Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 251, all beings are equal


Feng Jin probably knew what the eldest princess Minghui meant.

Gu Nansheng's reputation is worse than Lin Chengjie's.

The righteous people in the court all hoped that a thunderbolt would strike the treacherous official who held great power and wanted to rebel.

After Feng Jin got this jade pendant, the royal family would naturally focus on her.

Gu Nansheng's original intention was not that, but he just wanted to use his reputation so that Fengjin would not be bullied in the capital.

However, Gu Nansheng wanted to make trouble, and with Gu Nansheng's reputation, it was better not to support him.

He was still too confident about his reputation.

"You have a good relationship with Xiao Yu, right? He told Bengong yesterday that it's your first time attending this kind of banquet, so I'm afraid that you will feel uncomfortable, so ask Bengong to take care of you more."

Princess Minghui's eyes fell on Fengjin's face.

When Feng Jin heard Chen Yu's name, her ears turned slightly red.

The eldest princess Minghui is Chen Yu's elder, which gives Fengjin a sense of familiarity with her elders.

He blushed unconsciously.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for taking care of me."

Feng Jin didn't know what to say, so she held back for a long time, and in order to ease the embarrassment, she just thanked her.

"Xiaoyu has always been unrestrained, Mr. Huang treats him very well, let him do whatever he wants. He has no woman he likes, and he never forces him to marry a concubine."

"You are the first woman to fall into Xiaoyu's eyes. Anyone he recognizes will be recognized by the royal family."

"I said so, do you understand?"

The eldest princess Minghui picked up the teapot on the table with her slender fingers and poured Fengjin a cup of tea.

The voice is somewhat meaningful.

The seat of the crown princess is not something that can be taken casually. Even if His Royal Highness believes that the future crown princess needs to have the world in mind.

And this jade medal is an opportunity.

Let the royal family and the people of the world see the determination of the future princess to protect.

"I understand, but this jade card is just a lottery. How I use it should only be my personal business."

What Feng Jin said was also very obvious.

It is absolutely impossible for her to deceive her best friend, and the same is true for Gu Nansheng, so Gu Nansheng does not hesitate to believe that Fengjin can win, and believes that Fengjin will be given the jade medal in the end.

This is also the only big loophole that the Prime Minister has had for so many years.

Feng Jin's own meaning is that this jade tablet cannot be used by the royal family.

"Xiaoyu will inherit the throne in the future, and there may not be only one princess. The royal family needs heirs. No one can say what will happen in the future. Some have ten or eight children, all of whom are baby girls... ..."

A look of unbearableness flashed in the eldest princess Minghui's eyes, but she still chose to continue bewitching Fengjin.

She wants to keep this country too much.

If the prime minister succeeds in rebelling, none of the people surnamed Chen will be able to escape.

"What's wrong with the baby girl! Men and women are equal, and all living beings are equal. Does Your Highness the Eldest Princess feel that she is inferior to ordinary men?"

Feng Jin shook her head, thinking that what the eldest princess Minghui said would definitely not happen to her.

Even if he really became a princess or queen in the future, that guy Chen Yu would naturally not be able to accept a concubine.

If he dares, Fengjin chooses to turn everyone in the palace into adults.

"Men and women... equal?"

When Princess Minghui heard Fengjin's words, she was slightly taken aback, her pupils constricted slightly, as if she was savoring the meaning of this sentence.

But this sentence is too easy to understand.

That is, men and women are the same, carry the same responsibilities, and inherit the same mantle.

This is impossible.

Even though the eldest princess Minghui was born in the imperial family, she is loved by thousands of people, and the emperor's brothers and fathers all like her.

But what I have to admit is that she is a woman, and she also married a son-in-law whom she doesn't like very much for the benefit of the royal family.

The son-in-law who also killed her separated from her former friend.

The lover did not get married, but she unknowingly became the villain who broke up the lover.

But what can she do?
For the sake of the royal family, she could only do this. She obviously didn't like the son-in-law very much, but she nodded in agreement, then gave up her friendship, forgot his thoughts for the son-in-law she didn't like, and used tricks to get her friend to Jiangnan.

I haven't seen each other so far.

If men and women are really equal, is she living the same life now?
"Men and women should enjoy the same rights, to study, to work, to gain fame..."

Feng Jin believes that women in this era worked like men before enjoying equal rights.

Sometimes the labor in the field and at home is no less than that of men who go out, not to mention that the proportion of men who go out to work in this era is not much.

"Can women really gain fame?"

The eldest princess Minghui suddenly interrupted Fengjin's imagination, and when she asked, her eyes lit up brightly.

She has the world in her heart, but she can only stabilize the court by marrying a son-in-law.

How could she be content with this.

No matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice but to choose this path.

Obtaining fame and fame and walking on the right path of sunshine have always been men.

A man born in the royal family can inherit the throne and be named a prince.

A woman born in the royal family is a princess, and she can only be a princess, nothing more.

"Of course, women may be more suitable for the scientific examination than men, and there will be more women than men in the court!"

Feng Jin thinks this is very possible.

Women are always careful, remember knowledge points more easily than men, and are generally better than boys in exams.

The scientific examination is more liberal arts, obviously women are more suitable.

"Impossible, it is impossible for women to take part in the scientific examination. There is no such opportunity, and there is no place to learn knowledge from books."

Eldest Princess Minghui sighed softly.

In the records of ancient documents, there is a record of a woman being an official, and she even became the number one scholar and was favored by the princess.

In the end, his identity was revealed and he was beheaded for public display.

It is unclean for a woman not to take care of her husband and raise her children at home. In any place, she may be immersed in a pig cage.

"Yes, Xiaochen has already started to prepare for the women's school. If it starts to be implemented, there will be a scene where women become officials through scientific examinations."

Feng Jin said.

Her father had already given the plan to Chen Yu, and Chen Yu had also shown it to the old emperor.

Preparations have already begun in private, and even the school has begun to expand, but this is too shocking, and the imperial decree will be made public after the school is fully prepared.

This is not considered a secret, and there is no need for Feng Jin to keep it a secret.

"What? Have you already started preparing?"

The eldest princess Minghui froze suddenly, her voice trembling a little.

Is this true?

If the statement of equality between men and women is generally accepted by the people of the world, wonderful it would be!
"Ang! Xiaochen is preparing, His Royal Highness the Princess can ask him."

Feng Jin nodded with a calm face.

"Don't call me the eldest princess, just call me the imperial aunt."

Eldest princess Minghui grabbed Fengjin's arm, and her voice softened a little.

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