After Feng Zhengnian and Feng Mincheng walked out of this secret courtyard, the people kneeling in the courtyard breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that Feng Zhengnian didn't care about this matter, after all, no one knew whether Feng Mincheng was telling the truth or a lie.

However, they had just breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from the ground before they had time to catch their breath when they saw the man in black suddenly appearing in front of them.

This is the secret guard of the Feng family.

The hidden guards in Taifu Feng's house were almost wiped out by His Royal Highness, but that doesn't mean there were none, there were still a few only ones left.

"Forgive... life."


There was a sound of wailing in the yard, both the bustard and the girls fell into a pool of blood.

Fengmin City didn't even know about these.

Now he is happily walking in the direction of Fengfu.

"Brother, didn't we take the sedan chair when we came? Why didn't our little servant follow out, so we can only walk back?"

Feng Mincheng looked back puzzled.

I only saw the closed yard in the distance, and could vaguely hear the noise and barking of dogs inside.

The boy should have gone in with them, but they didn't seem to come out!
"They have important things to do, and today we can only walk back."

Feng Zhengnian took off the jade pendant he was wearing casually, and handed it to Feng Mincheng.

"Take this to buy an outfit. From today onwards, you will be my personal servant. If you do well, you may be able to become the butler of the Feng family in the future."

Such a person is the safest only if he is by his side.

Don't let him find out that Fengmin City is talking nonsense, or that he didn't tell others about his arrest, otherwise he will die a miserable death.

"Just the butler?"

Feng Mincheng's tone was a bit bad.

This is a real brother, even if you don't recognize your brother, you shouldn't treat him as a servant!

Feng Mincheng, like Old Man Feng, was very concerned about being a servant, and felt that because of this, the other party would look down on him, and he would be looked down upon by everyone.

Distorted interests in the heart.

"Don't underestimate a housekeeper. All the accounts in our mansion go through the housekeeper. Even I can't take money directly from the treasury."

Feng Zhengnian explained.

Did not explain too clearly.

Anyway, people who are going to die sooner or later, wait to catch everyone who knows the secret and kill them together.

No one in this world will know this secret anymore.

Subconsciously, Feng Zhengnian had already believed Feng Mincheng's words, thinking that his father might really not be Feng Nanshu.

That's right, he is not proficient in reading at all, and he really doesn't look like the son of Taifu Feng.

He has lived in Fengfu for more than 30 years, and it is absolutely impossible for him to give up everything that belongs to him.

Feng Minsheng was his nightmare. Ever since that incident, he knew clearly that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was protecting Feng Minsheng, father and daughter.

If so, let them never know.

Don't dare to move them.

"Being a housekeeper is probably not something that can be done in a while!"

Fengmin City was still not satisfied.

Although Feng Zhengnian said that being a housekeeper can take money from the treasury at will, it must be necessary to make fake accounts.

Too much trouble.

It's better for Feng Zhengnian to give him half of the property directly!

"This is the only way to do it now, first exchange the jade pendant for some silver, and settle your family nearby, it will make you live a good life."

Feng Zhengnian said.

Will catch them all.

"so be it!"

Feng Zhengnian sighed very much, feeling a little hungry.

And Feng Zhengnian felt that he had given too much, and he would give too much in the future.

Neither of them wanted to spoil each other.

For several days in a row, it was fairly calm.

Wind House.

Feng Jin is working hard to write a fantasy novel.

Feng Jin was in a good mood today, so she wrote it herself, instead of dictating, let the maids write it.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door outside the yard.

Feng Jin waved her hand and continued writing.

Feng Xiaofeng trotted over, his expression a little bad.

Who is so ignorant of flattery that he knocked on the door when the eldest lady was writing her storybook!
Too blind!

The door opened, and outside the door was Fengzheng, the wind steward.

"Steward Feng, the eldest lady is writing the story book, is there anything you need to tell the eldest lady?"

Feng Xiaofeng flinched, and asked weakly.

"I have an important matter to ask the master and the eldest lady. The master is not outside, but I wonder if he is inside?"

Feng Zheng didn't know why, every time he couldn't find his master, his little master would find Feng Minsheng from a strange place.

As the king of the dead, he felt frustrated by his master.

"Miss is inside, master is not here."

Feng Xiaofeng obediently gave way to Feng Zheng so that he could go in.

"Miss, a plague has just begun to spread in the south of the capital recently. The symptoms are continuous diarrhea until death. Please do not contact outsiders recently."

"Some refugees have already started fleeing, and they will arrive in the capital soon. The Holy Majesty has sent imperial doctors and supplies there, but the situation is still not optimistic."

Fengzheng told Fengjin what he had heard.

Plague is not a joke. If it is highly contagious and causes serious casualties, it is very likely that a country will be wiped out.

As powerful as the Night Kingdom, it might also perish because of this plague.

According to the information collected by Bai Xiaosheng's organization, this plague is unprecedentedly contagious, and the number of deaths has been increasing.

"I'll tell my dad later, does Chen Yu know about this?"

Feng Jin clenched her fingers tightly.

Feng Minsheng is now in the space, blending various skin care products and tossing pills!
What she is most worried about now is the plague.

In ancient times when there were no medical devices, if you encountered a plague, you would almost let the disease wreak havoc.

Sometimes, in order to control the spread of the plague, the leaders of the feudal society would even abandon a city and directly send everyone...

This is not the most terrible.

The scary thing is that even if a city is destroyed, it may not necessarily control the spread of the plague.

"His Royal Highness already knows that at this time, when I was looking for specific information, His Royal Highness has sent someone to deliver a letter, telling the eldest lady and the master not to go out."

The wind is right.

"What about Chen Yu?"

Feng Jin stood up abruptly, already thinking of a possibility.

Chen Yu may have gone to the south of the capital!
He looks indifferent, with a cold face, but in fact he still cares about the common people.

However, he is very good at restraining his emotions, so he always looks cold-blooded and heartless.

In fact, Feng Jin knew that he would not give up on the people of a city!

"His Royal Highness has set off."

Fengzheng's answer was within Fengjin's expectation.

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