35 this year

Chapter 38 Why You Can Be Different

Chapter 38 Why You Can Be Different

According to Xu Hong's sister, Xu Hong's mother died around New Year's Day, but the sister refused to disclose the specific date, only saying that her mother died very badly. Clothes not covering the body, in the middle of the night, it belongs to hunger and cold, depression and death.suffer hunger and cold?The word my sister used made Xu Hong puzzled, because how could her family suffer from hunger and cold these days?She didn't follow her father's request to give him 30 yuan at once, but Xu Hong's family is definitely not poor. How could such a thing happen today in a society rich in material things?

Sister Xu Hong sighed softly and said, "Hey, it's her fault too. I already knew what kind of virtue our father is. If I have to rely on him, I don't want her to live in my house. What about my wife, she is old now. If there is a problem, he has to take care of her, but he doesn't know that he has long been looking forward to her death." Xu Hong listened to her in a daze, and did not reply.Xu Hong didn't get a response, and Xu Hong's sister continued, "I also heard from neighbors that a few days ago, that girl from our father...that broken shoe visited our house, and said that she gave him advice, so let no one care about it." My mother, I heard that several people were still fighting. Someone called me. I was worried, so I went to see it. I advised my mother not to get angry with him and live a good life, but she didn't, she said she didn't believe it. He is really so cruel. She has worked hard for this family all her life, raising children, living frugally, and taking care of his parents until they get old. She doesn't believe that a man is so cruel. Anyway, the two of them had a good time when they were young, but it was all like this Older, younger is better, who remembers... Our mother is also stubborn, she can do it by herself, changing clothes and going to the bathroom is not a problem, but she has to wait for our father, our father is not the one who waits on the patients Man, I thought he was bored, my mother didn't move, he didn't bother to take care of him, his clothes were dirty, and he didn't want to change them, so he took them all off... I don't think this idea is his alone, it must be There was that woman involved... After this happened, I also asked our dad carefully, and he also admitted that our mother didn't eat anything in those days, and he didn't say whether he gave it or not. In this cold winter, the old man The most accident-prone, our mother's blood vessels are not good, she has no food and clothing, and her heart is blocked..."

Hearing this, Xu Hong couldn't speak for a long time, Xu Hong didn't say anything, neither did his sister, until the sound of sobbing came from both ends of the phone, the sister said again, "I was going to call you, but my father didn't allow it, and said You are not filial, you never pay money to your family, and you seldom make phone calls, so you are not allowed to show up. I guess he is afraid of your temper. If you know, you will definitely fight with him when you come back. If you make trouble, he is in this village Then he will have no face to face people." Not only he has no face to see people, but even sister Xu Hong has no face to face people. After all, whose man would be so cruel to a woman, this is going to hell, and Xu Hong will definitely not be ashamed in this life. She will live in the village, but she still wants to know that her father treats her mother like this, and she wants to poke her back, and her sister will not be able to hold her head up in her husband's house for the rest of her life.

Xu Hong kept silent. She knew about her sister's difficulties. She had been taking care of her parents in her hometown all these years. Although Xu Hong would give her sister subsidies from time to time, it was not much. Her father always prevented her from giving money to her sister, saying yes In the future, when my sister’s children grow up and buy a house or a car, people will remember to buy a lot of them. No one remembers the daily thousands.Xu Hong also gave money to his mother. During the holidays, he gave thousands of thousands, but he always betrayed his father, because his mother said that he could not let his father know that the family had money, otherwise he would use it to eat and drink to subsidize the children. leprechaun.Xu Hong also listened to what his mother said, so his father never knew that she gave money to the family. Of course, Xu Hong also had selfish intentions.She has lived outside for so many years, has no fixed place, and has been renting a house. She has moved her mind to buy a house, but ordinary office workers rely on that little salary, and the family can't count on it. Xu Hong wanted to pay less to the family , save more for myself, so that I can save a down payment for myself, but that's it, the down payment has not been settled, so Xu Hong didn't respond to his father's request. Who knows, it is this kind of selfishness and greed that caused What about today's situation?Her mother, a woman who had worked hard all her life, died tragically in her own home in the twelfth lunar month, disheveled and without dignity, and she, as a daughter, Xu Hong, didn't even have to attend the funeral. The news is just learned.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Hong couldn't breathe for a long time, until his face turned red and tears welled up in his eyes, then he exhaled heavily, Xu Hong, Xu Hong, what are you doing all day long, are you really falling in love and falling asleep? head.Thinking of this, Xu Hong was full of anger, hating himself and his father, Xu Hong tremblingly called the phone.This time, my father picked it up quickly.

