Chapter 100 Who Calls Jiang Ci the Fa Core?
At four minutes, the three shooting assistants in KA gathered together to besiege Gongsunli, who was fighting alone in the bottom lane. The three of them jumped the tower together but did not kill Jiumo, but Jiumo exhausted the three of them for a while.

Three-on-one, but he was beaten and disabled two people. This is the league's first anti-pressure shooter, and the best shooter in LNG.

It is naturally good to have core shooting in a team, but this is not suitable for LNG, and a multi-core lineup may not be invincible.

The one that suits you is the best, and the one that suits LNG is anti-pumping.

[Commentary Fengxiu: This Bo Jiumo's mentality is too good, every skill is very clever, the opposite KA with interference, three catches and one, didn't kill him, a wave of Tianxiu on the stage of the finals ! 】

In the early stage of 6 minutes, KA pushed down the top tower of LNG, and Xichen's Ju Youjing also had the highest economy in the game.

Because it was the final game to determine the outcome, both sides played very cautiously.

The peak duel of this world championship finals is too similar to the peak duel in the spring finals not long ago. The fierce battle on the stage has driven the hearts of thousands of spectators off the stage.

The finals are best felt when you watch them live.

Seven and a half minutes later, LNG and KA switched to the next tower.

At the mid-term node of 10 minutes, KA and LNG each invaded a wave of opposite red zones, and then they both broke each other, and the situation returned to a balanced state in an instant.

First, the red zone where KA invaded LNG was blown up, Xinghai's Shiranui Mai was killed, and then the LNG invaded KA's red zone was also bombed, and Jiumo's Gongsunli was instantly killed.

Seeing that there was one less player in LNG, KA directly played the master in the Longkeng in the upper half of the area.

But LNG does not want to release it.

"To interfere with a wave, to grab a wave, there is a chance."

So both sides were on guard against each other at the Longkeng River, seeing that the Juggernaut only had [-] HP left, Jiang Ci flashed forward with a butterfly fan and snatched him off.

The morale of the inner Mai of the LNG team was instantly high, "Nice!"

"The word team is mighty!"

"Don't fight, don't fight, withdraw."

[Commentary Fengxiu: This wave of Fire Dance snatched Long Tianxiu, a flower butterfly fan was snatched away, and Chen, who had been fighting for a long time, had already handed in the punishment of the Prophet Master and was snatched away by Fire Dance! 】

On the big screen, you can see that KA and the others are squatting in the grass in the middle.

Jiang Ci also saw the vision of KA, so he commanded calmly: "Lian Po goes to the grass to fight against others."

"Huo Wu didn't flash, Guan Yu didn't grow up."

"This wave can be fought."

So under the command of Jiang Ci, Lian Po Jincao directly controlled Huo Wu and Gongsunli, Lan's big move directly rushed to the unflashed Huo Wu, and Gongsunli's big move pushed people away in time and turned his umbrella back to defense tower.

As a result, Xinghai, who was still bloody, fell to the ground helplessly after being accurately hit by Jiang Ci on the opposite side in the crowd. A professional player did not move around to avoid Jiang Ci's butterfly fan, which was pitiful and a little funny.

It can only be said that Master Ci is still your master, the King of Fire Dance is the King of Fire Dance, and she deserves her name as the number one Fire Dancer in the league.

Although the middle lane of both teams is Huo Wu, Jiang Ci Huo Wu's economy is much higher than Xing Hai's. Who is Fa He? The team's status is too high and they have priorities.

The first tower in the middle of this wave of KA can't be defended and can only be released to LNG.

Because several KA players were exhausted in the team battle just now, they had to go home to replenish their status. After the first tower was pushed down, the troops continued to bring LNG and quickly pushed down the second tower.

[Explanation Yun Yang: LNG has a line of soldiers and can push the second tower. Their offensives are wave after wave, and now KA is a bit overwhelmed. 】

In 13 minutes, a wave of team battles broke out in the blue zone of KA. In the end, the two teams exchanged two for three, and only Gongsunli and Da Qiao were killed by LNG. After all, KA was even worse off.

Because LNG's mid-lane troops have already reached the Highland Tower, after the team battle, Jiang Ci felt that he could come and grind the tower's blood volume. KA's Gongsunli quickly came out to clear the line after finishing the state, and cooperated with his own Guan Yu to dodge. Lan of LNG was shot to the side.

[Explanation Mengling: This wave of Fanfan stopped the loss in time, and Tachibana Ukyo was able to come and win this master after the resurrection of Lan after seconds. 】

(End of this chapter)

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