"Also, let's call her Your Highness the Eldest Princess!"

Feng Jin blushed all of a sudden, scratched her head in embarrassment, and didn't change her words.

After all, she still has to clean up Princess Mile for a while, so it's not good to be too close to Princess Minghui now.

In this way, she would be ashamed to look for Princess Le to death.

"It's up to you, you can call it whatever you want. Come to Bengong to play here when you have free time. You are about the same age as Mi Le, so you must have a lot to say."

Eldest Princess Minghui is pulling Fengjin, which is strange no matter how you look at it.

She was born in the palace, and she has been proficient in observing words and expressions and so on.

In the Chen family's royal family, men have always been emperors in all dynasties.

Could it be that no one has thought about the issue of equality between men and women before?

Yes, but it has an impact on the grasp of men's rights.

They are more willing to maintain the status quo, anyway, it is not men who suffer.

And Chen Yu is willing to set this precedent, it must be Feng Jin who influenced him.

She grew up watching Chen Yu. He has an indifferent personality, so naturally he won't praise this uniform for no reason. He must have met someone special.

And this special person is Feng Jin.

Because there are women who care, I realize that women and men are the same, and I want to make this world a so-called equal world.

Her imperial brother has always been stubborn, but when Prince Chen Yu spoke, even if he disagreed in his heart, he would agree.

He was already old, and he would be so tired that he couldn't straighten up when he walked. He really hoped that this most favored son could be by his side.

Imperial power is no longer important to him, it must be passed on to Chen Yu.

As for who Chen Yu will pass on to in the future, the prince or the princess, the old emperor can no longer control so much.

Right time and place.

This is why girls' schools can start.

"Yes, Xiao Jin will come to see His Royal Highness the Princess when she is free."

Feng Jin didn't say anything about Princess Mi Le.

It was difficult to reconcile with her.

Princess Mile cares too much about Chen Yu, even if Princess Mile is not counted as Fengjin, Fengjin will not get too close to Princess Mile.

The more you care about a person, the harder it is to let go of your prejudices and get along with that person's other half.

This is basically impossible.

"Sigh, Mi Le doesn't see clearly, she doesn't understand what is best for her. Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

The eldest princess Minghui thought of her daughter's love for Chenyu.

She naturally hoped that she could get closer.

But Princess Mile is not suitable for Chen Yu, Chen Yu's temperament is too indifferent, even if they are really together in the future, it will not be easy.

I will live my life in a deserted way.

And when Chen Yu and Feng Jin are together, there will be a little more human touch, which is not there when he is with Mi Le.

As a mother, the eldest princess Minghui did not want her daughter to do anything out of line because of a man.

As a princess, with royal blood, she shouldn't be blocked from looking at the scenery elsewhere because of her children's affection.

"I see."

Feng Jin smiled and nodded.

She understands a hammer!

If she understood why Princess Mi Le asked Wang Wu to put medicine in her tea, then she would be a sand sculpture.

"Ah! What we just said was too far away. What I just told you about the prime minister's jade plaque. You...give it to Xiao Yu!"

The eldest princess Minghui finally remembered the jade token of the prime minister.

"This is my own thing, so it is right not to give it to Xiaochen, and since the Prime Minister regards this thing as a lottery, it means that he is not afraid of this thing falling into anyone's hands, no matter who has the jade card, the result will be the same. "

Feng Jin didn't let go at all.

Eldest princess Minghui frowned slightly when she heard Fengjin's words.


If the prime minister is really so easy to overthrow, then her imperial brother will not bother to use the things left by his ancestors in the forbidden area.

But after all, it is a hope to bring down the prime minister.

"Xiao Jin, this jade tablet can be kept with you, but if Xiao Yu uses it, can you help him?"

The eldest princess Minghui kept looking into Fengjin's eyes, as if to confirm Fengjin's intentions.

On the bright side, Feng Jin is the future princess.

But the behavior of the prime minister today is also very strange.

Until now, the prime minister is still waiting for Feng Jin outside the princess mansion. If it is not upright, the eldest princess Minghui will almost suspect that there is a secret between the prime minister and Feng Jin.

One is the young prime minister.

One is the prince.

Both are objects of admiration by the ladies in the capital.

It is difficult for the eldest princess Minghui to confirm that Feng Jin will definitely follow Chen Yu, instead of turning around and throwing herself into the arms of the young prime minister.

"Of course I will help him."

Feng Jin smiled.

Help with a hammer!

Men are like clothes, brothers are like brothers and sisters.

She can run naked on the street with all her hands and feet, but she can't run without hands and feet!

When Feng Jin answered, her dark eyes looked innocent and harmless, without any waves.

The eldest princess Minghui looked at it for a while, but she didn't see what Fengjin was thinking in her heart, she just felt that those eyes were sincere.

Believe it for now.

The matter of the jade plaque was put on hold for the time being, and the eldest princess Minghui chatted with Fengjin for a while.

This time, we are talking about the issue of women's schools and how women can honor their elders while taking scientific examinations, and take care of their children.

Feng Jin expressed some of her own opinions, and Princess Minghui's vision of her was greatly affirmed.

"His Royal Highness, the prime minister wants to come to me because he has something to do. I can't stay for a long time, so I will leave first."

Feng Jin still wanted to rush to Gu Nansheng, but his hands were already itching.

Gu Nansheng's actions have always been helping her, but she just wanted to beat Gu Nansheng. I don't know why, it's probably a conditioned reflex!

After all, because of Gu Nansheng back then, my father suspected that my poor eyesight would make me fall in love early, so I was almost hung up and whipped!

"Success, it's just...you must remember that the prince is a prince after all, and he will be the emperor in the future, while the prime minister is just a courtier."

Eldest Princess Minghui glanced meaningfully in the direction of the entrance of the Princess Mansion.

She was afraid that Fengjin would choose Gu Nansheng.

There is no force behind Feng Jin.

Even if she was snatched away by Gu Nansheng, for the entire royal family, it would only be the loss of a commoner princess.

But for Chen Yu, it was a reason for him to go crazy.

Chen Yu's emotions affected the royal family, and Princess Minghui didn't want to see such a thing.

"Your Highness, I have always understood what you said!"

Feng Jin nodded obediently.

Understand a hammer!
So what about the prince!
He can't even understand the phonetic symbols that kindergarten children can read, so is this brain worthy of being a prince?

Hmph, isn't it just a little more handsome!

Feng Jin knew clearly what Eldest Princess Minghui meant, so she was naturally upset.

She seems to be advocating women's schools. What she says in her mouth is to respect men, the prince and the emperor.

"You just understand."

Princess Minghui was completely relieved seeing Fengjin's obedient appearance.

"His Royal Highness, I heard that there is a new story book in the study in the capital, called the Dynasty of the Queen. It is very interesting. You can read it if you have time."

When Feng Jin left, she turned around and recommended the storybook she had conceived to Princess Minghui.

Originally, I planned to give it to the study after a while, but now it seems that I should let Feng Xiaofeng give the first part to the study today!

Think of it as a test water bomb before the start of the girls' school.

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