Chapter 263, Go to the palace?

Gu Nansheng could see the uneasiness in Feng Jin's heart, and felt a little regretful.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't say it.

Just adding to the trouble.

He was also too stunned by the changes last night, it was difficult to turn around and ended a person's life by himself.

In this world, Feng Jin and Wang Tong are the only ones who have a good relationship. Except for them, everyone in this world wants him, the big villain, to die.

No one else would listen to his babbling words, and experience the feeling he felt when he found out that he had killed someone with his own hands.

"Hey! This world is a world of cannibalism, not to mention us, that guy Wang Tong has dirty hands and feet, and Lin Chengjie and Wang Wu, one and two, no one is really innocent."

"We don't need to care about these things at all. Anyway, there is no dignitary in this world who hasn't killed someone before!"

Gu Nansheng's face instantly became much lighter, and his tone of voice was also pretending to be calm.

But both Feng Jin and Gu Nansheng knew that they were just deceiving themselves and others.

"By the way, you already know it! That guy Wang Wu really didn't suffer this time, he suddenly became a rich lady!"

Gu Nansheng tried to talk about some cheerful topics.

Obviously, this topic was not cheerful, and it didn't make the atmosphere between the two of them harmonious.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these things, one day is one day! Aren't you and Wang Tong already looking for some clues about heaven and man! If we can return to our world, and we can travel through meetings, we will Big profit!"

Feng Jin waved her hand. When she said this, what she thought of was that jade-like face.

"Well, the clue was interrupted last night, but the boy should have come to me after he got the news. After I go back, I will contact the so-called celestial being again."

Gu Nansheng thought of the boy's eyes and the scene of hot blood gushing out yesterday.

Before the boy could say a word, he died in his hands.

As soon as Gu Nansheng closed his eyes, that scene would automatically emerge.

He had to admit that his psychological quality was not as good as that guy Wang Tong.

Even if he has the memory of murder in his memory, he can't fully integrate himself into the present like Wang Tong.

He couldn't kill again, but Wang Tong could. He seemed to have really adapted to this world.

But, has Wang Tong really adapted?

Still forced, had to be like this...

"Teacher, shouldn't it be time to take the exam these two days? I heard that he already got the top of the table in Tongsheng last time. If he also gets the top of the table in this exam, and then wins three yuan in a row, you will be a proper official lady! "

Gu Nansheng thought of the exam.

All the test questions will be confirmed by the prime minister and a group of stubborn old people.

In other words, Gu Nansheng knew all the test questions.

But Gu Nansheng didn't intend to explain Feng Minsheng's point, and pouring water on Feng Minsheng was insulting Feng Minsheng.

Gu Nansheng fully believed that Gu Nansheng could beat all scholars by himself.

"My father doesn't work very hard recently. He has been tinkering with cosmetics. He wants to open a shop to make money these two days, but he hasn't read books yet."

Feng Jin stroked her chin, thinking it was time to urge her father to study hard.

Hope father Jackie Chan.

"With the talent of the teacher, if you don't take the first place in the test, it must be a problem with the test questions."

Gu Nansheng stood up and straightened his clothes.

After chatting casually with Fengjin for a few words, his heart has gradually calmed down.

I still dare not stay in the room alone, and dare not close my eyes to sleep.

But he can't stay anymore, he has to go to that toad Wang Tong to dump his trash emotions, it's not good to influence Fengjin here.

"I'll go back and find a way to get in touch with that so-called celestial being. You don't want to go out anytime soon. The capital is not peaceful."

Gu Nansheng pointed in the direction of the princess mansion.

The death of the son-in-law may be related to the eldest princess Minghui, but on the surface, the royal family lost a qualified son-in-law, and Li Guogong lost his son-in-law.

The eldest princess Minghui's status is not low, if she accidentally breaks a taboo, it is easy to attract people's hatred.

Gu Nansheng never believed that women could be magnanimous, nor did he believe that the eldest princess Minghui was so dignified and elegant.

It's just a person in a cover.

"I understand, you should be more careful."

Feng Jin knew clearly that it was the eldest princess Minghui who ordered the son-in-law to be killed.

This secret is probably only known to her and Princess Minghui, and others can only speculate suspiciously.

After Feng Jin bid farewell to Gu Nansheng, she nestled in her small yard.

With the four maids by her side, the pen almost never stopped.

For three days in a row, Fengfu and the capital were quiet, but the whole capital was not as lively as before.

It looks more silent.

They didn't want to annoy the royal family by participating in any activities when the son-in-law died.

The case of the son-in-law's death was naturally handed over to Dali Temple, and Lin Chengjie was also troubled by this case.

Everyone knows that those who dare to kill the son-in-law in broad daylight must not be messed with, but we still have to continue to investigate.

Fortunately, the Minister of Dali Temple was newly appointed, and the prime minister and the crown prince stood with Lin Chengjie. Even the eldest princess Minghui did not urge him too much to solve the case.

As the days went by, it soon became an unsolved case.

Lin Chengjie knew clearly that he couldn't solve it, and he had already started to mess it up.

On the fourth day, Chen Yu came to Fengjin's small courtyard.

"Why are you free here?"

Feng Jin glanced at Chen Yu, and sorted out the pile of manuscripts in front of him.

In three days, all the manuscripts for the Empress Dynasty have been written.

This is the last chapter.

In the capital, there was also an uproar, and almost all the young ladies and wives got a share.

Some women from ordinary families who can't afford the scripts also pass on the stories in them that can subvert their cognition.

Because it happened to be the mourning period for the son-in-law's death, it seemed to be calm.

But almost all the women who have read the content of the script have already planted some seeds in their hearts.

Those seeds are rooted in my heart and have slowly germinated. I am thinking about my own existence and whether I can really be like a man, standing upright.

"I want to take you to the eldest princess's mansion, see off uncle Huang, and go to the palace by the way."

Chen Yu sat on the stone bench beside Feng Jin and helped Feng Jin organize the manuscript.

There was no sadness on his face.

His feelings have always been indifferent, even if he is the emperor's aunt, he doesn't have much intimacy.

"What are you doing in the palace?"

Feng Jin's hands that sorted out the manuscript paused slightly.

All kinds of wonderful scenes filled my mind in an instant.

For example, the old emperor disliked her as a small peasant girl, not worthy of being a princess, and threw a pile of gold to let her fend for herself.

Or, a bunch of guards in golden clothes would come out and let her be a hero in her next life.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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