Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 261, the death of the son-in-law

Chapter 261, the death of the son-in-law

"You, what did you say!"

The smile on Li Chenfeng's face suddenly froze.

The harmony that has been disguised for many years, the harmony of the qin and se, is broken in an instant.

His normally tall body collapsed a bit, and he staggered back two steps, his face full of disbelief.

It was as if it was the first time he recognized the person next to the pillow in front of him clearly.

The dignified and majestic princess who never gets angry and has always been gentle seems to be different from before.

Perhaps, the eldest princess has always been like this, but he has never seen it before.

"Bengong said, what a pity. The embroidered lady who was burned to death was an old friend of this palace and your son-in-law. Guess... who is she?"

Eldest princess Minghui took a step towards her son-in-law Li Chenfeng, the pity in her eyes was gone, and her eyes became extremely firm.

She is the eldest princess of the dynasty.

He has his own responsibility.

However, she is definitely not the kind of image that can be kept in the dark all the time, pretending to be crazy, and swallowing her anger.

She can marry someone she doesn't like for the sake of the dynasty, but she absolutely doesn't allow it. Her son-in-law still has someone else in his heart.

Heh, more than ten years have passed, and her son-in-law pretends so much that she was almost fooled.

"She is innocent."

The son-in-law Li Chenfeng already understood what happened, and put his finger on his heart.

It hurts badly there.

When he married the eldest princess by decree, no one ever asked him if he liked the eldest princess.

None of them.

He also tried to fight back.

The result was that the sweetheart was forced to stay away from the capital and go to the south of the Yangtze River. He knew clearly that if the entanglement continued, Yin and Yang would be separated.

He could only pretend that he fell in love with the eldest princess Minghui, and he had been pretending for more than ten years.

Sometimes, he can hardly tell what is real and what is past fantasy.

He will also regard the eldest princess Minghui as the once gentle woman, which will make him feel less helpless in his heart.

It's just that the eldest princess deserves to be the eldest princess, and he didn't leave him any illusions.

"I am the princess of the imperial dynasty, the only princess. The world is so big, is it the emperor's land? Does it matter if she is innocent or not?"

The eldest princess Minghui smiled softly, pinched a handkerchief with her fingers and wiped away the tears that shed hastily just now.

The face returned to its previous appearance, and even the eyes were not red.

"His Royal Highness, I am not feeling well, please allow me to leave first."

The son-in-law Li Chenfeng looked ashamed, and performed a standard etiquette towards the eldest princess Minghui, without waiting for the eldest princess Minghui to respond.

Just turn away.

"Father, I heard that there is a new dim sum shop in Beijing, let's try it together!"

In the distance, Princess Mile ran over with a big bamboo hat.

The red bumps on her cheeks have faded away.

The cause of the allergy has not been found yet, but she has discovered that as long as she wears a bamboo hat and takes medicine, she will not be allergic.

She is the jewel in the palm of the eldest princess's mansion, and the son-in-law Li Chenfeng also loves her very much.

The father and daughter often hang out together in the major shops in the capital, and sometimes they look like father and daughter in ordinary folk houses.

Every time, the son-in-law Li Chenfeng would agree, and then he would take the money and spend with his daughter.

This time, the son-in-law Li Chenfeng didn't respond to his daughter, and didn't even look at Princess Mile.

Lift your feet and go.


Princess Mi Le raised her hand and grabbed the sleeve of the son-in-law Li Chenfeng, thinking that her father hadn't heard her.


The son-in-law Li Chenfeng stopped in his tracks, and looked at Princess Mi Le with cold eyes.

This was his favorite jewel in the past, but now, when he sees Mi Le, he seems to see the eldest princess Ming Hui, the old friend who died in a foreign land.

Princess Mi Le was so frightened by the serious face of Li Chenfeng's son-in-law for the first time that she withdrew her fingers.

Before Princess Mi Le could react, the son-in-law Li Chenfeng had already left the mansion.

"Mother, what happened to my father?"

Princess Mile carefully looked at the eldest princess Minghui, always feeling something strange, but everything looked the same as before.

Eldest princess Minghui glanced at Princess Mile, her voice was steady,

"Don't go out of the house recently, you will have symptoms as soon as you take off the bamboo hat on your face, and mother will find a way to find out the person who poisoned you."

There was still a little red bloodstains on the face of Princess Mi Le.

Just like the symptoms I encountered with peaches before, there will be various red bumps in a short time.

But after cleaning up the body again, it will get better soon.

This was just discovered too.

Therefore, there must be a person with high martial arts skills, or a personal maid who is poisoning, who is that person, has not been caught yet.

"Yes, mother."

Princess Mi Le responded, and raised her hand to touch the red pimple on her face that had just disappeared, with a sinister smile on her face.

Fine, don't let her know who that guy is.

Otherwise, he will definitely regret coming to this world!

While the mother and daughter were talking, a servant trotted and knelt down in front of the Eldest Princess Minghui.

"His Royal Highness, the son-in-law rode a horse out of the mansion and headed in the direction of Jiangnan."

"Jiangnan? You read it wrong! Why did father go to Jiangnan! He must have gone to the suburbs!"

Princess Mile was stunned for a moment, not knowing any allusions to Jiangnan.

Eldest Princess Minghui waved her hand lightly, but said nothing.

Turned around and left.

A gust of wind blew by, and a corner of Princess Mile's bamboo hat lifted.

His face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Princess Mile screamed, covered her face and ran away.

The next day, early morning.

An explosive news flooded the capital.

The eldest princess Minghui's son-in-law, Li Chenfeng, died. He died on the official road to Jiangnan in the capital, and his throat was sealed with a sword.

The entire capital city was enveloped in an oppressive atmosphere.

Feng Jin also knew the news, but she was not surprised.

To her surprise, the eldest princess Minghui, who looked gentle and dignified, really couldn't get a grain of sand out of her eyes.

The red fox recently took a bunch of peach hairs and threw them crazily at Princess Mile, and the princess mansion has almost become the back garden of the red fox.

The red fox could also hear clearly what the eldest princess Minghui explained.

The death of the son-in-law was unexpected and expected.

Feng Jin didn't pay much attention to it, but remembered not to offend Eldest Princess Minghui, at least not to show it publicly.

She is really not as dignified as she looks.

When Feng Jin woke up, the sun was already high.

I stayed up late yesterday, and the gentle breeze and the maids wrote a lot of manuscripts.

The storybook of the Empress Dynasty also wrote a lot of space at once.

In addition to the manuscript given yesterday, many people must have read the storybook she wrote.

The response is still unknown.

"Miss, the Prime Minister is here, and I have been waiting for you in the mansion for an hour."

Feng Xiaofeng and Feng Jin who just had "breakfast" reported.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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