"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Night Kingdom, I have something to say!"

A middle-aged man with blonde hair and blue eyes suddenly stood up. He was wearing a tuxedo-like clothes.

His utterance was a bit stiff, and his language organization was fairly smooth, but his speaking speed was very slow.

Looks like he just learned the language of the Nightlands.

As soon as this person stood up, not only Feng Jin's eyes were attracted, but everyone's eyes were also attracted.

This is the first time I have seen such a strange race.

"But it doesn't matter."

The old emperor leaned back on the seat, looking weak and about to collapse at any moment.

In fact, after drinking the wine from Fengjin's family, his health has improved a lot.

But someone wanted to rebel, and he didn't bother to vindicate him. He simply pretended that he was dying and let Chen Yu solve it.

"I traveled across the ocean to come to the Kingdom of Night. Seeing the prosperity here, I admire it very much, but we still have some shortcomings here. You have a saying here, learn from each other, why not do business with my country, that would be great. ?”

The middle-aged man spoke slowly, but his nostrils were almost upturned.

His name is Niu Kepinuo, he comes from far away, he likes to explore, and the countries he has been to are all poor places.

During this voyage, there was a thunderstorm at sea, and the ship ran aground, so I had to use a small boat to escape, and came here by accident.

As soon as he arrived here, he was shocked by the vast land and resources here.

The wealth of gold, silver, jewelry and various ores far exceeds that of his country.

However, according to his observations, the people here are not strong, unlike their country, where there are wars almost every day.

If he could go back and tell the king about the wealth here, he would definitely be able to enrich his country.

The trade is a fake, but it is true to want to find someone to send him back and let him go back to report the letter.

In this case, he will become a national hero, and maybe he will be awarded a knighthood.

The old emperor was a fine man, as soon as Niu Kepinuo opened his mouth, he understood what this man wanted to do.

To be honest, it was also the first time he knew that there were other countries on the other side of the ocean, and he didn't know the strength of other countries.

Judging from this person's attitude, you can tell that that country takes war as a tolerance and doesn't take him as an emperor at all.

He is old.

He didn't have so many thoughts of being brave and good at fighting, he just wanted to abdicate as soon as possible and become the Supreme Emperor.

So his first glance was at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu didn't give him a look, but just peeled grapes for his princess.

"Where is the other side of the ocean?"

The old emperor frowned, still a bit unwilling to do business.

At the very least, leave this mess to his son Chen Yu.

"It is a country rich in products. Our country loves peace and likes to trade with other countries. Presumably His Majesty the Emperor of the Ye Country will like it!"

Naturally, Niu Kepineapple would not tell his truth, but kept saying that his country was rich in products.

In fact, it is not rich, and because it is not rich, there will always be wars and competition for products.

"I will think about this matter. If there is a chance, I will naturally be willing to do business."

The old emperor smiled and nodded. …

It's just a promise, I don't know when.

Naturally, such an important decision cannot be confirmed by one or two words from him.


Seeing that the old emperor did not reward him with some gold, silver and jewelry as expected, Niu Kepinuo couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Relying on the fact that no one can understand their language.

Although he still had a smile on his face.

The old emperor didn't understand, neither did Chen Yu, nor did the ministers in the court.

But everyone can feel from the person's expression and body language that this person probably speaks bad language.

But even if he knew it, he couldn't be punished, because everyone really didn't know what he said.

What's more, no one knows how powerful that country is. If it is accidentally provoked, I don't know if something bad will happen.

For a while, the hall was a little quiet.

Feng Jin understood it naturally, and she could only understand a few simple words in the little English she had learned.

"You ave al oof nerve."

Feng Jin rolled her eyes and turned back directly.

Scolding Niu Kepineapple has a thick skin.

She... can only say a few words, but she is already very satisfied, at least she can swear.

She also took a look at this man. Although the clothes on this man were very similar to the clothes of a certain dynasty she had seen in the book, the clothes on his body were very simple.

There is no pocket watch chain, indicating that the industrial level has not yet developed.

If you really want to attack, with the gunpowder her father made, you will definitely win.

What's more, as long as this guy doesn't go back, the initiative will be on Ye Guo's side, and the people there will not know where Ye Guo is.

Niu Kepinuo looked at Fengjin in shock, and chattered a lot.

It never occurred to him that anyone in this place could understand his language.

They asked how Fengjin could speak such a language and so on.

And the other people in the main hall also looked at Fengjin in shock.

Didn't you say that the princess is a small peasant girl?
How can you speak a language that no one knows?

"In the country of night, it's better to speak the language of the country of night, otherwise it's easy to be..."

Feng Jin didn't understand what he said, but she looked at him leisurely, and didn't think there was any problem with pretending to be X at all.

It never occurred to him that anyone in this place could understand his language.

They asked how Fengjin could speak such a language and so on.

And the other people in the main hall also looked at Fengjin in shock.

Didn't you say that the princess is a small peasant girl?
How can you speak a language that no one knows?

"In the country of night, it's better to speak the language of the country of night, otherwise it's easy to be..."

Feng Jin didn't understand what he said, but she looked at him leisurely, and didn't think there was any problem with pretending to be X at all.

It never occurred to him that anyone in this place could understand his language.

They asked how Fengjin could speak such a language and so on.

And the other people in the main hall also looked at Fengjin in shock.

Didn't you say that the princess is a small peasant girl?
How can you speak a language that no one knows?

"In the country of night, it's better to speak the language of the country of night, otherwise it's easy to be..."

Feng Jin didn't understand what he said, but she looked at him leisurely, and didn't think there was any problem with pretending to be X at all.

It never occurred to him that anyone in this place could understand his language.

They asked how Fengjin could speak such a language and so on.

And the other people in the main hall also looked at Fengjin in shock.

Didn't you say that the princess is a small peasant girl?
How can you speak a language that no one knows?

"In the country of night, it's better to speak the language of the country of night, otherwise it's easy to be..."

Feng Jin didn't understand what he said, but she looked at him leisurely, and didn't think there was any problem with pretending to be X at all.

It never occurred to him that anyone in this place could understand his language.

They asked how Fengjin could speak such a language and so on.

And the other people in the main hall also looked at Fengjin in shock.

Didn't you say that the princess is a small peasant girl?
How can you speak a language that no one knows?

"In the country of night, it's better to speak the language of the country of night, otherwise it's easy to be..."

Feng Jin didn't understand what he said, but she looked at him leisurely, and didn't think there was any problem with pretending to be X at all.

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