Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 16 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 16 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks ([-])

Ever since Lu Shen sent Liang You back, Liang You hadn't seen him much, and it was not easy to see him when he was busy.

When Liang You was bored, he would sneak into the army and become a pilot.

Because of the orders of Marshal Green Laixing, there have been obvious changes on the front line.

The cordon on both sides has been extended several hundred meters, and the two armies are getting closer and closer. The patrol spaceship in the middle has doubled in size, whining in the sky.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and people on the ground were panicked.

The atmosphere is oppressive and disgusting.

Liang You flew over there a few times, and always felt that missiles would be released here, and then war broke out.

Besides going to the front line, Liang You also likes to go to the shooting range on the west side of the base.

This was not because of personal preference, but because she realized that Lu Shen was going to recruit a guard team. His guard team was almost wiped out last time. He must recruit new recruits, and recruiting new recruits must be assessed and shot.

Usually it's done at a shooting range.

Liang You wanted to be a bodyguard. Lu Shen had 4 bodyguards close to him. Last time, 2 of them were lost. This time, he will definitely recruit.

Liang You didn't get close to Lu Shen before, and he only saw him three times a month, so he didn't have much progress in the strategy.

But it would be different if he became Lu Shen's bodyguard.

After squatting several times, Liang You really squatted.

There were a lot of people gathered at the shooting range that day, and the crowd formed a long line. At the head of the line, Walmer stood there to organize the team.

Liang You walked to Wo Mo's side, knowingly asked: "What are you doing?"

Seeing the excitement in Liang You's eyes, Wo Mo was about to shed tears. He looked at Liang You with the same eyes as his parents, and he held his breath and said, "Your Highness the Princess."

Liang You didn't tell Lu Shen about the gun, which saved his career, otherwise he would have to go home.

Liang You pursed his lips slightly, and responded with a smile: "En."

"This is the Marshal looking for guards and bodyguards," Womer said.

Liang You put on a look of sudden realization and said, "How many people are you recruiting?"

Wo Mo wiped his tears and answered every question: "The guards recruited 494, and the guards recruited 2."

Others were puzzled by his fragile appearance, but Liang You knew what was going on. She adjusted her glasses and said, "Don't be sloppy next time."

With so many people present, it's hard for her to say much, so she just clicked.

It is enough to know that we are recruiting people.

She couldn't let Lu Shen feel that she was thinking about the position of his bodyguard in Baba, and the Overlord's Seduction Guide didn't allow her to do so.

But he had no intention of knowing the news, and it happened to be the right time to become a bodyguard. This is very reasonable, and it is in line with the rules of the overlord's flirting with girls.

She said, "Where is your young commander?"

Womo moved and said, "In the office."

Liang You left the shooting range, contacted Liang Yi, and said, "Brother, can you make an appointment to see Lu Shen for me?"

Liang Yi's projection appeared on the grass in the garden through Zhinao's blue screen. The projection was colorful and vivid, but small.

He was probably busy in a certain command post, touched his forehead with some headaches, and said, "Youyou, what did you see him for? If you were beaten out by him, it would be very difficult for me."

Liang You pouted: "I'm not trying to do anything bad."

She told Liang Yi that she wanted to be Lu Shen's bodyguard.

Liang Yi looked at her with complicated emotions, and stroked his forehead again with a headache, "You should know about guards, this will involve planetary secrets and personal privacy, your identity is very sensitive, give up, don't go."

Liang You said: "That's what I said, but we are allies, and Yu Yunxing and Lu Shen have a good relationship, so I won't harm him, it's obvious."

Liang Yi raised his forehead again.

Liang You said: "Don't worry about this matter, I will handle it myself, you just need to make an appointment for me, otherwise I will join the army."

Although Liang Yi hoped that Liang You would join the army before, he didn't want Liang You to be involved in the current battle situation, so he sighed: "You can figure it out."

After two hours, Liang You registered in Lu Shen's building, went through the security check, passed through two floors of guards, finally pushed open the door guarded by bodyguards, and met Lu Shen.

Lu Shen should know that he wanted to see Liang You, so he didn't show any surprise. He was wearing an army green shirt and sat on the desk.

His narrow eyes looked at Liang You: "Miss Liang is here today?"

This is very impolite, he didn't even invite someone to have a cup of tea and sit down, he was probably ready to deal with a sentence or two before going to work.

Liang You saw that he was very busy, so he didn't let go of the circle: "Young Marshal said to promise me one condition before, does it still count now?"

Lu Shen didn't move his eyes away, with a pensive expression on his face, and a second later, he replied: "Forget it, what request does Miss Liang want to make?"

Liang You said: "I saw Young Marshal Lu recruiting bodyguards today. I want to be your bodyguard. Do you think it's okay?"

Lu Shen didn't speak, he was examining Liang You.

Liang You felt that she had to say something to make this request reasonable and not ambiguous.She holds on to her glasses.

"My dream is to be a soldier, but my family is always afraid that I will be injured. My brother originally wanted me to join the army soon, but now he is not at ease."

"I think being your bodyguard is a great way to exercise your ability, and the risk is relatively low, so I want to prove your ability as your bodyguard so that your family can feel at ease."

Holding a pen in his hand, Lu Shen habitually remained expressionless: "Then why don't you become your brother's bodyguard?"

Liang You: "My brother's safety factor is very high. He may only be assassinated once a year. The time period to prove his ability is too long."

She said it confidently, but in fact it was her nonsense. As Liang Yi was a supporting role, she had never seen the frequency of his assassination from the book, but she probably was right.

Lu Shen did not raise any doubts. After a moment of silence, he raised a question: "Can you use cleaning equipment?"

Liang You cast a questioning look.

Lu Shen looked at her puzzled eyes, she should often see soldiers like guards, why didn't she understand?Maybe the two planets are different?
He sat up straight, with a serious and indifferent tone: "Being my guard must be able to use cleaning equipment."

Liang You, who became a human for the first time, obviously couldn't, but he couldn't say no on this occasion.

"No, but in three days, I'll learn and you can check it out for yourself," she said.

Lu Shen asked again: "Can you cook?"

Liang You:? ? ?
The guard asked to be able to cook?The guards actually know how to cook?What about the people in the cooking class?Wouldn't their jobs be robbed?

Lu Shen gave some patience, and said lightly: "Sometimes I want to eat in the early morning, and the people in the kitchen are off work, so the guards must be able to do it."

Liang You: ...

She doesn't, and hates the human activity of cooking.

Her friendly smile disappeared, and her brows were wrinkled in annoyance.

(End of this chapter)

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