"Why? Why?" Xu Hong asked why instead of why, because why did Xu Hong know, but why?Didn't they love each other before, didn't they get married because they liked each other, didn't they have two daughters because they liked each other?My mother has been thinking about him all her life, her heart is full of thoughts, and her eyes are full of this man. Even if she knows that he is cheating and domestic violence, can't she help him take care of his parents and provide them with retirement for him? Why, a woman can do this , What else is he thinking? Could it be that he can be so ruthless just because he provides a little financial support to the family?

Father is ruthless, it has always been like this, so this time he is still ruthless, he said bluntly, "Ask yourself, are you worthy to ask me why, why I treat your mother like this, don't you know? You Pay more money to the family, and just a little money can solve the problem, if you insist on cheating like this, then cheat, let's see who cheats whom, and see who dies in the end!"

"Is it just because of the money?"

"Then what else? Do you think there are other things? You have lost my father-daughter relationship with me for so many years. I can't tell you about this, but don't forget, I gave birth to you and raised you, so you have Give me the obligation to support me, and you must give me as much as I want!" Xu Hong's father also hated his daughter, he always felt that Xu Hong, who was smart and smart when he was a child, became what he is now. In his thinking, when his daughter grows up, the money she earned before marriage should be his, but as early as many years ago, Xu Hong told him clearly that this was impossible, and the money she earned was her own. If she wants to give it, she will naturally give it, but if he wants it, then there is no way.Xu Hong's father thought over and over again, why, and finally came to the conclusion that she was asked to read too much.

"I don't have any father-daughter relationship with you. Is it because I have been away for so many years? It is because of you. Every time you call me, you ask me how I am doing, how my work is. You ask for money , when did you think of me?"

"Whether you are doing well or not, whether the work is difficult or not is your business, I don't care, it's your life, you deserve it, you asked for it."

"So, you don't look like a father, but you ask me to be like a rich daughter? Even so, why do you treat my mother like this?" Xu Hong finally couldn't calm down, and her voice even disturbed her. Qi Chaoli from the office.

"It's your fault! It's all because of you! If you give me money, it won't happen? You killed your mother! Your mother wants to see you until she dies, but have you ever appeared?"

"Is it me? Is it you? You are afraid to shirk responsibility now, aren't you? You will feel better if you put the responsibility on me, right? You will be able to live with your conscience, right? But the fact It was you, it was you who killed her! I didn't show up because I didn't know, and you didn't let her talk to me! You put all the responsibility on the My sister and I, but you are the culprit! You don’t have to think that you are right, my mother will know what is right and what is wrong, and you don’t have to worry about it, because she will watch you at home day and night, and you think you are Good days are coming, but she will always watch you! The wind that blows at night is her complaint, the rain that falls at night is her cry, even if she wants her life, she will take your life first!" Before Xu Hong finished speaking, his father hung up the phone.

Xu Hong raised his head high, but tears still flowed down uncontrollably, his lips trembled constantly, and Xu Hong's whole body was shaking.Xu Hong felt that she couldn't breathe, and she had no face to breathe.Just when Xu Hong couldn't control himself because he was holding his breath and trembling, someone lightly rubbed his arm. Xu Hong looked back in horror and saw Qi Chaoli, a woman who was about the same age as his mother.People, what an irony, some people die in the cold night, while others enjoy life in gorgeous clothes, whose problem is it?Is it wrong? It’s not wrong. Xu Hong, who has passed his thirties, has long known that he should not ask about right and wrong. It is a question that only children struggle with. There are many things in this world, and there is no way to use right and wrong. Wrong to distinguish.

