Chapter 195

That night, Liang You looked at his QQ, and when he was wondering how to ask Wen Ye, Xiaotang sent Liang You a video invitation.

Xiao Tang is Liang You's assistant. She is a girl in her twenties.

Liang You agreed
This time, Xiaotang told Liang You about her itinerary in the next few days, and Liang You was going to attend a party.

After talking about business, Xiao Tang whispered mysteriously, "Sister You, do you know that something serious happened to our company?"

Liang You was tangled and depressed, and looked at Xiaotang full of doubts.

Xiaotang: "Xingcan was acquired by Xile, it was confirmed yesterday, and a group of the company's original senior management left."

Liang You:? ? ?
Xile, Xile is a brand specializing in electrical appliances. Its industrial chain is complete, and it is involved in various electrical industries.

Liang You usually uses their family's cards, and they are very well-known.

Of course, more importantly, this belongs to Cheng Hangjia.

Xile's acquisition of Xingcan, an electrical appliance industry and an entertainment industry, has nothing to do with it.

This acquisition is very intriguing, especially for Liang You to think about it. Liang You touched his chin.

She asked Xiaotang suspiciously: "Why didn't I know about this?"

Xiaotang said: "Maybe you were not there before, and Sister Li forgot to tell you, the change of management should not affect you."

Liang You: "Oh."

In fact, this incident can't affect Xiaotang, the grassroots, so Xiaotang continued to gossip: "Sister You, do you know why Xile bought Xingcan?"

She seemed to understand very well, Liang You looked at Xiao Tang again with doubts, and asked cooperatively: "Why?"

Xiaotang said: "It is said that it was purchased to practice for the prince Xi Le. The prince is about to graduate, and his father wants him to learn how to manage a company, so he bought Xingcan for the prince."

Liang You nodded meaningfully.

So it means that Cheng Hang is going to take over Xingcan, and other companies don't want to buy him, but he just bought Xingcan, which he was in. It's hard to say that he didn't bring personal feelings.

As for the next move, Liang You can't accurately evaluate it for the time being, but there is a high probability that it is for revenge.

Even if it wasn't, Cheng Hang became his superior, and there was another place to fight each other, which was more convenient.

Liang You felt that this acquisition was very powerful.

After this matter was finished, Xiao Tang hung up the phone.

Liang You looked at his QQ again, a little afraid of being rejected by Wenye.

But after watching it for about ten minutes, she felt that it didn't matter anymore. If she refuses, just refuse. It's not like she hasn't been rejected before. There's nothing to be afraid of, and she won't lose a piece of electricity.

She sent a message to Wen Ye, and sent a very homely sentence: "Will you come out for dinner tomorrow?"

There was no reply from there, and Liang You didn't know what Wen Ye was doing at home during the holidays, whether he was clubbing and drinking outside, having dinner outside, or at home.

Staring at the phone screen for 30 seconds, she felt a little tormented, so she changed the phone interface and started playing games.

A game lasted 10 minutes, and when Liang You came out, he realized that Wen Ye had replied.

Sent a message 10 minutes ago and said, "OK."

Liang Youxi went out.

The two made an appointment for lunch the next day. The place was in a restaurant with no people, and a private room was opened.

At twelve o'clock as agreed, when Liang You arrived, Wen Ye had already arrived, sitting on a chair by the table, waiting for her while playing with her mobile phone.

When Liang You came in, Wen Ye gave her a cold look, as if she was still angry.

When Liang You came in, she took off her mask and hat, and she carried a bag in her hand.

Wen Ye didn't like to chat with him, and Liang You didn't intend to do so, he just took the bag and put it in front of Wen Ye.

Wen Ye didn't speak, looked at the bag, and then at Liang You.

Liang You said, "This is what I bought for you when I went back to Jiangpu yesterday."

She obviously came back the day before yesterday, but she was guilty and didn't see him right away, so she lied and emphasized it to show that she didn't ignore him.

But Wen Ye's face became colder almost instantly.

He didn't touch the gift, but just looked at Liang You quietly, leaning his back on the chair.

He lied when he met, relying on himself not knowing when she would come back.

He said nothing, and never touched the gift.

The two ate a meal very quietly.

Liang You knew that Wenye had no intention of reconciling with himself at all, so he was disheartened and ate lazily without making a sound.

If he insists on doing this, just let him go, she won't coax her anymore.

It's really not good, let's break up.

Feeling unhappy, she felt unable to eat after a few mouthfuls, so she put down the fork.

Wen Ye looks elegant.

Liang You put both hands on the table, she and Wen Ye were facing each other, looking at the gift next to Wen Ye.

She decides to ask again, to give him one last chance.

She was aggressive: "Will you accept the gift?"

Wen Ye stopped eating, and looked at Liang You lightly.

He minds her lying, minds that she doesn't want to see him right away when she comes back, minds that she hasn't even seen him before seeing Cheng Hang, minds that she hasn't contacted him for more than ten days, minds that she doesn't want to see his family, minds that she doesn't care about him Do not ask.

However, he curled his fingers and lowered his head.

If you keep her cold for too long, she will be sad.

He felt alienated and safe, but he missed her, missed her very much, and was angry at the thought of coming to meet today.

He looked at Liang You calmly.

Liang You felt that he would refuse, so he said angrily, "Oh, you don't accept it, forget it, just throw it away, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I'm leaving first."

She didn't intend to talk to Wen Ye any more, she stood up and left.

Wen Ye looked at her before she took a step, and said in a calm voice, "Did I say I wouldn't accept it?"

Liang You paused, and stared at the cat's eyes with a look of joy in them.

But she felt that there was something wrong with the joy in her eyes, so she immediately calmed down, looked at Wen Ye coldly, and said proudly, "You know what it means to receive a gift, don't you?"

It was rare for Wen Ye to talk to her, his voice was cold and sweet like Xue, he said, "What do you mean?"

Liang You's provocative tone: "You are short of staff, you took my things, you are mine, you can't get angry with me this time."

Wen Ye was originally depressed, but after listening to her words, he couldn't hold back, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Liang You.

He smiled very sweetly, and his eyes seemed to have stars.

Liang You hadn't seen him smile for a long time, and when she realized this, she felt a little uncomfortable.

She also knew that there seemed to be some problems with the two of them. For example, he was with her, and because of her, he was not so happy.

But from the bottom of her heart, she still wanted to hug him.

This is the person she chose, and she will leave this world in just a little while, and she doesn't want to keep fighting with him.

Wen Ye said, "Yes."

Liang You didn't intend to leave again.

She sat next to Wen Ye and took the initiative to hug Wen Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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