Fast travel: the system has strength and means

Chapter 90 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Speech

Chapter 90 The Innocent Warlord Actually Loves My Overlord's Remarks (91)

The light in the prison is not very good, there are only a few beams of light and some torches.

Gao Tao was arrested overnight and sent to prison, this will be uncomfortable.

Lu Shen walked outside the prison and looked at him with a very peaceful expression, no different from seeing a guest.

He looked at Gao Tao and asked plainly: "This time it's General Gao's handwriting again, my younger brother, heh, really makes the best use of everything."

Gao Tao was indeed entrusted by Lu Cheng this time, but it was absolutely impossible for him to confess to Lu Cheng, and of course, it was impossible for him to confess himself.

During the whole killing process, he hid himself very well, not even leaving a single fingerprint, so how could this have anything to do with him.

So he didn't try to persuade him, but said: "Young commander, don't spit blood at others, and you must tell evidence in everything. I'm afraid it doesn't match your identity if you open your mouth."

Gao Tao did have confidence, the whole process of committing the crime was smooth, and the suspects had nothing to do with him.

But Lu Shen checked the transaction records, and after eight turns, he found Gao Tao's brother's account.

And the perpetrator of this incident is the beneficiary. Except for Lu Cheng, there is really no other person with such great courage and motivation.

So the fact is of course that Lu Cheng colluded with Gao Tao and jointly collaborated in the case.

Of course, Lu Cheng will definitely not get hurt by Hunxuan.

Lu Shen smiled slightly, enlarged his brain into a displayable state, and displayed a transaction record in the air.

Gao Tao turned pale, but he was very steady, "This is my brother's transfer, what's the use of the young commander showing me?"

Seeing that he refused to admit it, Lu Shen was not angry, he looked at the other gun on his waist, and said quietly: "I really don't have enough evidence for Zhang Tian's matter now."

Hearing this, Gao Tao became more confident.

Lu Shen looked at Gao Tao coldly: "It's just the two previous evidences that General Gao murdered Princess Yuyunxing and drugged me. I have a lot of evidence for these two things."

Gao Tao originally felt that he had offended Lu Shen twice before and would die sooner or later, but Lu Shen didn't do it.

Like a blunt knife cutting flesh, the waiting process is extremely long.

And Lu Cheng promised him a high official and generous salary, and asked him to get rid of Lu Shen, so he had no hesitation in doing this.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shen mentioned this matter again at this time. Gao Tao knew that he was doomed to die. When Lu Shen said it, he was not afraid, but rather depressed.

Gao Tao looked at Lu Shen calmly.

Lu Shen is much taller than Gao Tao, and he was born with a sense of superiority, but he didn't show it. At this time, he showed a gentle smile:

"General Gao doesn't think that his own life can cover these crimes, does he? You offended me."

Whoever is in politics has no means, but Lu Shen's ability to climb to such a high position has something to do with his background and his means. It just depends on whether he can use it and how to use it.

Gao Tao still didn't panic, what can he do, he has nothing to deal with.

Lu Shen smiled coldly, and hit the snake seven inches:
"General Gao seems to care about Bi Cun very much. These days, he has been thinking about revenge for Bi Cun. I let the Gao family and the Bi family die in battle, leaving no one behind. I wonder what General Gao thinks?"

He looked at Gao Tao with a clear face.

Gao Tao didn't expect him to think so deeply, his face turned pale all of a sudden.

Bi Cun died early, it was impossible for him to let his family go with him.

Feeling depressed, he was breathing heavily.

The two looked at each other, Lu Shen looked indifferent, Gao Tao remained silent.

Lu Shen added: "Or we can keep it simple, and don't have to destroy the family so tragically. What does General Gao think?"

"What do you want to do?"

The next day, Gao Tao turned himself in, saying that Zhang Tian was killed by him because of a personal grudge, and the reason why he put the body in Lu Shen Garden was also because of a personal grudge.

Now the media is completely blown up. The complicated personal grievances and the entanglement between the three political figures are several times more exciting than before.

It wasn't just Lulai Xing that day, even Yu Yunxing's entire page was covered in this news.

As for Cheng Lu, Lu Shen didn't let Gao Tao say a word about Cheng Lu in front of the media.

But the Generalissimo received a letter from Gao Tao in private, and Gao Tao explained clearly what Lu Cheng did in this matter.

Half a month after this major event, Lu Cheng was sent by the Generalissimo to the junction of the southeast district and the central district.

It was originally a critical period of the struggle for power, but the Generalissimo transferred Lu Cheng away. This move also showed that the Generalissimo had decided on the final candidate for the heir.

Because Zhang Tian died in the southeast district, Lu Shen personally helped the coffin to the north district to express his apology to the north district.

When Lu Cheng was transferred to the border, Lu Shen was not in the southeast area.

And Liang You's dog blood point has risen to 95, which means that her mission is basically completed.

During the time when Lu Shen was not in the southeast area, Liang You still returned to the place where he lived before. After all, Zhang Tian stayed in the place where Lu Shen lived, and Liang You was a little bit afraid.

On the day Lu Cheng left, he called Liang You and said that he wanted Liang You to see him off.

Liang You was silent on the phone for a while.

Although she is a villain, Lu Cheng treats her well.

She was about to open her mouth, but Cheng Lu said, "Youyou, I treat you..."

He didn't continue, just asked: "Can you come? I want to see you, see you next time, maybe" he laughed at himself: "Maybe you will be my sister-in-law by then."

Liang You: "..."

She thought: I think too much.

With a blood score of 100, she will leave this world.

She said, "You are on that spaceship pad, what time do you leave?"

Lu Cheng reported the time and place.

It was in the afternoon, so Liang You called a taxi in the afternoon.

When she was in the car, she felt that the driver's face was flushed, and she asked, "Master, have you been drinking?"

The driver said: "Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving. I still know this rule. I was exposed to the sun."

Liang You didn't believe his nonsense, but the driver can still talk, so it's fine.

Liang You got into the car.

Maybe Liang You didn't expect her to be so unlucky that she had another car accident while on the road.

Liang You was sitting in the back seat. Although she was wearing a seat belt, she still hit her head.

The moment I hit my head, I don't know if it was positive or negative, and the previous memories rushed to my head.

Liang You remembered that she had kidnapped Lu Shen, and she used the trick of the boss to tease Lu Shen all day long, but Lu Shen always liked it.

He's amazing, and she's been kind to him a little bit, which he's always known and cherished.

When she was still chasing him, he would post up and kiss her proactively.

They were indeed together.

And as expected, she was using the script of "Back to the Heart", but only halfway through the breakup, she had a car accident.

She remembered it all.

When she opened her eyes again, it was daytime, the windows were clear, and Lu Shen was sitting in front of her hospital bed.

 I'm going to enter the campus essay tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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