Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 21 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 21 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (21)

At noon, Lu Shen ordered food alone for the chef to cook, and Liang You went to get Lu Shen the meal.

After taking it, she went to eat alone. One of the two guards must be present, and Wommer had dinner later.

Lu Shen took a lunch break for half an hour, and then he called Wo Mo to let him in.

Wo Mo went in for more than ten minutes before returning to the door.

Liang You looked at him curiously.

To maintain the coldness of a bodyguard, she sent messages with her smart brain and Wo Mo. The smart brain screen can be hidden so that only the person can see it, so in the eyes of outsiders, they are still standing guard seriously.

Liang You sent a message asking: "What were you doing just now?"

Wommer: "Put a tie on the young marshal."

Liang You:! ! !And such a good thing!
Wo Mo saw that Liang You was eager to try, so he sent a message saying: "If you like it, I will let you do this job in the future."

Liang You: "What do you like to eat? Tell me all, and I'll buy them all for you."

Wo Mo typed with a smile on his face: "There is a roasted pig's trotter outside the base, which is very delicious and expensive, okay?"

Liang You has realized something now. It turns out that the grouping is like this. There are only four guards. Wo Mo and Dong Jie were in one group before. After Liang You and Yu Tong came, it became like this.

Liang You used to think that it was the old who led the new to become like this, but looking at it now, there is also a gender reason for this grouping.

Lu Shen is a man. For example, helping to tie a tie is not suitable for the opposite sex.

Liang You: ...

He is very thoughtful, and it is difficult for an unruly person like himself to play well.

Looking at the joyful chat records on Zhinao, Liang You pursed his lips in pain and said, "All right."

After all, it is really rich.

Lu Shen stayed in the office all day, and a few officers came to him, chatted for a while, and then left.

Liang You stood until 8:8 p.m. and finally got off work. Her working hours were from 8:[-] to [-]:[-].

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Liang You's legs went numb.

The original owner was probably not in good health, so Liang You stood there for another eight hours.

Don't ask, it hurts to ask.

What's more terrible is that you have to stand for 10 hours the next day, and standing for 10 hours is the norm.

Liang You: ...

In order to tease Han, she paid too much, too much.

When she got off work, Lu Cheng called her again and asked her if the flower seedlings had arrived.

Lu Cheng fell in love with planting flowers some time ago, but he didn't know how to choose tulip seeds. When the two met for the first time, Lu Cheng was so distressed.

Liang You asked at the time: "Shall I help you choose?"

She was being polite at first, but who knew that Lu Cheng didn't play cards according to common sense, so she said in one breath: "Okay, you help me choose."

Liang You froze for a moment, she didn't like to choose seeds, but the matter had come to this point, she had no choice but to help him choose, even bought for him, and gave it to him.

After Lu Cheng took it back and planted it, he sent her a photo of the seeds some time ago, as if they were about to sprout.

Liang You became happy, the seeds she picked out were about to sprout, and she also had a sense of participation in it.

After a while.Lu Cheng told Liang You again that he wanted to plant lilies, and Liang You actively bought seeds for him this time, but Lu Cheng didn't come to pick them up.

Liang You said, "It's here, I'll give it to you."

She went back to Yuyunxing's base, went to the room to get the seeds, soil and flower pots, and carefully packed them in a small box.

She sent the things to the Green Laixing base, and the two of them had a round on the side of a building.

Liang You handed the things to Lu Cheng.

After a day of exhaustion, looking at Lu Cheng's harmless and handsome face, she felt a little comforted, her legs were not so sore anymore.

Lu Cheng took the things, with a childish and clean smile in his eyes, and said softly, "Thank you sister."

Liang You pursed his lips and smiled, with lovely milk fat appearing on his cheeks.

Lu Cheng is tall and wears short sleeves. He looks like the hero who plays basketball very well in campus novels. He seems to have just taken a shower, and his body has a faint fragrance.

