Chapter 189 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (98)

After Liang You returned home, there was heating in the house. She took off her cold shoes and saw that her feet were red from the cold.

She silently took a photo, went to soak her feet, and then came back to life.

Wen Ye had something to do at night, Liang You didn't bother him, and stayed at home watching TV by herself. At 10:30 in the evening, she sent a message to Wen Ye.

He was still angry, and his anger was still very high. It would probably be the same after a few days, so Liang You posted it today.

She continued to sell miserably, and sent a photo of her red feet to Wen Ye, and said coquettishly, "It's so cold today."

She thought Wen Ye would talk to her, but in fact he didn't.

Wen Ye didn't reply a word.

On the second day and the third day, the temperature was really low and it was not suitable to go out.

Liang You didn't answer Wen Ye's calls, so Liang You sent Wen Ye a message.

One a day.

The next day, she said, "It's so cold. The day after tomorrow will be fine and the wind will be less. I'll pick you up from get off work the day after tomorrow, okay?"

no respond.

On the third day, she said: "It's still cold today, have you dressed properly? I miss you."

Still no response.

In fact, it takes courage to say these words, especially when the other party does not respond.

Some of Liang You's courage was consumed.

On the fourth day, the weather cleared up, and Liang You went downstairs to Wenye Company around six o'clock.

She thought that on this day, she could see Wen Ye, but she didn't.

After waiting in the lobby for half an hour, she didn't see Wen Ye's shadow. According to common sense, Wen Ye got off work on time, so it shouldn't take that long.

Liang You thought for a while and called Wen Ye.

It is worth mentioning that Wen Ye finally answered the phone this time, but he did not speak after answering the phone, remaining silent on the other end of the phone.

What Liang You said first, her voice had no emotion, and she didn't mean to lose her temper. She asked, "Haven't you got off work yet?"

Wen Ye's tone was cold: "I'm off work, I'm home, what's the matter?"

Liang You:? ? ?
Wen Ye has no habit of not reading messages, he must know that he is here to pick him up today.

And he got off work at six o'clock, and he was downstairs in his company before six o'clock, so he deliberately left early to avoid himself.

Liang You stopped talking.

Seeing that Liang You didn't speak, Wen Ye took the initiative to make trouble, and said, "Are you going to pick me up? Oh, it's not necessary, you go pick up Chen Yi, she is your friend after all, I can't compare to you, just pick her up. "

The anger in Liang You's heart was rising slowly, and she was already angry. She wanted to hang up the phone, but she didn't.

She took a deep breath, because she was angry and didn't want to say bad words, so she didn't make a sound.

Seeing that she was silent, Wen Ye waited for twenty seconds and hung up the phone.

Liang You walked away aggressively, and decided to ignore Wenye any more.

After this day, she never texted or called Wen Ye again, she wanted to let Wen Ye know that she was also angry.

But Wen Ye didn't look for Liang You.

Liang You waited for two days, during which time she became obsessed with a game, she thought to herself, forget it, men are too troublesome, why not play games.

The signing date with Xingcan Media has also arrived.

Xingcan is optimistic about Liang You's development potential, and offers higher benefits than other families, and promises to respect Liang You's personal and private life, and the company will not interfere too much.

He also gave Liang You some good resources.

Very sincere attitude.

Liang You had promised Sister Li before that she would have more activities after a while, so she renewed her contract as a matter of course.

When she signed, she looked at the column of breach of contract, which said: Once the contract is breached, relevant compensation should be borne.

(End of this chapter)

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