Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 310, reminiscing about the past

Feng Jin and Chen Yu are at the forefront, except for these two positions, the old emperor's position is the highest.

Feng Jin took a sip of tea, without looking sideways, but noticed that many people's eyes were on her.

Some ambassadors from other countries in different clothes, and some officials from this dynasty.

Except for the flower viewing banquet hosted by the Eldest Princess Minghui last time, this is the first time Fengjin has publicly appeared in front of everyone.

Many people want to see with their own eyes how a virtuous (cruel) benevolent (violent) woman can fall into the eyes of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Apart from looking curiously, Feng Jin also noticed the unfriendly eyes.

Looking up, he saw a woman in a lavender dress.

The woman's facial features are not like those of Ye Kingdom, she has the charm of a foreign woman, and the lavender dress is also a style that Ye Kingdom does not have.

With bright eyes and bright teeth, many men's eyes fell on her.

Fengjin also happened to be a lavender dress, but it was just a fairly standard dress designed by Fengjin.

Feng Jin glanced at her silently, and then at his clothes silently.

Zhuangshan is not terrible, whoever is ugly is embarrassed.

Feng Jin touched her fair face, firmly believing that she didn't need to be embarrassed.

She often drinks spiritual spring water, and her skin is whiter and tenderer than that of a newborn baby.

It's just... I still suffer from my age a bit.

She looked down and could see her feet!

It can't compare to that woman's unevenness.

When Feng Jin looked at the woman, he happened to collide with those winking eyes.

The woman raised her chin slightly condescendingly, her eyes were full of contempt.

When she wanted to come, she had already found out Feng Jin's identity, even if the old emperor and prince didn't think there was any problem with Feng Jin's identity.

There will always be some high-status people who think that Fengjin, as a local girl from the countryside, is not suitable to be a princess.

Feng Jin looked at the woman's slightly raised head, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Fengjin would definitely tell the beauty in front of her—your old man's nose hairs are coming out.

While Feng Jin was wandering, the chief eunuch Rong Feng's sharp voice sounded.

"The emperor is here! His Royal Highness Princess Chang is here! His Royal Highness Prince Li is here! His Royal Highness Prince Rui is here! His Royal Highness King Yi is here!"


Everyone sitting in the hall stood up and saluted a stare.

Feng Jin did as the Romans did, and stood up too. Before she could bow, Chen Yu held her arm.

Just like Chen Yu, he just stood there and watched everyone salute.

"No gift to be flattened!"

Supported by Rong Feng, the old emperor walked for a long time with trembling steps, finally reached his seat and sat down.

Several princes sat beside Chen Yu and Feng Jin.

The three of them glanced at Feng Jin in unison, and even the usually unsmiling Third Prince Chen Yi gave Feng Jin a not-so-obvious smile.

Feng Jin also smiled at them and nodded politely.

"Come here, help Bengong move the seat. Bengong and Princess Jinxiu have a very good relationship, so it's just right to sit next to her."

Eldest Princess Minghui's voice suddenly rang out from Feng Jin's ear, and when Feng Jin raised her head, she saw Eldest Princess Minghui standing beside her. …

Eldest Princess Minghui was dressed in brocade clothes, she looked full of extravagance, even if she stood there alone, she could hold up her aura.

The eldest princess Minghui had no special expression on her face, she even smiled gently at Fengjin.

But Feng Jin could clearly feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Between the flashes of light and light, Feng Jin glanced around.

It soon became apparent that beside the three princes, there was still an empty seat, presumably reserved for the Eldest Princess Minghui.

This position is above the three princes. According to their seniority, the eldest princess Minghui should indeed sit there.

But Feng Jin sat next to Chen Yu.

Feng Jin doesn't know how she sat in the past.

But Feng Jin knew very well that the eldest princess Minghui's actions probably disliked her low status.

Feng Jin and Chen Yu's positions are both above Eldest Princess Ming Hui.

Obviously, this arrangement has something to do with the old emperor Chen Yu.

To some extent, it was also lowering the status of the Eldest Princess Minghui.

"Aunt Huang, that's your place over there."

Chen Yu squeezed a few grapes, and peeled them carefully, with a cold voice without a trace of warmth.

The eldest princess received too much respect in the past, and according to etiquette, her position should have been there.

It's just that Chen Yu never cared about this before, even if the eldest princess was above him, he never cared.

It's different now.

He couldn't let Xiao Jin sit under the eldest princess Minghui, not to mention, the eldest princess's repeated shots were almost torn apart.

There's no need to save face for her anymore.

"I just want to reminisce about the old days with Princess Jinxiu, Brother Huang, can't you do that?"

Eldest princess Minghui didn't seem to hear Chen Yu's cold voice, but squatted beside Feng Jin.

He kept his hand on Fengjin's arm.

Feng Jin could feel that the hands on her arms were very heavy, so heavy that she was almost pinching herself.

The fingers were already slowly digging into the flesh.

It was obviously a dignified and majestic face, but Feng Jin could feel a gloomy aura.

Feng Jin gasped.

Good guy, if this nail pierces my skin, I might get some kind of infectious disease!
Now there are no machines.

Thinking that she was the mastermind behind the plague once again, Feng Jin took out a needle from the space with a thought.

The things taken out of the space can appear near one's side by relying on consciousness.

Feng Jin directly made the needle appear on his arm.

Just like that, a needle was silently inserted into Eldest Princess Minghui's loose sleeve.

And suddenly disappeared.

Eldest Princess Minghui held Fengjin's hand, shrank suddenly, and stood up in an instant.

In Fengjin's space, half of a needle was stained with blood.

Feng Jin is well aware of her power of control, but she is even more surprised by Princess Minghui's forbearance.

Apart from standing up abruptly, she didn't even hum, and even the smile on her face was kind.

She quietly looked at the old emperor sitting above, waiting for his answer.

"Ahem... Today is the day when the envoys from other countries are visiting, let's talk about the old days in the future!"

The old emperor coughed, then waved to the eldest princess Minghui.

It means to let her stay where she is cool.

"Even so, I will catch up with Princess Jinxiu when I am free."

The eldest princess Minghui was not annoyed, she really sat down next to the three princes slowly.

Gracefully drank the tea.

But Feng Jin noticed that the eldest princess Minghui's arm, which was pricked by her needle, was trembling faintly.

Feng Jin's mood immediately eased, and she was not afraid of Eldest Princess Minghui's tricks on her, after all, everyone knew it well.

Even the position on the arm pinched by Eldest Princess Minghui no longer hurts, which is so refreshing!

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