He asked Liang You: "I heard that my sister is working as my brother's bodyguard."

Liang You said, "That's right."

Lu Cheng glanced at the ground, and there was a dim shadow under the light. He raised his head, laughed again, and said, "Then sister is here at the Green Lai Xing Base? Can I have dinner with my sister?"

Liang You thought: Huh?This is like me?Do you mean asking me out for dinner?
Lu Cheng added: "Sometimes I eat alone, it's a little boring."

Liang You thought: Reasons are reasonable, maybe because he likes me, maybe because he wants to be friends with me, the probabilities are 50.00% respectively.

She smiled, and she didn't refuse too obviously: "My meal time is a bit irregular. If the time can meet, we will have dinner together."

While talking, she felt a certain strong gaze, she looked over, and there was a person standing under the dim light, it was Lu Shen.

He looked at her coldly, and seeing Liang You looking back, he turned his head and walked away calmly without saying anything.

Liang You heard his own prompt almost immediately:
Favorability -3, total favorability 3
Liang You:! ! !You can't reduce her favorability!
This is a misunderstanding, she wants to clarify!
She said to Lu Cheng: "You go back first, I will go first."

Then he ran to chase Lu Shen.

Lu Shen walked very fast, Liang You had to run to catch up with him.

It was already summer at this time, and the military uniform was long-sleeved. Liang You ran for a while and sweated a little. She caught up with Lu Shen in an open-air corridor, panting and said, "Damn, how can you walk like a man?" So fast?"

Do you have to walk as fast as a rabbit?Can't you walk slowly like a turtle?
At this time, she once again picked up the third style of the overlord's flirting with girls: the superior style.

After so many days of practice, she feels that the third move is the basic move of the boss to flirt with girls, and can be used most of the time, and other moves can be superimposed on this move.

Lu Shen stopped in his tracks, without any emotion in his eyes. He stood by the river and looked at Liang You, who was out of breath, without saying anything.

Liang You was a little tired, but for the sake of goodwill, she chose to be dedicated.

At this time, there should be a wall, but there is no wall to cooperate here, so Liang You can only pretend that there is a wall in his heart, and put one hand across Lu Shen's side, pretending to hold the air.

Seen from a distance, this is Liang You putting an arm beside Lu Shen for no reason.

Liang You resorted to the seventh style of the overlord's flirting with girls: the object of petting.

A qualified non-ancient overlord who would not spoil his little wife, she will spoil Lu Shen to death in the future.

She looked up at Lu Shen's head, tried not to overwhelm her momentum by the height difference, and said insightfully: "There is something wrong with you! He and I are just good friends, can you understand?"

Lu Shen didn't speak.

His eyes were dark, bright and beautiful, ignoring his coercive aura, the pure ones in his eyes seemed to have a sense of brokenness, deep.

Seeing this, Liang You continued to coax: "He asked me to help him choose seeds, what can I have with him? Listen to me, he didn't succeed in arousing my interest."

Lu Shen looked cold and arrogant.

But Liang You heard the beep: Favorability +3, total favorability 6
Liang You was very happy when she successfully regained her favorability. She originally wanted to say: "Only you, a beautiful little fairy, can successfully arouse my interest." But considering that the two of them are now purely superior-subordinate relationship, she strictly changed it to Li: "Only you, a pretty little fairy, can let me take another look."

Hearing this, Lu Shen lowered his head slightly: "Didn't you say I'm average?"

Last time, Liang You said that he usually wanted to equalize the two people's positions in this relationship. This statement was obviously taken by Lu Shen.

Liang You said confidently, "Oh, but you are pretty."

Lu Shen's eyelashes trembled in shock, he thought: She praised me for being good-looking, did she mean that she liked me?

Then Liang You heard the notification tone again:
Favorability +2, total favorability 8
Liang You: happy to hold glasses JPG
(End of this chapter)

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