When the male guest heard Gu Nansheng's words, his hands trembled a little.

The dates were almost crushed.

But he walked too fast, and he had already reached the side of Princess Mi Le's painting.

It is definitely not possible to vote.

Princess Mile may not be able to take a liking to him, but the prime minister will certainly dislike him.

Therefore, the male guest turned around ninety degrees silently, and steadily put the dates in his hand into the bowl next to Fengjin's painting.

Next, other people don't need to say anything more from the prime minister, they can only vote very "happy".

Although everyone thinks Fengjin's paintings are better, some people really don't want to work hard.

But the prime minister didn't give them this chance.

"My lord, is this fair?"

Princess Mile was very angry, although the eldest princess Minghui had already patted her hand comfortingly.

She still has the urge to kill Fengjin.

"Isn't it? Everyone feels from the bottom of their hearts that Princess Jinxiu's painting is the most unique, and it's reasonable to vote for her."

The corners of Gu Nansheng's mouth hooked slightly, and his smiling eyes fell on every male guest.

The male guests could only cover up their embarrassment with a smile.

Yes, Princess Jinxiu's drawing is indeed the best.

But they, really, really, don't want to work hard, get tall or something!

"Brother Emperor, do you also think this is fair?"

Princess Mile doesn't understand why the three cousins ​​treat Fengjin so well.

Logically speaking, she is the younger sister who is related to the three princes by blood, but the three cousins ​​didn't even give her a jujube!
From the beginning to the present, no matter how you look at it, you are on Fengjin's side.

Princess Mile hated her to death, but she could only bear it under the warning eyes of the eldest princess Minghui.

"Everyone expects it."

His Royal Highness Chen Shi calmly spit out four words, then looked at the few remaining guests who were hesitant and said,
"Hurry up and cast dates! Otherwise, everyone's time will be delayed, but people will die."

Chen Shi has always been gentle, even when he said the word "killing", his whole body exuded a soft light.

However, the more you do this, the more cautious you are.

Even scarier than the smiling Prime Minister!
So, the bowl next to Fengjin's painting was filled with jujubes, and the rest of the bowls were empty, without exception.

Only No.1, everyone is No.2.

"Congratulations to Princess Jinxiu for overcoming all obstacles and becoming the well-deserved No.1!"

Gu Nansheng smiled and took the lottery head held in the servant's hand, and handed it directly to Feng Xiaofeng who was standing behind Fengjin.

Feng Xiaofeng quickly picked it up.

This is her lady's prize, so naturally it must be kept well.

Others were jealous and pretended not to see it.

"It's ugly."

Feng Jin spit out three words lightly, smiled gently at everyone, turned around and returned to her seat.

The party isn't over yet.

"Master Jinxiu just said that she doesn't know how to draw, but the painting she drew turned out to be No.1. Then what she said just now that she can't play is also a lie?"

Princess Mile did not intend to let her go.

Her mother didn't let her say anything about the painting.

She could only endure it, after all, Gu Nansheng and the three princes are here, too difficult to deal with will eventually affect the image.

But she still wanted to make things difficult for Fengjin.

Even seeing her embarrassment just once made her feel at ease.

"My paintings are clumsy and opportunistic. They are not considered superb. If they are not superb, they are equivalent to not being able to."

Feng Jin was in a good mood, she just got a lot of treasures, and when she was talking to Princess Mi Le, her eyes narrowed.

The dimples at the corners of the mouth look a little deeper.

"Then will I trouble Princess Jinxiu to play a song?"

Princess Mile doesn't believe that Fengjin can play the piano in addition to painting.

She has really inquired about Fengjin's background, she is a small peasant girl.


The eldest princess Minghui smiled at Fengjin embarrassedly, and sternly reprimanded Princess Mile.

This child, after all, was spoiled by her.

This kind of her, not to mention the title of a princess, even if she is a commoner, she may not be able to live comfortably.

As a princess, in addition to enjoying the glory and wealth, you still have to bear the responsibility of the princess.

Apparently, Mi Le didn't realize this, which made the eldest princess Minghui very worried.

"I really won't."

Feng Jin shrugged her shoulders, and ate the cakes on the table to herself.

Eyes also secretly glanced around.

Sure enough, I saw some small movements of the ladies whispering.

Feng Jin felt that the opportunity to make a fortune might come soon.

This time, they knew that they didn't know how to play the piano, so they should cheat themselves on a certain occasion next time, forcing themselves to play.

Just like this painting competition.

Thinking of this, Feng Jin was not in a hurry to defend, but kept waving her hands.

Gu Nansheng and the three princes present understood this little cleverness.

"Brother Emperor, do you think the four younger siblings look like the pigs and tigers described in the storybook?"

His Highness Chen Yisan blinked.

What he said was a question mark, and he had fully confirmed it in his heart.

After all, it is definitely not easy to conquer the fourth child.

He believed that Fengjin could strangle an elephant with his bare hands.

"What are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, don't talk nonsense!"

His Highness Chen Shi glared at His Highness Chen Yisan.

I always feel that this stupid brother is getting more and more stupid.

No wonder he was always hung up and beaten by his crazy younger brother.

"Don't you know what it means to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? It's the tactic that girl in the storybook "The Overbearing Prince Loves Me" hidden under the pillow in your bedroom often uses!"

In a few or two sentences, Chen Yi directly revealed all the little secrets of His Royal Highness Chen Shi.

Fortunately his voice was low enough.

Otherwise, the image of His Royal Highness will collapse directly.

"oh, I understand now."

His Highness Chen Shi's pupils contracted slightly, fearing that Chen Yi would say something surprising again, so he could only nod his head and ask him to stop talking.

He finally understood why the fourth child always hung up the third child and smoked him.

He would like to join in if he could.

"Princess Jinxiu won the first place. The painting is too painstaking. Let Princess Jinxiu take a break and give everyone a chance to show it."

The Eldest Princess Minghui spoke gently, and she was already sitting on the main seat.

The best prize of the flower viewing banquet has already been given to Fengjin, and everyone else lacks interest.

Even the Eldest Princess Minghui didn't have the heart to continue the event, she just wanted to have a long talk with Fengjin.

Next, there were several young ladies who showed their talents and didn't care about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

After watching it for a long time, Feng Jin felt a little tired, so he dozed off with his chin resting on his hands.

Another hour passed.

The flower viewing party came to an end.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu looked at each other, they both stretched in unison, stood up and prepared to leave.

The eldest princess Minghui and Gu Nansheng walked towards Fengjin at the same time, and at the same time, the three princes were also looking in Fengjin's direction.

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