Chapter 99

It's the last round, and it's also a life-and-death round.

Whether it is the glory of the champion or the disgrace of the runner-up, everything depends on the game.

While the game was loading, Jiang Ci encouraged morale, "Brothers, come on."

"LNG, champion!"

[Explanation Yunyang: Huowu of Words finally came out in the peak duel with no ban, the Huowu King with a 100% winning rate, and Gongsunli of Jiumo in this game will be stronger than Gongsunli of Fanfan with Da Qiao Comfortable, and Jiumo is on the blue side, the red zone is in the lower half of the map, he can easily get the red buff, and Lan is also the first time HZ got it tonight. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: Who can win the peak duel and win the Golden Phoenix Cup, then we will leave the time to the players on the scene! 】

"LNG, the hero returns, unparalleled in the world!"

"KA, crowned with glory, the prosperous age is king!"

[Explanation of Meng Ling: This is the 25th matchup between the two teams in the professional arena, of which the ninth game is in the BO7, and it is also the second peak matchup. 】

At the start of the game, Jiang Ci directed the layout: "A Li and I switched lines."

KA also changed lanes. Fanfan took the lead in defeating Jiumo, and assisted King Lanling to jump over the tower to take away the bloody Gongsunli. Kill King Lanling.

In a minute, Ju Youjing went to the top road and followed his own Guan Yu to catch Zhongli's Lianpo to death.

KA has an advantage in the early game.

If it wasn't for Jiang Ci's quick reaction to know that after his Gongsunli was killed in the middle lane, the opposite Shefu would immediately switch lanes to catch her, and all three LNG lanes might collapse in a minute.

Although her bot lane didn't collapse, she was quite hurt if she lost a few soldiers.

[Commentary Fengxiu: It's only been a minute since the start, KA played too hard, and the upper and middle lanes of the opposite LNG collapsed directly. 】

For two minutes, because KA's roaming position is the king of Lanling and has a vision advantage, LNG dare not go to grab the dragon for the sake of prudence, so they can only release the first dark tyrant to them.

[Explanation Mengling: The first dragon was taken by KA, and LNG did not show any intention of changing the dragon, because Guan Yu's soldiers on the road did not restrain him, so LNG still did not dare to change. 】

In three minutes, all four of KA went to the bottom lane to try to suppress the rhythm.

"There are people in the grass on the bottom road, and they are all on the bottom road. KA squats down and wants to fight and sell a wave."

Xinghai's Huo Wu crouched in the grass and when the opportunity came, he flashed and kicked Gongsunli on the opposite side. Da Qiao reacted quickly and released a big move to send someone over. The rest of KA followed closely and killed the LNG shooter first.

"Lian Po is the first to stand up to others."

"Guan Yu didn't sprint."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Huo Wu and Lan quickly rushed over, and after the two cooperated with each other to explode, Jiang Ci defeated Huo Wu and King Lanling two times in a row, and Lan single killed Guan Yu.

[Explanation Fengxiu: Jiumo replaced the three of KA. This wave is considered to be selling Jiumo, but it sold well! 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: In fact, LNG has seen the layout of KA for a long time, and knows that several people in KA are going down the road. 】

While explaining the replay of the team battle just now, KA was playing Juggernaut. Jiang Ci directed Lan and Lian Po to come over to interfere with her, but KA was not a vegetarian. After King Lanling, Xi Chen's Ju Youjing flashed over to harvest Jiang Ci, who had harvested the remaining blood, and then followed his teammates to play a wave and then killed Lan, completing a double kill.

[Explanation Fengxiu: Two consecutive defeats! The two core players in their team were killed by LNG. KA brought the situation back and brought their rhythm back! 】

[Explanation Mengling: This final peak duel is fast break against fast break. 】

This is a strong confrontation, a competition between strong teams and strong teams, back and forth, exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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