Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 89 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 89

The big incident happened early one morning. Liang You was still sleeping when he heard unusual noises outside.

Lu Shen's intellectual brain kept ringing, waking Liang You up.

Lu Shen slept on the sofa at night and did not enter the room. Liang Youjin pulled on his slippers and looked for Lu Shen with half-closed eyes.

Lu Shen was working outside early on, and Liang You gave Lu Shen his brain.

Lu Shen answered the phone.

He listened, his expression became serious, and he said, "I see, I'll go down."

Liang You woke up a little at this time, and looked at Lu Shen suspiciously.

Lu Shen took her hand, led her to the bedroom, and said gently, "Go on to sleep."

My own room lives with my future wife, full of the atmosphere of my future wife, I like it.

He kissed Liang You's forehead.

Seeing this, Liang You nodded blankly and fell asleep again.

When she got up in the morning, Lu Shen still didn't return to the office, but just called a girl to bring her breakfast, and there were people guarding outside.

Liang You turned on the TV after eating.

Only then did I know what happened this morning.

It turned out that there was a murder case in the villa this morning.

Zhang Tian, ​​deputy commander of the North District, died outside Lu Shen's villa. He was shot in the forehead and reeked of alcohol before he died.

This incident hit the headlines of the day, and the photo of Zhang Tian lying in the garden of Lu Shen's villa with his eyes closed was very eye-catching on the news.

And Lu Shen was listed as the number one suspect, which was the first thing to watch in this matter.

The second point of interest in this matter is the relationship between the northern district and the southeastern district of Green Lai Xing.

The north district sent Zhang Tian to the southeast district to discuss peace, but now he died in the southeast district.

Just as the so-called war between the two countries does not come at any time, it can be said that this is a provocative act by the southeast district against the north district, which will undoubtedly make the relationship between the north district and the southeast district tense.

From Liang You's point of view, Lu Shen and Zhang Tian had no grievances, and even Lu Shen wanted to win Zhang Tian over.

Lu Shen had no motive at all to kill Zhang Tian.

Even if you kill someone, hiding the body is the basic quality of a murderer. Isn't it too long to put it in your own garden so blatantly?
So this is framed.

Liang You didn't go online, so she didn't know that it was nothing serious to watch the excitement online. No one cared about the truth at all. What everyone cared more about was the exciting fact that the young marshal was suspected of being a murderer.

Lu Shen didn't go home all day, and didn't get home until night.

When he returned home, his brows and eyes were a little tired, and when he saw Liang You, his eyes became bright again, as if Liang You was the direction of light.

Liang You accompanied Lu Shen to finish the meal, and waited for someone to pack up the food.

Lu Shen hugged Liang You, and put his head on Liang You's shoulder, acting like a child who wanted to comfort him.

Liang You just let him hug him. If he didn't hug him at this time, it would be too inhuman.

She didn't move, but what she thought was that the person who framed her might have a big grudge against Lu Shen.

Putting the body in Lu Shen's garden damaged Lu Shen's reputation.

Regardless of whether it was the person who was killed by Lu Shen, Zhang Tian did indeed die in the southeast district, and the relationship between the southeast district and the north district would be deadlocked.

This is what Lu Shen is responsible for.

From Liang You's point of view, Lu Cheng is undoubtedly responsible for such a deep hatred.

After all, in novel routines, the heroine is always killed by the second female lead.

This is a story about the main male protagonist, and the male protagonist was undoubtedly killed by the second male protagonist.

Reasoning is simple and reasonable.

Liang You thought: If you move, you will lose your life. Lu Cheng is still a ruthless character.

While Lu Shen hugged Liang You, he said, "Today is very tiring at the police station."

He spoke in a low voice, holding Liang You in his arms as if he wanted to hold on forever.

He said: "Can I sleep with you tonight? I'm afraid to sleep alone, and I saw something terrible."

There was a coldness in his voice, and the content was delicate.

Liang You thought for a while, in the late stage of the broken mirror reunion, it should be reconciled at this time, then...

Of course it is to pet the object!What the subject says is what he wants, and the moon in the sky is also taken off for him!

She said, "Okay."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lu Shen's lips, and he put his hand on Liang You's back.

He said, "Youyou is so nice."

Liang You quietly blushed, and she said: "It's not that good, only a million points are better."

The two slept together that night.

Two people cover the quilt and chat purely

Lu Shen held Liang You's hand, his face became more and more beautiful, and he said, "Youyou, do you know what happened today?"

Liang You hummed.

Lu Shen said, "Do you trust me?"

Liang You: "I believe."

Lu Shen said, "Then are you willing to help me?"

Lu Shen blinked his eyes. Although a man has to bear all this by himself, in the bloody text, he must ask his partner for help.

This is in line with Gouxuewen's routine.

Liang You really didn't expect to ask such a question, because a proper hero like Lu Shen is of course used to solving problems by himself, so there is no reason to ask her.

But since she asked, it's not that she can't help him.

It just takes a few days for Lu Cheng to find out the process of committing the crime.

This was a high-cost payment, and she picked it up immediately, and looked at Lu Shen very imposingly: "Give me a reason to help you."

Of course, this is a hypocritical question.

He wanted the moon in the sky and she picked it for him.

He is the object of the system, and he must be there in the platoon.

Lu Shen pulled Liang You's finger, with affection in his eyes, he said, "I want you to help me."


He is so unreasonable.

Then she has no choice.

Of course it is to be pampered.

Liang You put on a show and said noblely: "In this case, let me help you."

A smile appeared in Lu Shen's eyes, he moved his head closer to Liang You, and pressed a rewarding kiss on Liang You's lips.

Liang You looked at him without blinking.

Lu Shen also looked at her without blinking.

He kissed Liang You's forehead again, and said:

"Can you help me to accompany Zhang Qing? There are only two brothers and sisters in his family. Her brother left suddenly. I'm afraid she won't be able to bear the excitement. My mother is getting old and she doesn't want to see this kind of scene, so I can only ask Here you go."

Liang You: ...

Seriously wanting her to help, but this is the end?

Just let her go with a girl?
She can solve the case. Hey, hello.

The warmth in her eyes melted a little, and she said, "Don't you consider asking me to help with other things? For example, solving crimes or something, I'm very good at it."

She said it seriously.

The corners of Lu Shen's lips curled slightly, and he said, "So powerful? But maybe, it's better for me to do it myself."

Liang You saw that what he said was very sure, so he didn't insist anymore and nodded.

The two fell asleep in their arms, and Liang You felt that he was not forced to be trapped here by Lu Shen, but... the feeling of living here naturally.

Lu Shen even asked her to go out to help

Didn't follow any of the basic operations of abductors

Liang You went to accompany Zhang Qing the next day.

And Lu Shen walked into the prison deep in the military region, where General Gao Tao was imprisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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