Chapter 530
That day when Xi Chen was retrieved by Jiang Ci, Song Sui never imagined that she was not poisoned, but Xi Chen was poisoned?
Fu Zuoyuan brought a guard and surrounded the entire castle, making it hard for anyone to fly.

Continent M on the other side of the ocean, a ghost town.

When Xi Chen heard that Jiang Ci met his old enemy and was brought into the Duke's mansion, he was so anxious that he couldn't sit still, and he flew to country Y overnight regardless of his poisoned body.

After Jiang Ci and the others were brought back to the Duke's Mansion, Fu Zuoyuan didn't make it difficult for them, but offered them delicious food and drink.

Fu Qihan came to chat with Jiang Ci, and brought some delicious snacks by the way, "Handsome sister, do you have a grudge against the old man?"

After working all night, I didn't get anything, and the medicinal materials I got flew away.

Jiang Ci unceremoniously picked up a snack to replenish his energy, and said truthfully: "It's an old grudge."

"Hey, little devil, Song Sui is your mother?"

Thinking that Fu Qihan probably didn't know about his mother's dual personality, Jiang Ci changed the way of asking: "The woman you are holding in your arms tonight is really your mother?"

It's interesting that Song Shu is Fu Zuoyuan's wife.

Fu Qihan rolled his eyes, "Of course, otherwise I could call her Mama?"

Afterwards, Fu Qihan lifted his chin again, frowned slightly, and sighed: "I just don't know how my mother appeared in the castle? The old man told me that my mother is not in country Y."

"The old man will only lie to me!"

"Handsome sister, the two of us must work together, you want medicinal materials, I want my mother, let's defeat the old man together."

Laughing to death, he is really a filial son.

The most important thing for Jiang Ci now is to get a seven-leaf flower, not to settle old scores with Fu Zuoyuan.

"Little ghost, can you do me a favor, as long as you can help me do it, I will help you deal with your father."

"Okay!" Fu Qihan agreed without hesitation.

Jiang Ci said very seriously, "You help me get a seven-leaf flower from your mother, and I will lead someone to kill your father."

In this family of three, each is more crazy than the other.

My son wants to kill my own father, and my mother has dual personalities, so it's not like the family doesn't stay in the house.

The three of them are really a natural family.

Fu Qihan held his chin, he knew that this thing was very important to Jiang Ci, and he was willing to help her fulfill her wish, but
Fu Qihan frowned sadly, "Sister Handsome, I really want to help you, but"

"I don't know why Ma Ma doesn't like me now, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to get this medicine."

Jiang Ci is now under house arrest by Fu Zuoyuan and can't get out at all. He can only order his son around, "If you can't take it openly, then take it secretly?"

After hesitating for a while, Fu Qihan resolutely agreed, "Alright then, I'll try."

"Handsome sister, wait for me here."

Jiang Ci looked at Fu Qihan's leaving figure and nodded, "Yeah."

In fact, even if she was imprisoned by Fu Zuoyuan, it wasn't that she couldn't get out, but it was useless if she went out. After passing Fu Zuoyuan's level, she had to pass Song Sui's level.

All she wanted was a hundred-year-old horse chestnut.

Instead of going out against the couple, it's better to let this little spy do things for her.

She still doesn't believe that these two people can attack her own son?
Jiang Ci thought, when Fu Qihan helped her get a seven-leaf flower, she immediately pried the place and rushed back to save Xichen.

the other side.

Xi Chen hurried to country Y. His poison was a short-term poison, unlike the chronic poison in Jiang Ci before. The poison in Jiang Ci could last half a year, but his poison could only last half a month.

For this reason, Xi Chen's body is weaker and more fragile than Jiang Ci who was poisoned at the time.

It was just a few hours of rushing, and Xi Chen coughed for a long time, often coughing up blood.

When he arrived in Country Y, he was reluctant to stay longer, and immediately took someone to the Duke's Mansion to meet Fu Zuoyuan, the Duke of Country Y.

Xi Chen and him had a few friendships, because they both knew Chi Yan, and Chi Yan was Fu Zuoyuan's cousin. If Xi Chen knew Chi Yan, it was normal for him to know Fu Zuoyuan.

"Your Excellency, someone is paying my respects."

(End of this chapter)

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