Chapter 194

Gathering together is a group of high school classmates, who belong to the circle of good students.

Chen Yi became a staff member in the third year of high school. Although Liang You had good grades, she spent too much time outside of school in her third year of high school. When she returned to school, everyone faced the intense college entrance examination, so she didn't mix much in this circle.

But after all, we all know each other, so it's not embarrassing.

We sang together for a while, started playing games, or truth or dare.

Liang You was extremely lucky the whole time, and nothing was drawn.

Cheng Hang, on the other hand, had really bad luck today and always lost.

But every time with truth or dare, he never chooses truth, only dare.

The punishment given by the classmate who won once was to let Cheng Hang post on Moments.

Content: Listen!I want to chase you!I just recognize you!You are what I have been looking for all this time!

If the content of the Secondary School is published, I don't know how many people want to get into the wrong place. It is estimated that Cheng Hang has been in a bit of trouble these days, the trouble from the beautiful woman.

But Cheng Hang made it.

As soon as he finished, everyone laughed.

They took out their mobile phones and gave Cheng Hang a thumbs up.

Liang You just pursed his lips and smiled, but as a deadly enemy, she would not like this kind of operation.

After playing ktv for about two hours, a group of people came out.

When Liang You went out, she realized that she forgot to put on the mask, but luckily she was wearing a hat, so no one paid attention to her, so she immediately took out the mask from her pocket, and Chen Yi couldn't see far away while wearing the mask. place.

After Liang You put on the mask, seeing Chen Yi's movements, he turned his body slightly and said, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yi still looked not far away, and said in a wary tone, "There was someone staring at you just now."

Liang You followed her gaze, but didn't see anyone looking at her. She asked, "What do you look like?"

Chen Yi said: "Girl, she doesn't look big, she shouldn't be a paparazzi."

"How big?"

"It looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, and it seems quite beautiful."

When Liang You heard it, she felt that it was nothing. A woman, not very dangerous, young, not a paparazzi, even if she was a paparazzi, going to KTV is not a negative news, even if it is negative news, so what?

She said: "Maybe I recognized me without wearing a mask just now, it's okay, let's go."

When Wen Yao came home, her brother Wen Ye was watching a movie on the sofa at home, drinking a bottle of milk in his hand.

Wen Yao put the backpack into her room, and then threw herself on the sofa at home.

Aunt He, who was taking care of the food for the two of them at home, saw her coming back, and walked to the sofa with concern and asked Wen Yao: "Miss, I made chicken soup tonight, do you want it?"

Wen Yao nodded.

She drank the chicken soup and watched TV with his brother for a while, and then said mysteriously: "Brother, guess who I saw today?"

Her brother gave her a lazy look, as if you like to talk or not, and then looked at the screen.

Wen Yao saw that no one was cheering her up, so she pouted and said with a heavy face, "I saw my sister-in-law. She's back at Jiajian."

Liang You was shooting commercials during the winter vacation. She herself shared some daily routines of shooting commercials on Weibo, and even complained that city b was too cold, so cold that she was shivering, so those who followed her knew that she was in city b before.

Wen Ye paused, Liang You didn't tell him, to be precise, the two hadn't contacted each other for more than ten days, and since the first day of junior high school, she never sent her any messages.

He responded in a neutral tone, and said, "Yes."

Wen Yao asked Wen Ye: "Why haven't you seen your sister-in-law for so long since you came back? When are you going to see her? Can you help me get an autograph? I was bragging to others a few days ago that I have one, please."

Wen Ye glanced at Wen Yao indifferently, feeling outraged.

Wen Yao withdrew her hand weakly, folded her hands together piously, and said: "The believer is willing to eat vegetarian food for ten days, and only asks for five signatures."

Wen Ye blinked his beautiful eyes, and didn't agree easily, just said: "Let's talk."

He turned to the TV again, and there were TV pictures printed in his pupils, but there didn't seem to be any of them.

He didn't know whether he should take a step forward. Her performance had been making him more and more uneasy, and she had been seen by more people. He even felt that such alienation was a kind of protection for himself.

While watching the commercial on TV, he swiped through Moments and saw Cheng Hang's Moments.

The above copywriting is eye-catching, and many people like it:

listen!I want to chase you!I just recognize you!You are what I have been looking for all this time!

The hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha group of people below are in uniform, they are all high school classmates.

He could see that it was a joke, but he saw the positioning of Cheng Hang's Moments:
Good see you.

Wen Yao said that he met Liang You in Jiajian, and he looked at the release time.

Five past nine.

He raised his head and asked Wen Yao, "When did you see Liang You in Jiajian today?"

Wen Yao was also playing with her mobile phone, looked up from her mobile phone, and recalled: "09:30, I just came out at that time, and looked at the clock."

Wen Ye: "She's alone?"

Wen Yao said: "No, she is with many people."

That was probably a reunion of some high school classmates, but it was nothing, after all, it wasn't her and Cheng Hang.

But my heart is not happy.

When she came back from city b, she met Cheng Hang and others, but she didn't even contact him.

And Cheng Hang.

He didn't like him meeting Liang You.

He felt that the joking copywriting was half-truth and half-false.

Liang You went to ktv on the first day, and went to Chen Yijia on the second day. Before filming variety shows, she actually had time to play games, but she didn’t have enough time to play games. Have fun playing games.

Chen Yi was also very happy and got on the number with Liang You.

The two played games all morning. Chen Yi sat on the chair while drinking coke, gossiping and asking Liang You: "You just came back yesterday, is your boyfriend gone?"

Liang You was also sitting on a chair drinking coke, she waved her hand and said, "See you tomorrow."

Chen Yi asked curiously, "Why?"

Liang You and Chen Yi have been playing together for so many years, and they share similar tastes. Liang You is very close to her in his heart. She squeezed her fingers, with a distressed look on her face: "Today I will do psychological training."

Chen Yi:?
Liang You met Chen Yi's puzzled gaze, and said dejectedly: "He has been rejecting me recently. If I don't do a psychological training before talking to him, I will be autistic."

Chen Yi: "Ah? Why?"

Liang You: "I made him unhappy a while ago."

She looked at Chen Yi who got along well with her and never quarreled, and sighed: "Hey, you said it would be great if he had a personality like yours."

In this way, you don't have to be careful, and you won't be at odds, quarreling... making people feel powerless and tired.

 That's all for today

(End of this chapter)

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