"Master Prime Minister, do you have anything to do with Princess Jinxiu?"

Before Gu Nansheng could speak, the Eldest Princess Minghui had already asked her own question.

She was really afraid that the jade card would be taken away by Gu Nansheng.

The jade card is in the hands of Feng Jin, and it is also in the hands of the prince. It still has a certain effect on curbing Gu Nansheng's rights.

"It's a private matter. If Her Royal Highness has something to do, you can talk to Princess Jinxiu first. I will wait for Princess Jinxiu at the gate of the princess mansion."

Gu Nansheng already knew what Eldest Princess Minghui was going to talk to Feng Jin about.

He wasn't worried about it at all.

His power is huge, even in the palace, there are his eyes. It is no exaggeration to say that even if he is just waiting to die, as long as he is not caught by the emperor to kill him, the emperor may not be able to do anything to him.

Moreover, he believed in wind brocade.

No matter what the eldest princess Minghui said, Gu Nansheng dared to give the jade card to Fengjin, even if it was all the rights in his hands.

This is the trust that the ancients could not understand between their best friends.

Just like Wang Tong, the two cursed when they met, and both wanted to be each other's father.

But when they really do things, they will tell the other party their trump cards, and they are not afraid that the other party will take advantage of the opportunity.

"Then please wait for a while, Prime Minister."

The eldest princess Minghui has always been humble and gentle, this time she chose to talk to Fengjin first.

I was afraid that Feng Jin would catch Gu Nansheng's way for a while.

"Princess, the minister has retired."

Gu Nansheng saluted Feng Jin, then turned and left.

"Heh, I only salute this princess who has no royal blood, even the eldest princess and the three princes are ignored."

Princess Mile looked at Gu Nansheng's back, his eyes seemed to be poisoned.

Still thinking about Gu Nansheng canvassing for Fengjin, it was because of Gu Nansheng that she failed to humiliate Fengjin at the banquet.

If there is no Gu Nansheng, even if Fengjin draws well, she can become No.1 with her many followers!
"Mi Le, don't talk nonsense."

Princess Minghui scolded Princess Mile in a low voice, but the tone of the scolding was not obvious.

Obviously also agreed with the words of Princess Mile.

However, this is the norm.

The prime minister has never taken the royal family seriously, and has long wanted to replace them.

Not polite, very common.

But in front of Princess Jinxiu, she seemed to be too well-behaved, and there was no lack of etiquette at all, and she yelled at each minister and princess at every bite.

Like a true loyal minister.

But this loyal minister seems to be loyal to only one princess, and has no king in his eyes.

"Do you three have a fancy woman?"

The eldest princess Minghui held Fengjin's hand, before she was ready to say anything, the three princes stood in front of them after Gu Nansheng left.

They tacitly didn't say anything about Gu Nansheng, and started discussing things that were commonplace.

"The emperor's aunt was joking. The two emperor brothers and I came here to meet the urging of the emperor."

Chen Shi smiled and opened his mouth.

"Hey, you are not young anymore. If there is a suitable candidate, you should hurry up and decide on the position of concubine, so as to extend the royal family's heirs."

The eldest princess Minghui sighed, and her eyes fell on the three of them.

"Aunt Huang, if there is a suitable candidate, I still hope you can recommend one or two."

His Highness Chen Shi and Second Highness Chen Rui did not speak, but His Second Highness Chen Yi spoke with a playful smile.

"Oh? Then what kind of woman does Xiaosan like? If there is a suitable candidate, I will definitely help you ask the emperor for a marriage edict."

Eldest Princess Minghui was in high spirits.

Her imperial brother has four sons in total, only the fourth has a prospective princess, and these three don't even have concubines, which is really worrying.

"My request is actually quite simple. She is gentle, beautiful, cute, considerate, and smart. It is best to have a lot of money at home. It is best to keep the dowry for me when the time comes."

His Highness Chen Yisan stroked his chin and added,
"It's better to be able to resist beating!"

Don't get me wrong, it's not that he beats his concubine.

It was he who needed his concubine to protect him from being hanged up and beaten by that lunatic fourth child.

At the critical moment, he needed the concubine to stand up and block the whip.

"Xiao San is still young, so don't worry about waiting any longer, let's think about the candidate for the hour's concubine first!"

The corner of Princess Minghui's mouth twitched undetectably, and she resolutely ignored Chen Yi.

This guy Chen Yi doesn't have a concubine and he just deserves it!
"Aunt Huang, I suddenly remembered that the mansion still has important matters to decide, so I will leave first."

His Royal Highness Chen Shi was afraid that the Eldest Princess Minghui would say a lot about introducing everyone to the ladies, so he hurriedly said goodbye.

"Fourth brother and sister, if you have something, you are welcome to come directly to our mansion, no matter whose mansion it is, we will try our best to help you."

His Majesty Chen Shi spoke with sincerity.

In the future, if he never has a concubine or a child, he still counts on the fourth child's child to take care of him!

The abacus will be crackling from now on.

"What four brothers and sisters! Brother Dahuang, don't talk nonsense, you haven't written a word yet!"

Hearing Chen Shi's address to Feng Jin, Princess Mi Le was not happy at first.

"The princess concubine identified by the fourth brother is naturally the fourth younger sibling. For fun, don't be rude to the emperor's wife in the future."

Chen Shi said something seriously.

He knew Princess Mile's thoughts from the very beginning, so Bai would say this on purpose.

"Yes, if you offend the fourth daughter-in-law, you will know the consequences."

Chen also made a gesture of hanging up and hitting.

Chen Rui didn't speak, but there was a hint of warning in his cold eyes.

To be honest, they hardly matter who the fourth siblings are.

But since there is no other woman who can stay in front of that guy Chen Yu for a breath, Feng Jin's existence becomes very hot.

Everyone knew that if they missed this, the fourth child would probably go crazy for the rest of his life.

The most important point is—according to the gossip, Chen Yu was beaten not only once but twice by Feng Jin.

Note that it was His Royal Highness who was beaten by Feng Jin.

Just for this, the fourth brother and sister, they recognized it! ! ! !
Princess Mile stomped her feet angrily, and wanted to say something, but the three princes had already got up and left.

Before leaving, the warning in his eyes was still very strong.

"Okay, Mi Le is not allowed to mess around, you just wait here, after my mother chats with Princess Jinxiu for a while, I will talk about your rudeness today!"

The eldest princess Minghui didn't want to hear some irrational words from her daughter.

Pulling Fengjin's arm, she walked towards a room.

At the same time, let the maid who followed them guard the door.

Obviously they didn't want others to hear their conversation.

After a while, only Wang Wu and Princess Mi Le were left.

They have nothing to talk about, they can only stare at each other.

In the room, the first words of the eldest princess Minghui were,

"Xiao Jin, what are you going to do with the prime minister's jade token?"

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