Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 51 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 51 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (52)
Liang You and Lu Shen sat on the beach together and waited for the sunrise.

Lu Shen brought two benches, and the two sat on the dry sand that had not been washed by the tide.

The clouds in the sky are very beautiful, purple blue, better than cartoons.

These clouds are very low, so low that they seem to be able to pass directly over the head, as if they can be touched by standing up.

Not only are they low, but they are also very dense, with different shapes, all of which are very large, some are like horses, some are like sheep, and they are densely distributed, flowing quickly in the sky, as if they are in a hurry to attend the Queen Mother's Pantao party.

Liang You tilted his head over Lu Shen's and watched the clouds for a while.

After a while, she got bored.

He turned his attention to the sandy beach beneath his feet.

She kicked the beach a few times, and said with a gentle smile, "Let's dig a hole."

Of course Lu Shen nodded.

The two squatted on the ground and dug holes together. Lu Shen dug more. He thought Liang You was digging holes to make sand piles, so he was more diligent.

The two dug for a while, and dug out a long hair-shaped hole, about three or four centimeters long.

Liang You looked at the hole, and said to Lu Shen in a very fresh tone: "Which one is bigger, your foot or this hole?"

Lu Shen took a look and estimated, "This hole."

Liang You said, "Really? I don't believe it."

She smiled brightly: "I think it seems that your feet are bigger."

Lu squatted deeply, stretched out a foot forward, and stepped in with a leather shoe.

Sure enough, the hole is relatively large.

Seeing that Lu Shen's feet went in, Liang You's expression turned serious: "Don't move!"

Then she held the sand in her hands and happily buried Lu Shen's feet.

Lu Shen: ...

Lu Shen's leather shoes are long tubes, Martin boots,

Bury the shoes shallowly so that the sand cannot get into the shoes.

But the laces were covered with sand, and the inside of the shoe was in danger.

Lu Shen thought to himself: She is so childish.

Liang You buried Lu Shen's feet with handfuls of sand, and Lu Shen didn't get angry when he squatted.

Liang You was very happy.

Lu Shen looked at her helplessly, not knowing how to respond to her little provocation.

It's not someone else, it's the future wife, of course it should be different from others.

Silence is not good, warning is not good, and anger is not good.

After thinking for a long time, he leaned forward and gently kissed Liang You's cheek.

He's actually not angry at all.

Liang You smiled with crooked eyebrows, facing such a kiss, the crooked eyebrows were even more severe.

He is very good, not angry at all.

After burying Lu Shen's feet, Liang You dug the soil again and pulled Lu Shen's feet out.

The two sat on the beach and waited for about half an hour. At 06:30, the sky was covered with dense clouds for a small half of the sky, changing from dreamy purple blue to light purple and deep red.

There is also a blood-like cloud, and the sun comes out from this blood-colored cloud, covering the sky with a layer of bright gold.

It can be said that the beauty is breathtaking.

Liang You leaned his head on Lu Shen's shoulder and asked Lu Shen, "Then shall we take a photo together?"

Lu Shen looked into the distance and said, "Yes."

Liang You turned on the smart brain. In the interstellar era, the eyes can take pictures, which will appear on the smart brain's display screen. Liang You made a scissors hand to the sky, and also made a scissors hand when pulling Lu Shen's hand.

The two took a group photo of scissors hands facing the rising sun together.

The photos were taken silently.

Taking advantage of the rising sun, Lu Shen took out his velvet box from his pocket.

He holds the box in his right hand and opens it with his left.

Inside is a pair of rings.

Lu Shen handed the ring to Liang You, his eyes as quiet as well water shimmered, and he said, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Liang You smiled and stretched out his finger, a slender finger.

She said, "Yes."

Lu Shen slowly put the ring on Liang You.

He took the initiative to extend his hand to Liang You, meaning that Liang You would put a ring on her.

The ring is white gold with diamonds, and the style is very simple.

Liang You felt that something was wrong, but she put it on for Lu Shen because she doted on her.

After putting it on, Lu Shen said, "Wait a minute."

He stood up, went to the grass next to him, and took out a bouquet of red roses from the grass.

There are many roses, Liang You thinks there are about 99 roses.

It's not a stuffed packaging method, but an arched shape, like a semicircle, wrapped in black gauze, very mysterious and elegant.

Lu Shen brought the flowers to Liang You, but he was very stupid and just said: "For you."

Restrained like an audience presenting flowers on stage.

Liang You wanted to laugh a little.

Lu Shen didn't finish this, he said again: "Wait a little longer."

Then he went to the place where he just took the roses.

He walks straight and fast, which is a typical soldier's walking posture. He is heroic and handsome, and he is long and good-looking, as if he is walking a T-step.

Liang You was curious about what he was going to get again, and followed him with his eyes.

Then I saw him take out a bouquet of flowers.

Liang You:? ? ?
Approaching Liang You, he found that it was not a flower, but a bunch of lychees.

Lu Shen sat across from her, held a bunch of beautifully packaged lychees in front of Liang You, and said seriously: "You like to eat, come out with me this morning, if you haven't eaten, this is for you."

He is very attentive.

Liang You took the lychee bouquet.

She holds roses on the left and a bouquet of lychees on the right, her arms full.

But happy to receive these.

The sunrise was over, Liang You proposed to eat lychees with Lu Shen on the beach, Lu Shen had no objection.

Liang You slowly peeled the lychees with pink nails.

She looked at Lu Shen with a smile and said, "Do you know what your confession looks like today?"

Lu Shen looked at Liang You suspiciously.

Liang You smiled: "Like a marriage proposal, really, just now I felt like I was at the wedding scene, exchanging rings with you."

Lu Shen's ears burst red upon hearing this.

He tilted his head and pretended to look at the distant sky, but didn't speak.

Seeing his reaction, Liang You said, "You probably didn't do it on purpose."

Lu Shen still didn't speak, looked at the scenery seriously, and kept silent.

Liang You: "Oh, you did it on purpose."

Lu Shen's face also turned red, and a blush appeared on his indifferent face. It took him a while to look at Liang You with sparkling eyes, and said, "Anyway, we will get married."

His face was hot and his ears were hot: "We count it as a dress rehearsal."

Liang You said meaningfully, "Oh~"

What can she do, of course she can only obey~
That afternoon Liang You went back to his room to pack his things, and Lu Shen drove his car to help Liang You move the things into the spaceship.

In the evening, Liang You and Lu Shen will set off for Green Lai Star together.

Liang Yi left later, and he sent Liang You and Lu Shen off.

Under the tarmac, Liang Yi looked at Lu Shen with a smile: "She works here with you, you can't bully her, Yuyunxing is only two days away from Lulaixing, if you bully her, I can come here at any time .”

Lu Shen nodded to Liang Yi and said, "Don't worry."

Liang Yi looked at Liang You again, "Stay there well and don't cause trouble."

Liang You smiled beautifully, "Oh."

After the group bid farewell, the spaceship sailed to the distant Green Lai Star.

(End of this chapter)

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