Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 50 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 50 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (51)

Liang You thought that the tomorrow that Lu Shen said was today, but in fact, this morning, Lu Shen and Liang You said, "Tomorrow at four o'clock in the morning, let's go to see the sunrise, is that okay?"

Liang You: ...

This date is very challenging. It's four o'clock in the morning.

But there is no way, she dotes on the object very much, she said: "Okay."

She asked Lu Shen: "Where can I watch the sunrise?"

Lu Shen said: "It takes an hour to drive a spaceship on a small island."

Liang You thought for a while and said, "We will retreat tomorrow afternoon. Is it in time to watch the sunrise in the morning?"

Lu Shen took a sip of tea, "It's time, the retreat time has been changed to night."

Liang You adjusted his glasses, and asked tentatively, "Isn't it because we have a date that we changed it to night?"

If so, it's a bit of a stretch.

Lu Shen nodded lightly.

Liang You: ...

Liang You sat on the sofa upright: "Have you ever thought that we can actually go on a date after going to Green Lai Xing, and we don't need to be so rushed."

Lu Shen blinked, "But it's been too long."

It seemed he didn't pay attention.

Liang You saw that he was serious and sincere, so he didn't say anything more: "That's good."

At four o'clock the next morning, Lu Shen called Liang You, and the voice was magnetic: "Are you awake?"

Liang You set the alarm clock, she struggled to get up, brushed her teeth in a daze, put on the clothes she chose yesterday, and went downstairs.

Lu Shen came in a spaceship, and the two guards were not there.

Liang You felt better now, and asked Lu Shen, "Where are Dong Jie and Yu Tong?"

Lu Shen said lightly: "I didn't let them come." He looked at Liang You, "Aren't you my bodyguard? Just take you."

Liang You nodded, smiled and said, "Okay."

The spaceship is a small spaceship with four seats and a very traditional elliptical shape.

In this case, it is impossible for Liang You to drive the spaceship, Lu Shen is driving it himself.

Liang You sat next to him, because it was a date, and Lu Shen seriously invited him, so Liang You dressed very beautifully today.

She wore a linen suspender with a sense of design. There was a layer of gauze on the off-shoulder area, and only the collarbone was conservatively exposed.

She took off her glasses, and her long curly hair was beautifully loose.

The whole person is the endorsement of advanced and beautiful.

But she was wearing thin clothes, and the temperature in the morning was low. Lu Shen pressed the button to cover the top of the spaceship.

Knowing that Liang You's cold is still not healed, he put his hands on the steering wheel and turned to look at Liang You: "There's my coat behind you, put it on, don't catch a cold."

Liang You showed a sweet smile and said, "Okay."

Lu Shen's clothes were right behind Liang You's seat, and Liang You got them as soon as he turned his back. It was a black trench coat that Liang You had never seen before. The style was simple, but stylish.

Liang You put it on.

The spaceship turned on its lights and sailed towards the faintly bright distance.

Lu Shen turned to Liang You and said, "There is still an hour to arrive, so you should sleep for a while."

He is very white, the closer you look, the more handsome he is, his temperament has softened, and his black hair and black eyes look a little bit obedient.

But he was very formally dressed, with a serious and serious look.

Seeing how good-looking he is, Liang You put his head on his shoulder: "I want to sleep like this."

Lu Shen remained calm, and said in a nasal voice: "En."

Only then did Liang You fall asleep again.

For an hour, Lu Shen didn't dare to move his shoulder casually.

She leaned her cheek against his arm, breathing evenly, as if even her breathing was beautiful and fragrant.

He carefully put her head on the seat, got off the spaceship, and got on the spaceship after a while.

He stroked Liang You's hair and said softly, "Wake up."

Liang You screamed twice and opened his eyes. At 05:30 in the morning, everything hadn't woken up yet, and the wind had a crisp smell.

Liang You glanced at Lu Shen blankly and woke up.

After getting off the spaceship, Liang You found that it was just the seaside, with palm olive trees scattered behind him, leaving nice silhouettes, and the sky was as beautiful as a sapphire blue sky with a filter.

Not far away was the coastline, and Liang You suddenly felt refreshed and excited, and she said to Lu Shen beside her, "How do you know this place?"

There seems to be no one around here, it should be an undeveloped place.

Lu Shen said: "I passed by during the war, and I thought it was very beautiful here."

At that time, he wanted to bring Liang You here, and now he has done it.

The sea breeze was humid, Liang You approached, and saw a lot of roses planted on the shallows, these roses were very bright, and they were all in a tight bunch before budding.

There are scattered leaves on the green branches.

The brown beach is littered with scattered leaves and petals.

It was the first time Liang You knew that brown and red accessories were so highly used, and the roses by the sea were in full bloom like a painting.

Liang You didn't blink, then turned to look at Lu Shen: "Did you insert it? It's so beautiful."

Lu Shen nodded and asked, "Do you like it?"

"I love so much."

The beach has been arranged in advance by Lu Shen, not only there are blooming roses, but even a swing frame with flowers.

Liang You: Shocking JPG.

I didn't expect him to be... quite romantic in his heart.

There should be no girl who doesn't like swings. Even if Liang You is a system, she also said that she likes swings.

Sitting on the swing and swinging, Lu Shen was behind to help her push slowly.

The two looked at the sky and the light blue sea in the distance, which were more beautiful than paintings. Liang You said, "I thought a general like you would be very serious, and he should be more serious in his heart. Why are you so special?"

"What should I do, I seem to like you more."

Lu Shen blinked at her praise, he felt a little helpless inside, but he didn't show it on the surface, and said, "It's just as long as you like it."

When he said that, the waves rushed over here.

Liang You quickly jumped down, it's uncomfortable to get wet, run away!
Lu Shen took two steps forward, and Liang You quickly led him to run outside.

The sound of the tide slapping against the shore sounded behind him, and within two steps, the sea quickly chased him up, hitting Liang You's knees at one point, and a large area of ​​his skirt was wet.

Liang You was also pushed to the point of falling by the force of the sea water.

Lu Shen quickly hugged Liang You, not letting her fall to the ground.

This is the first hug they have ever had together.

The tide spread, and the low sky was a beautiful silhouette of two people embracing each other.

Lu Shen hugged Liang You, reluctant to let go, moved his head closer to Liang You, and leaned slightly against her.

Seeing him like this, Liang You leaned her head on Lu Shen's shoulder. She put her arms around Lu Shen's neck, and leaned close to him with an intimacy and dependence, and said, "You know what? You're not very romantic now. .”

Lu Shen hugged Liang You, and felt that the romance was dead now, and the romance was already perfect.

I didn't expect myself to be unromantic.

He asked Liang You in that cold voice, "Why am I not romantic?"

Liang You turned his head away from Lu Shen's shoulder, and slightly looked up into Lu Shen's eyes:
"Kissing me at this time is the perfect score for romance. Human kissing is an expression of love. If you kiss me now, you are telling me that you love me."

Hearing this, Lu Shen looked at her and lowered his head.

The tip of his nose was pressed against hers, looking for her lips.

His expression was cold, his looking lips were indifferent, and his eyelashes drooped neatly. It was not cute, but a strong and wild that made people's heart beat.

He kissed Liang You's lips.

Gently tap once again.

So handsome.

Liang You felt that the kiss was not on his lips, but on his heart.

 I should be a human cookie
(End of this chapter)

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