Chapter 262 Another Gu Nansheng
"Come over an hour ago? Let him come over! You can wake me up when he comes."

Feng Jin stretched her waist, and glanced at the sun outside.

The sun hangs high, and the sun shines on the yard, as if it sprinkled a layer of light on the yard.

For a moment, Fengjin felt that this world was a bit unreal.

When I look at Feng Xiaofeng, I always feel that she is very close to me, so close, yet so far away.

It's like being in a dream.

Feng Jin rubbed her eyes vigorously, and after a while, she finally came out of the weird situation just now.

"It's the Prime Minister who said not to disturb you, Miss, and let the lady wake up before passing on."

The wind is small.

"Okay, call him over first!"

Feng Jin waved her hand, still thinking about what happened just now.

Illusion and reality are intertwined, how can she tell the difference?
Feng Jin secretly pinched herself, felt the pain from her arm, and felt a little relieved.


Feng Xiaofeng took Feng Jin's order, and Lian Mai hurriedly went to call the prime minister.

She also didn't realize at all whether it was suitable for the famous prime minister to wait outside if he wanted to see someone, and whether it was suitable for the prime minister to come over after waiting, instead of Feng Jin.

In the eyes of Feng Xiaofeng and other dead men, it was normal.

Whoever they are, no one is more important than their master.

Not to mention the Prime Minister, even Wang Tong, who used to be the boss, has to wait in the waiting room of Fengfu, and come back when the young lady wakes up.

After a while, the usually prudent Prime Minister ran into Fengjin's small courtyard with small steps, not caring about the image of the outsider at all.

In addition to a dozen dead soldiers, the Fengfu used servants introduced by Chen Yu and Wang Tong.

I am not afraid of them chewing their tongues at all, and I will not spread bad things.

Compared with some servants, they are not only strict in mouth, but also very powerful.

"Xiao Jin!"

There seemed to be cracks on Gu Nansheng's calm and composed face. When he saw Feng Jin, he couldn't hold back anymore, but he still held back his emotions.

But when he looked at Fengjin, he burst into tears.

"what happened?"

Feng Jin vaguely felt that something was wrong with Gu Nansheng, so he looked Gu Nansheng up and down.

It was keenly noticed that there was a red drop of blood on Gu Nansheng's neck.

The blood seemed to have dried up for a long time, and it was so small that you couldn't see it unless you looked carefully.

Feng Jin didn't even smell blood.

But she was [-]% sure that it was blood, which was the same color as the brown liquid she had seen when she saw red blood on her body in the back mountain.

"I, I killed someone."

Gu Nansheng sat down on the stone bench, obviously not yet recovered, staring at his hands in a daze.

The blood on his hands has been cleaned by him, and even his clothes have been changed, but he can still feel the strong smell of blood that he smelt at night is always with him.


"Who did you kill?"

Feng Jin was stunned when he heard Gu Nansheng's words, picked up the teapot on the stone table, and poured Gu Nansheng a cup of tea.

Gu Nansheng picked up his teacup and drank it down.

The tea and water in the teapot came from the space. After Gu Nansheng drank it, he felt a hot flow down his throat and into his stomach.

The anxiety before coming here was finally relieved, looking at Fengjin, he let out a long breath of relief.

His face looked calm again.

But Feng Jin saw that Gu Nansheng's legs were still shaking.

"Let's retreat first, and stand guard at the door, and don't let others come in."

Feng Jin said to the maidservants.


The maidservants responded, although they wondered why the prime minister, who is very good at killing people, would be flustered because he killed himself.

But he didn't ask anything, and didn't do anything else, Fengjin asked them to watch at the gate of the yard, and they obediently did so.

After the four maids left, Gu Nansheng finally spoke.

"I don't know what happened. Last night, I wrote a letter to the so-called celestial being. After I gave the dark thread to let him find a way to give it to the celestial being, I fell asleep."

"Then I don't know what happened. When I woke up, a person died in my bedroom. It was a new boy. He died in Ye Hao's hand. I held A dagger was stuck in his heart..."

When Gu Nansheng recalled, his legs were still shaking.

Gu Nansheng, the young prime minister in his memory, also killed someone.

But this was the first time that Gu Nansheng saw a dead person in a real sense. Growing up in a peaceful age, he saw a man killed with a dagger in his hand.

The mentality collapsed in an instant.

He threw away the dagger and called for his servants.

The servants carried the dead boy away with ease, without any disturbance, only Gu Nansheng's heart was shaking.

The young prime minister, Gu Nansheng, was too dazzling. He dominated the court, and many people wanted his life.

He is gloomy, but he also has a way to protect himself. As long as anyone comes to his bedroom at night, he will kill him.

It is similar to Cao Cao's "I like to kill people in my dreams".

This boy is new here, just to report the progress of sending the letter, and this was also explained by Gu Nansheng himself, and he will be notified as soon as there is news.

The boy naturally didn't dare to neglect.

Unexpectedly, he died in Gu Nansheng's hands.

"You sleepwalking at night?"

Feng Jin didn't react, thinking that Gu Nansheng was sleepwalking and killing people.

In reality, there are not many examples of sleepwalking, and there are very few examples of sleepwalking killing people, but they are by no means non-existent.

"No, I can't describe that feeling either. The moment I woke up, I felt as if I heard someone talking to me."

"I don't remember what, but I can feel him."

"He despises me, despises me, despises me for being too cowardly, unlike him, people respect him everywhere he goes..."

"That person feels like another me, that young prime minister Gu Nansheng that everyone fears, is the Gu Nansheng of this world!"

Gu Nansheng's fingers tightened slightly, and before he knew it, a thin layer of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his whole body felt cold.

"The other you..."

Feng Jin came to her senses, and thought of the illusory feeling she had just now.

The problem at the beginning reappeared.

Is it really stable for her and her buddies to travel to this world?

They couldn't help themselves when they came, and they couldn't help themselves when they went back.

Those whose bodies are occupied by them are dead, or are they hiding in an invisible corner.

When will these outsiders give way.

From where, where are you going?

"Don't panic, isn't it just killing people! I don't know how many people died in the back mountain of our small mountain village, all of them were...I killed them with explosives!"

Feng Jin pulled a smile on his face, but the smile was a bit forced.

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(End of this chapter)

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