Chapter 529 Why is this world so small?
Fu Zuoyuan and Song Sui walked side by side to the underground warehouse.

Fu Zuoyuan knew that his daughter-in-law had a dual personality, but he didn't like Song Sui, and even hated her.

After all, because Song Sui and Song Shu shared the same body, he couldn't attack Song Sui.

In the underground warehouse, Jiang Ci and the others studied for a long time, but they still couldn't find where the medicinal material was transported. I'm afraid there are organs inside the castle that they don't know about.

And who opened this mechanism is a mystery.

Fu Qihan's hearing is very good, so when Fu Zuoyuan and Song Sui entered the underground warehouse, he could also hear the system prompt.

Fu Qihan reminded Jiang Ci, "Handsome sister, someone has come in."

Jiang Ci was taken aback when he heard the words, "Is there anyone else in the castle?"

Without further hesitation, Jiang Ci said to Liao Chen Leyin, "Let's go."

"Little devil, is there any place to hide here?"

Fu Qihan pondered for a while, then shook his head regretfully, "No."

There is no place to hide, and if you go out now, you will only bump into someone head-on.

"Their footsteps are getting closer."

In the current situation, there is a dilemma, and we can only fight.

Jiang Ci prayed in his heart that the people who came in would be taken care of so that they could escape.

Following the footsteps of people outside getting closer, several people in the warehouse also had their hearts hanging in their throats.

The surrounding environment is extremely quiet, it seems that only the sound of a fast beating heart can be heard.

In the nick of time.

Fu Zuoyuan and Song Sui opened the door of the innermost warehouse.

Jiang Ci and the others looked over when they heard the voice.

After seeing a man and a woman, Jiang Ci's eyes darkened instantly, really.
Enemy road is narrow.

A Song year old.

A Fu Zuoyuan.

All her enemies!

Two enemies actually gathered together?

Why are the two of them together?
After Fu Qihan saw his parents, he happily ran to Song Sui, calling happily, "Mama!"

Fu Zuoyuan glanced at his son, and said coldly, "She's not your mother."

Strictly speaking, not exactly your mother.

Fu Qihan has very little contact with Song Shu. Since he was born, he has been restricted by his father Fu Zuoyuan to see his own mother's freedom, so he doesn't know Song Shu's secret, and he can't understand why Fu Zuoyuan said that Song Sui in front of him is not his mother. .

Hearing that Fu Qihan called Song Sui Mama, Jiang Ci was shocked.

Fu Qihan is Fu Zuoyuan's son, and Song Sui is called mother by Fu Qihan?
So that is to say.
Fu Zuoyuan's wife is Song Sui, oh no, Song Shu.

The two of them are husband and wife?

Fu Zuoyuan is her brother-in-law?

How is this world so small?
Fu Zuoyuan's eyes fell on Jiang Ci, thoughtful, he hadn't seen him for several years, the little girl back then grew more handsome?

Song Suipai pulled Fu Qihan away, she liked Fu Zuoyuan, and she didn't like Fu Zuoyuan and Song Shu's son, "Little milk bag, go away."

Song Sui walked towards Jiang Ci and looked her up and down. She almost killed her when she was in M ​​State back then, and it took her a lot of medicine to save her life.

Song Sui fiddled with his long hair, and sneered at Jiang Ciyin: "Is it true that the enemies don't get together? I just wanted to seek revenge from you, but I didn't expect you to send it to my door."

Song Suibian said, his eyes fell on Leyin. It was the battle with Leyin that caused her to be seriously injured, and she always bared her teeth to retaliate.

"Back then in M ​​state, your subordinates almost killed me, why? Where's that little man of yours?"

Fu Zuoyuan knew that Song Sui had returned to country Y with injuries, but he didn't know who was responsible for her. Now the truth is revealed.

It was Jiang's Ci that hurt Song Sui.

Although he doesn't like Song Sui, Song Sui's body can be regarded as Song Shu's, and anyone who hurts Song Shu must die.

Jiang Ci came to country Y this time, knowing that there are many dangers, because she has too many enemies here, but now is not the best time to deal with them, she has to get the medicinal materials and go back to the ghost town to save Xi Chen.

Jiang Ci said very sincerely: "I came here for a blind medicine. You can seek revenge from me, but please let me get the medicine and go back to save people."

"After saving someone, I will accept whatever revenge you want on me."

"Save people? Save whom?"

 It feels like Chapter [-] is almost over with a side story?

  Within five hundred and fifty chapters, it should be possible to finish the final copy of Country Y

(End of this chapter)

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