will be able to see your kindness."

Wang Wu didn't answer Princess Mile's words, but just praised Princess Mile to herself.

"You all stand down, I have something to say to Miss Wang."

Princess Mi Le glanced at the maids who were leading the way, and at the same time, her eyes fell on Feng Jin for a moment.


The maids of the Princess's Mansion tensed up when they saw Princess Mi Le coming.

Hearing that Princess Mile asked them to leave here, they quickly retreated to receive the other ladies!
The maids brought by Feng Jin and Wang Wu retreated a little, lowering their heads to avoid suspicion.

"Which family are you a concubine?"

Princess Mile raised her chin, subconsciously thinking that Fengjin was a little concubine.

If it was a prostitute, she would definitely know her.

"I'm sister Wang Wu's friend, I came here to learn more."

Feng Jin showed a standard eight-teeth smile.

Don't even say your own name.

Princess Mi Le frowned, seeing that Feng Jin hadn't left, she ignored her, but warned Feng Jin,
"In the capital, you have to talk less and focus on doing things. If you talk too much, you will die!"

"I see."

Feng Jin nodded with a smile, still a standard gentle smile.

Seeing Feng Jin being so knowledgeable, Princess Mi Le nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Feng Jin smile, Wang Wu was so frightened that goosebumps arose all over her body!

For a moment, she felt that Feng Jin was Feng Minsheng, with Feng Minsheng's domineering aura on the podium.

Smiling in vain and cutting black.

"This time you have to help me put this thing in that bitch's tea, or I'll make you look good!"

Princess Mile directly stuffed Wang Wu with a medicine bag, her eyes full of threats,

"If you are found out, you will bear it yourself, otherwise I will let my mother kill your nine clans!"

After finishing speaking, before Wang Wu could respond, she strode towards the door.

She wanted to see for herself what the woman who could be treated specially by the prince's cousin looked like.

Princess Mi Le didn't know at all that Feng Jin, whom she ignored, was the woman she was looking for.

"I said, do you want you to drink directly?"

Wang Wu played with the paper bag in her hand and sniffed it lightly.

The faint medicinal scent has a strange taste.

Just smelling it makes my mouth dry.

It is an unsightly medicinal powder with strong medicinal properties. If you really drink it, even if there are people around, you may not be able to control yourself and jump on the man.

"Where did you come from and go back!"

Feng Jin tugged on Wang Wu's arm, and didn't let Wang Wu smell it for too long, it would be bad after all.

She didn't know what it was, but she could guess something.

This method has appeared countless times in her scriptures.

But every time, the villains in her storybook failed, and were even killed by the heroine, all of which were cool.


Wang Wu shrugged her shoulders, wrapped the medicine bag in a handkerchief, and put it in the pocket hidden in her sleeve.

In the past, Wang Wu would choose to throw away the medicine bag, just ignore it.

Even if Princess Mi Le asks, he can still make nonsense that there is no chance to make a move.

Now Mile County is mainly dealing with Fengjin, so it can't be ignored, at least it needs to be covered with sacks, otherwise if the teacher comes out, the entire Princess Mansion may be struck by lightning for no reason.

Feng Minsheng is very good at getting a large lightning rod or something, and he won't be caught.

"The main thing about Mile County is that he really lost his body. Can this Chen Yu come over to protect us in the first place?"

Wang Wu thought about it, but still felt a little dangerous.

"This is the eldest princess's mansion. There are spies everywhere. Princess Mile has given you a fair and honest. If something happens, you won't be able to escape! Even if there is Chen Yu, who murdered the royal family, your family will probably be punished." Forfeit!"

Feng Jin rolled her eyes.

If you want to trick someone, there are many ways, and there is no need to use such a levelless trick.

Be sure to hold on!

"Oh, I was too reckless, or Xiaojin is thoughtful!"

Wang Wu blinked, and could only take apart the medicinal powder given by Princess Mile, and sprinkled it on the surrounding flower beds.

In order to let the hidden guards see that she had destroyed the powder, they clapped their hands deliberately, the movements were a little exaggerated.

"So... do you have any arsenic, give it to me secretly, I have a way to bypass the hidden guards and go down to the tea of ​​Princess Mile!"

Feng Jin asked Wang Wu in a low voice.

Wang Wu: ...

If they are killed by the princess, who can keep them?

Wang Wu is just a kind-hearted young man who has to inherit the family property, so he really doesn't want to take shortcuts on the road of life!

"Ahem, why don't you consider putting on a sack, or digging out the soil from the flower bed for her to eat, the medicinal properties are probably okay!"

Feng Jin gave Wang Wu a wicked smile, and walked towards the banquet.

Wang Wu let out a long hiss, folded his arms, and quickly trotted behind Feng Jin.

Xiao Jin is really getting more and more terrifying!

Wang Wu really felt that among the traversers Wang Tong, Lin Chengjie, Teacher and Xiao Jin, he was the only one who was still a simple person!

The banquet has not yet started, and some servant girls are setting up the scene.

It is said to be a flower viewing, but it is actually a person viewing.

This time, the people who came here were all the ladies who hadn't left the court, and the official sons who didn't have a wife.

In order to avoid suspicion, sit on both sides.

Women are on the right, men are on the left.

In the middle are pots of beautiful peonies, about ten meters apart.

There is an open space in the middle of the place, which is specially for some young ladies to play the piano and paint to cultivate their sentiments.

At this time, almost every lady of the family has prepared their talents, so as to win a good fortune in front of the eldest princess.

This time, besides your son, there is also the prince.

Normally the crown prince would not come back, but his brothers would definitely come.

None of the princes had concubines, nor were they engaged. Even the Holy Majesty was troubled by this matter, so he simply issued an imperial decree to let them come to the banquet every time.

I just hope that the eldest princess can help choose the princess.

If these are not crazy enough, the thing that excites the ladies in the capital the most is--according to the gossip, the prime minister is also here.

In the eyes of the emperor, the prime minister is a traitor who threatens his imperial power.

In the eyes of all the ladies, this is a minister with power over the world. It is Gu Nansheng who has come out step by step with his own efforts!
It's not at the same level as those hereditary sons at all!
From a distance, Feng Jin saw the mistress of the Princess' Mansion.

Princess Minghui is dressed in a brocade dress, which is not considered gorgeous, but she is more dignified and elegant, and the elegance of her gestures is not comparable to that of ordinary women.

She already has children, and has faint wrinkles on her face, but she is in good condition and looks a decade younger than her actual age.

She explained the precautions to the servant girl softly, and her whole body exuded a gentle temperament.

Unlike the arrogant and domineering Princess Mile, it's hard to imagine that they are mother and daughter.

"The prime minister is here!"

Feng Jin and Wang Wu had just arrived, and before they had time to meet the eldest princess, they heard a woman's excited voice.

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