"I see. You go to inquire again. By the way, send someone to tell Wang Tong, Lin Chengjie, and Wang Wu, and ask them to pay attention to hygiene recently."

Feng Jin didn't quite know why this plague occurred, but she knew clearly that infectious diseases were mainly transmitted through contact or water sources.

Wang Tong and the others are all from modern society. When they heard about the plague, they must know what to do to minimize the risk of infection.

"Yes!" Feng Zheng hesitated for a moment, then asked again, "Are you still going to the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

The relationship between the eldest lady and the prime minister's mansion is delicate.

Mingming looked familiar and friendly at first, but suddenly became cold.

Gu Nansheng didn't come to Fengfu anymore, and Fengjin and Feng Minsheng mentioned the prime minister less and less.

The attitude is too weird.

It seems that they knew each other at first, but now they don't know each other anymore.

Faintly, Feng Zheng could still feel that the people in the prime minister's mansion were still a little wary of them.

I don't know what to guard against.

"Go, tell Gu Nansheng directly that if you want to reduce the risk of getting sick, don't touch the refugees, and pay more attention to drinking water..."

Feng Jin did not hesitate, and directly said some common sense.

She was really afraid that the young Prime Minister Gu Nansheng would not know how to avoid the risk of infection, which would cause the corpse to die.

In this case, her best friend, Gu Nansheng, would really not be able to cross over.

She still has selfish intentions, and hopes that Gu Nansheng can become Gu Nansheng instead of a young prime minister.


The wind responded with a sound, and strode outside.

Things like the plague spread quite quickly, so he had to quickly clean up some hidden dangers in the mansion.

He didn't know why both the master and the eldest lady would have something that he had never heard of.

But he has never explored, as a dead soldier, he cannot inquire about his master's affairs.

Even if the master became a god right away, he could only silently applaud and cheer.

"Give these manuscripts to the boss of the study first, and I will go out later."

Feng Jin gave the finished manuscript directly to the four maids and asked them to go together.

It stands to reason that only one person is needed to deliver the manuscript.

This is Feng Jin's excuse to dismiss them.

Fengjin's small courtyard is quite big, but in order to protect the secrets in his own space, he never took maids into it, and only used these four maids.


The four servant girls glanced at each other without saying anything, and went to the study with the manuscript.

After the yard became completely quiet, Feng Jin lay down on the table and wrote a letter.

It's for Chen Yu.

It mainly wrote that he must protect himself, and taught him how to make a simple mask and filter water with sand and stones.

Then he gave the written letter directly to the secret guards who were protecting her in the dark. These are all from Chen Yu. I believe they have their own way to contact Chen Yu.

After doing all this, Feng Jin went straight back to her room.

Before he had time to appreciate all kinds of luxurious jewelry in his room, Feng Jin directly entered the space.

In the space, Feng Minsheng is carrying a hoe and is tidying up the medicine fields.

The scale of the medicine field is getting bigger and bigger. In order to make more skin care products and sell them, Feng Minsheng has reclaimed a lot of land in the space.

All kinds of medicinal seeds were sprinkled, and they all grew very vigorously.

The mature medicinal materials were picked and piled aside, already as high as a hill.

Because the things picked up in the space have been in a "time-stopped state", Feng Minsheng stored a lot of things with great peace of mind.

Vegetables, fruits, herbs...

They are all grown in the space, with almost no cost.

"Father, something has happened, there is a plague outside."

As soon as Feng Jin came in, he directly talked to Feng Minsheng about the situation.

As long as they are careful and don't come into contact with outsiders and don't eat outside things casually, the possibility of them getting the plague is very small.

However, if everyone is infected with the plague, it will actually be a disaster for Feng Minsheng and the others.

No one can guarantee that they will always be careful.

No one can guarantee what the people will do when their lives are in danger.

It is better to have a solution within the scope of one's own ability.

"Plague? What are the symptoms?"

After hearing Feng Jin's words, Feng Minsheng's face became serious. He put the hoe in his hand on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Also started to worry.

"I had diarrhea all the time, and finally died. The fatality rate is very high!"

Feng Jin repeated what he heard from Feng Zheng.

"Have loose bowels?"

Feng Minsheng felt a little nervous,
"Could it be a type of dysentery?"

Don't underestimate diarrhea. Under normal circumstances, constant diarrhea will kill you.

Collapsed and died.

People at this time still don't understand vitamin ABCDE, and the feces pulled out will pollute other places, causing people who don't understand to get the plague again.

The whole thing is a vicious circle.

The most important point, the dysentery that can be called a plague, means that this should be a mutant flora or something.

Without machines, it would be impossible to make vaccines.

For a moment, Feng Minsheng wanted to drag his daughter to stay in the space.

If he can't do anything, I'm afraid they will die if they go out.

"Father, Chen Yu has passed away, what should we do now!"

Feng Jin spoke anxiously, he had already rushed to the medicine field, and took a quick look.

It's a pity that she doesn't know traditional Chinese medicine, and she doesn't know which one can cure her.

She just subconsciously thought that the things grown in the space must be better than those naturally produced outside.

Feng Jin even pretended to be relaxed thinking, what if her own spiritual spring water could directly cure the plague!
"Don't worry, we haven't seen anyone who has the plague yet, let's go out first, go south, and find someone who has the plague."

After all, Feng Minsheng was never selfish, and not being selfish is actually selfish.

After killing the plague, it also maintained the social order, and it was also for their own good.

He doesn't have the noble character of caring about the common people for the time being. He just hopes that his daughter will live in a relatively peaceful world.

"it is good!"

Feng Jin looked at the medicine field again, and there were mountains of processed medicinal materials, and felt a little relieved.

After taking Feng Minsheng out of the space, before the two of them had time to find a carriage, an unexpected visitor came to the yard.

It's Gu Nansheng.

Because his buddy Gu Nansheng had been here before, Feng Jin told the servants of Feng Mansion that there is no need to stop Gu Nansheng from coming here, just come in.

Therefore, Gu Nansheng, the young prime minister, could really come in directly.

"My minister, Gu Nansheng, pay my respects to Princess Jinxiu."

The young prime minister Gu Nansheng bowed to Feng Jin, in order to resemble the person who occupied his body.

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