Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 15 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 15 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks ([-])

Liang You felt that according to the form, it was impossible to go to war directly recently.

Because Baye star has never joined this war before, but this time the Baye royal family publicly attacked Lu Shen, which has already shown that they have completely surrendered to Mu Yixing.

Take refuge, that may increase reinforcements.

The gap in the number of soldiers between the two sides will widen again, and going to war directly will only be detrimental to Green Lai Xing.

But that day when Liang You and Xiao Bai went to the cafeteria to eat together, they heard incredible news.

Xiaobai is an etiquette robot, he just watches when he doesn't eat.

It wasn't long before Liang You became a human, and his tongue had a sense of taste for the first time, so he was naturally nostalgic for things like food.

They found an inconspicuous corner and heard the soldiers chatting.

"I want to write a letter to my family, and I don't know if I should tell my wife about something?"

"What can't be said, it's time like this."

"You know what, it's the pocket money I saved at home. I saved [-]. Do you tell me? Tell me, it's unlucky, don't tell. It's the money I saved for five years. If she keeps I don’t know, if I throw away the sofa at home, my money will be for nothing.”

The brothers next to him smoked, squinted their eyes and thought for a while, but remained silent.

The atmosphere became heavy.

A big brother spit out the cigarette from his mouth, and said in a homely tone: "Tell me, we may not come back this time. I have to send an email to my old lady and tell her my brain code."

Some people said: "Green Lai Xing is sick, Beiye Xing seeks refuge with Mu Yi Xing to increase its strength, and Green Lai Xing actually wants to go to war? Why do they go to war?"

Liang You: Green Star is going to war? ? ?
No wonder the people in the whole cafeteria are so depressed?
Rumors? It’s not right at this time, and at the last meeting, wasn’t it already voted on?
In the afternoon, Liang You was surfing on Yuyun, and saw a piece of news that became the top trending search.

Title: "Lu Shen is a false hero, stationed in Bayeux without fighting for two months, he is really afraid of war!" "

Liang You:? ? ?
She clicked on the title and went in to read it.

Then I read the analysis of the report, which said that Beiye Xing's coach this time was the old General Yunte, and Lu Shen had been defeated by him twice, and the delay in starting the war this time was due to his fear of war.

The article also analyzes in detail the growth history of a general.

Generals are also human beings, and they will also be afraid, and facing the people they have lost, it is inevitable that there will be shadows.

The article also boldly proposed that it is best to replace the commander in chief of this battle.

After Liang You read it carefully, he found that the original publishing site of this article was actually owned by Lu Lai Xing.

Liang You climbed the wall and went to Lu Laixing's star network. There were ten hot searches in it, and five of them were about Lu Shen.

Hot searches are all criticism.

Netizens’ comments were divided into two parts. One part crazily ridiculed Lu Shen, saying that he was a hero who helped Yu Yunxing and caused Lu Laixing to suffer revenge. People like him should have stepped down a long time ago. Although his brother Lu Cheng is not fart Ability, but just sitting will not cause trouble.

He also said that after being a hero for so many years, he finally became a bear, and he couldn't be directly replaced.

Some people also said that Lu Shen protected the planet and made so many contributions in the past five years. Why are there so many white-eyed wolves on the Internet, and they forgot so quickly that they were almost killed by Mu Yixing?
Some people also said that Old Yunte was defeated by Lu Shen three times. Why didn't this report mention it? What's wrong?
But in general, the majority of people in Green Lai Xing are criticizing Lu Shen and advocating war.

Public opinion is under great pressure.

Liang You felt that there might be such a thing, so he asked Liang Yi, Liang Yi said: "The Generalissimo of Green Lai Star has given an order, and the war will start soon."

(End of this chapter)

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