Chapter 190 The enemy is a scumbag, and so am I (99)

Liang You and Wen Ye started a cold war again, and no one paid attention to the other.

But Liang You is fine, she can move freely alone, no one will lose her temper just because she goes to see someone, she is relatively clean.

In addition, she has recently become obsessed with new games, and her mind is also on the new games, and she doesn't have much time to think about Wenye.

As for why she ignored Wen Ye, it was probably because she was just trying to coax people into getting angry, and she was not a person who likes to put a hot face on a cold butt.

She thinks it's okay.

Because Liang You was playing the new game, Sang Yin thought it was quite interesting, so he followed suit. After a while, because this game was really fascinating, Liang You and his class started playing it.

At noon, everyone played games in groups.

Half a month later, on Friday, several classmates who played with Liang You went to the Internet cafe to play games with Liang You.

Sitting in a row, Liang You is in the c position. She is very accurate in shooting and has strong commanding skills, so she always brings Sang Yin, Chen Su and Zhang Yu with her when playing games.

Several people won several times in a row, and they were in a good mood.

The corners of Liang You's mouth were about to fly into the sky.

Until she saw Wen Ye walking towards her from the counter, her smile froze.

Wen Ye didn't wear a suit that day, he was dressed very casually, with a gray sweater and a black vest, plain and simple but couldn't hide his handsome attire.

As he walked, he looked at Liang You quietly.

Liang You looked away from him, Zhang Yu who was sitting on the side didn't see Wen Ye, and said, "Again, hurry up!"

There was Chen Su between Zhang Yu and Liang You, Liang You amplified his voice and said, "It's open."

She clicked to start, but she didn't bother to know where Wen Ye went.

But through the game sound coming from the large headset, she heard the row of machines opposite her, back to her, enter.

There was the sound of steady footsteps, and then the chair behind her was moved back, and then moved back again.

Liang You didn't make a sound, didn't look back, and started a new round of games with Sang Yin and the others.

Liang You played with all his concentration, so this game is still a sure win.

At the end of the game, Sang Yin, who was sitting next to Liang You, looked back, her beautiful eyes were smiling, she turned her head to Liang You's back and said, "Wen Ye, are you here to pick Liang You up?"

This time Liang You kept a low profile, and she was lazy to talk about it, so everyone didn't know that her relationship was not going well recently.

Wen Ye said in a clear and magnetic voice, "Yes."

Liang You looked at the computer without looking back at all.

Sang Yin seemed to see the savior and said: "Then why don't you help me play games, I'm too good at playing games, and I don't feel fulfilled when I win, and I'm going to be sleepy. If you play games for me, I'll go home. My boyfriend is urging me. How about you help me?"

Wen Ye was silent for a while, and said, "Okay."

Liang You looked at Sang Yin with some jumping feet.

Looking at Sang Yin with big eyes, he was full of condemnation.

Sang Yin smiled and said gracefully: "I really want to go, Bao, let me go back."

Chen Su was on the side, took a sneak peek at Wen Ye, then looked up at Sang Yin, and said, "Ah—you just left."

Zhang Yu also looked at Sang Yin and said, "We can take you with you, why did you leave suddenly?"

Sang Yin said: "Help, my boyfriend is really urging me, I was just too embarrassed to say it."

Sang Yin left, and Wen Ye was replaced by Liang You's side.

Liang You glanced at him and chose to remain silent.

It can be seen from this game that Wen Ye hasn't played much, so he is very unfamiliar with the operation.

In fact, if he approached Liang You in the game, or asked Liang You for help, Liang You might protect him.

But he didn't say it.

Liang You adhered to the principle that you ignore me and I ignore you, and watched Wen Ye die in the game without making a sound.

Although Wen Ye died quickly, he was better than Chen Su. In the end, only Liang You and Zhang Yu were left in the team.

Liang You communicated with Zhang Yu in the game, and the two won the game again.

Because of Wen Ye's joining, the relaxed game atmosphere disappeared, Liang You was like a rock, Zhang Yu was hostile to Wen Ye, Chen Su saw that Zhang Yu was hostile to Wen Ye, and some followed Zhang Yu.

So after everyone played the game for an hour, Zhang Yu suggested not to play.

When leaving, Zhang Yu said to Liang You: "Let's play somewhere else."

But he didn't invite Wen Ye.

Chen Suying said, "Okay."

Everyone looked at Liang You.

Liang You paused, and then she didn't know what state of mind she was in. She said, "No, I don't want to play."

Zhang Yu and Chen Su left, and Chen Su looked quite happy.

Wen Ye and Liang You were left at the end. The Internet cafe was on the third floor, with a large space inside, but the long corridor leading out was very narrow, and the white walls had artistic graffiti, giving it a decadent aesthetic.

Wen Ye and Liang You walked at the end together, and Liang You carried his bag by himself, silent like a mute.

The two of them walked from the Internet cafe to the corridor, their voices gradually became silent, Wen Ye and Liang You said the first sentence of the night.

His voice was cold, like the winter wind, with a biting temperature, he said: "You said you missed me before, you think so, right?"

In fact, this is already a compromise statement. What he originally wanted to say was: no contact for so long, are you planning to break up?

But he was afraid that Liang You would answer straight away, and if he said yes, he would be dumped.

He had no choice but to find fault with the message Liang You sent him before. As for why he found fault, it was probably because he was already arrogant.

It was also because Liang You's words and deeds were inconsistent at all, and what he said were sweet words, which were not true at all, which made people feel dissatisfied.

His beginning was full of gunpowder, and he was mentally prepared to be counterattacked.

Liang You walked in front, and after hearing what she said, she didn't reply immediately.

It's just that she turned around her tall and slender body, and the brown coat showed her temperament. She habitually put on a black hat and mask when she went out, revealing only a pair of lively cat eyes.

She looked at Wen Ye appreciatively and blinked.

What he said was not as cold as before, but asked in a tolerant gesture: "Are you angry?"

The white light hit her body, revealing a little bit of her skin was white.

Wen Ye looked at her.

What she said seemed to be waiting for him to get angry, not to ignore him, not to want him.

The thorns on the rose melted at that moment.

He looked at her, chose to forgive her for a moment, and stopped picking on her.

His eyes softened, he looked down at Liang You, his long eyelashes blinked, and his tone was gentle: "En."

I don't want her apology anymore, because I can't wait, I just wait for the anger of each other.

It was also because during the fifteen days of the cold war, the previous things had become less important, and he was indeed not very angry.

There was no one in the corridor at this time, Liang You hugged Wen Ye after hearing Wen Ye say yes.

 There's another chapter, watch it tomorrow morning
(End of this chapter)

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