Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 20 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 20 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remark

After Lu Shen made this decision, the dead atmosphere in the base was swept away, and it became as usual.

Liang You reported to Lu Shen's office on time two days later.

As soon as she arrived, Wo Mo took her to a small office next to Lu Shen's office, saying that she would hold a meeting here first.

Not long after, Dongjie also arrived at the office, bringing a beautiful long-haired girl with him.

Dong Jie is the team leader of the security team. He introduced to Liang You: "This is also the newly elected security guard, named Yu Tong. She used to be a secret agent and a correspondent, and this time she is No. 1. It was checked in."

Yu Tong smiled at everyone, with a youthful smile, and said to Wo Mo and Liang You a little timidly: "Hello."

Wo Mo has a familiar personality, and he greeted Tong with a bright smile: "Hi, my name is Wo Mo, and I'm considered an old man. If you don't know anything in the future, you must come to me. I will definitely help you."

Liang You didn't have much resistance to good-looking people, she pursed her lips and smiled slightly, wishing she didn't have the quotations from President Ba to express her praise, but fortunately she was surfing on 5G recently, she said: "I have seen this sister before. of."

Yu Tong looked at Liang You shyly, with some doubts in his eyes.

Wo Mo spoke for Yu Tong: "Really?"

Liang You took out Jia Baoyu's lines in A Dream of Red Mansions: "Although I have never met her, but I look at Mian Shan, and I feel like an old acquaintance in my heart. It is not impossible to just reunite today after a farewell."

Yu Tong looked at Liang You with sparkling eyes, his eyes were obviously kind.

Liang You showed two nimble fingers in his heart, thinking: In this team, I am the first person my pretty sister likes!
She also introduced herself: "My name is Liang You. I have no work experience before, but I am Xiaozhu Yuyun. I hope to change the world with you in the future."

Yu Tong wanted to speak, but was afraid that he shouldn't speak, so he muttered, his eyes still sparkling: "Your Highness, I know you."

Liang You smiled at her.

Dong Jie said at this time: "My name is Dong Jie, and I am the leader of the security team."

Dongjie seldom speaks, and the words are relatively concise. The meeting here is mainly to explain the work in general.

After his explanation, Liang You suddenly discovered that the guards were different from what she thought.

The guards she thought were simple bodyguards.

But Dongjie said: "We have to take care of the young marshal's life."

Liang You:? ? ?
Didn't she see that Liang Yi's guards were standing guard outside?Or, she knew too little about her brother's guards,

She has a little stalk in her heart, she has always been a system, strictly a manager, she doesn't like to take care of people, this doesn't fit her position.

But... what can I do, everything is for the strategy.

Taking a deep breath, she told herself to be flexible.

Dong Jie arranged another shift, Liang You was in the same group as Wo Mo, and he was in the same group as Yu Tong.

This is a 24-hour shift system, which changes every half month. Liang You and Wo Mo are on day shift during this half month.

The meeting ended after 45 minutes, because Liang You and Wo Mo went to work during the day, so Dong Jie and Yu Tong got off work.

Dong Jie asked Yu Tong and Wo Mo to go out of the office first, and told Liang You alone: ​​"Wo Mo's personality is a bit rough, and he often forgets to pour tea for the young commander. Your Highness is careful, remind him more, and the time to refill water during the day is 8 o'clock , 11 o'clock, 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 6 o'clock in the afternoon."

Liang You nodded and said, "Okay."

Liang You and Wo Mo went to stand guard in front of Lu Shen's gate together, one on the left and one on the right, the bodyguards who were at the gate before had been transferred away.

During guard hours, unless necessary, the rest are not allowed to speak, this is the law.

The environment here is very safe, there are guards on the outermost floor of the base, and there are four defensive lines on this floor.

The guards had to protect the chief's safety, and Liang You felt that the chief had to go out more often, so the guards could play the role of bodyguards.

After standing guard for a quarter of an hour, Liang You went to see Wo Mo, seeing his dull and numb face, she thought he must have gone surfing with his brain.

Liang You entered her own sea of ​​consciousness, and in the sea of ​​consciousness was the shooting range she had recently opened up, where she practiced shooting.

At about eleven o'clock, Liang You came back to his senses, with a little sweat on his head.

Wo Mo was still in a daze, Liang You patted him on the shoulder with his hand, Wo Mo came back to his senses, and whispered to Liang You: "What's wrong?"

Liang You said, "It's time to add water."

Wommer said, "Then I'll add it."

Liang You whispered, "I'll go, is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Wo Mo thought for a while, and said, "Young Marshal likes Simi Tea the most. You can make this tea for him."

Liang You nodded and knocked on the door.

Lu Shen's low and indifferent voice came from the door: "Come in."

Liang You went in.

Lu Shen looked up at her, continued to focus on his computer, and said, "Come in directly at this time from now on, without knocking on the door."

Liang You said, "Yes."

She is searching for the location of the tea leaves.

Lu Shen didn't hear anything, and said to her: "The cup is in the cabinet behind me, the tea is in the drawer of the sofa and coffee table, and the water dispenser is on the left behind you."

Liang You said, "Yes."

She went into Lu Shen's table and took the cup, and took a look. The cup was very clean, but as usual, she went to the water dispenser to rinse it first.

There are several kinds of tea in the drawer of the coffee table. According to what Wo Mo said, Liang You found Simi Tea, put some in it, then poured hot water, and put it in front of Lu Shen.

She was actually a little depressed, she had never made tea for anyone, and the thought of taking care of Lu Shen in the future made her even more depressed.

She stood up straight, and took out her Ba Zong's quotations in a low voice: "I have never poured water for anyone, and you are the first one. Are you satisfied with what you see?"

Lu Shen looked up at her.

Then Liang You heard the prompt tone: favorability +1, total favorability 6.
Liang You calmed down slightly.

Lu Shen thought: The first time she poured water for someone, it was me, I was special.

The tea is too hot to drink now, he glanced at it, and moved his eyes to Liang You, he was embarrassed to say he was satisfied, so he changed the subject: "Did Bi Cun see you that day?"

Liang You shook his head and said, "No."

Lu Shen nodded, his eyes showed some reassurance, and he said: "Thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you, something big might happen, I thank you on behalf of the soldiers of Green Lai Xing."

In fact, Liang Yi had already praised Liang You two days ago, and Liang You was quite surprised to be thanked by Lu Shen.

Lu Shen took out a card from the drawer, "This is a 100 million card, the password is your birthday, and it's a reward for you."

Liang You remembered the third method of her overlord's law of flirting with girls: superior.

Overlord, will this kind of thing be short of money?Take 100 million to the boss, will the boss want it?

Liang You picked it up blankly, and she said, "Oh, humiliate me? Am I short of this money?"

Lu Shen sized her up and saw that she said he was humiliating her, so he paused and confirmed again: "You don't want it?"

She is indeed not short of money, so if you don't want it, you can't force it.

Liang You really wanted to ruthlessly say no, but the next moment she said honestly: "Oh, how could I not."

No one can refuse the temptation of money, and neither can the system.

Lu Shen said lightly, "Come here and get it."

(End of this chapter)

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