Since Xu Hong's roar alarmed Qi Chaoli, Qi Chaoli heard the conversation between her and her father. As someone who has been there, Qi Chaoli felt that he knew what Xu Hong was suffering without asking her.At this time, Xu Hong could no longer care about his identity, and Qi Chaoli in front of him was no longer that superior leader.

Xu Hong put his hands on his forehead and slid down. She didn't know why this happened. Maybe it was just like what her father said, and there was also her indifference. It was she who pushed her mother to death.father?Oh, how ironic, even though he is not like a father, Xu Hong still has to call him that, and he can't change it until he dies.

Qi Chaoli knelt down and patted her on the shoulder, hoping to make her feel better.But Xu Hong said intermittently, "Actually, I have been prepared for a long time. I was prepared when I was in college." They all passed away one after another around the age of 30, so when she was a child, Xu Hong always felt that when she was around 30, her parents would pass away too, and she was already ready for death.

"My mother has always wanted me to get married. She said that only when I get married and have a child can I feel her pain. Isn't it ridiculous? Some people want their child to get married because they want her to experience happiness, but my mother wants me to get married , but it’s because I can’t experience what she’s been through unless I’m married... She always says, ‘Why can you be different’... Yeah, why? Why do I know all this and still follow her Imagine, walking into that curse step by step, why did she still want me to experience her pain when I was a child? Is it just because she wants me to experience the difficulty of being a mother? Not all mothers are like that Right? Just like some mothers, they really want their daughters to be happy, so no matter what kind of life they live, as long as they are happy. My friend’s mother said that as long as she is happy, it’s up to her to decide whether to get married or not. Because getting married doesn’t mean everyone is happy, and not getting married doesn’t necessarily mean being unhappy, and my mother said that what’s the value of a woman if she doesn’t get married... I also have a friend’s mother who said that if you want to have children, you can have children, and if you don’t have children, you can’t have children. After all, women have to risk their lives to have children, but my mother said that if I don’t have children, why would my husband’s family want me... I never blamed her, because that’s how she came here, but why did she end up like this... ..." Xu Hong had thought about it many times, she wanted to stand on the sidelines, but she wanted to see how the bond between her father and mother was untied in the end. There is only death in a purposeless life.It turned out that this was the answer.

Qi Chaoli knew that if things went on like this, Xu Hong would also be in danger. This girl had too much sense of morality, and she put too many shackles on herself. She couldn't harm others, and couldn't break the rules. Moral norms, but now the "unfilial" moral devil tore her apart from the inside, it is growing wildly, it is raging, and it says in the bottom of my heart, you killed my mother.

Qi Chaoli held her hand and said, "There is no mother in the world who wants her children to be unhappy, especially daughters. You have read so many books. You should know that people have thousands of shapes, and different people have different characteristics." Different judgments, different choices, just like being cheated, your mother chooses to endure, and I choose to fight back. You all call me insolent and rude, and some people even call me a mad dog behind my back, but my grandfather told me , that’s what women want, and women can also be very strong. My family has made silverware for generations, but there is a rule that handcrafts are passed on from male to female, right? Shouldn’t it be that girls’ hands are more dexterous, but when it comes to Let’s not talk about eating and being in power. In the beginning, my grandfather didn’t teach me. He only taught my brothers and sisters. But they are too stupid to grasp the essence. I can satisfy my grandfather by going around and around, and so does my grandfather. Be different, put your mind to it, and start teaching me. At that time, I was competitive and talented, so I was in charge of the Qi Family Bank, so you see, there are still men who take care of the overall situation, my grandfather is like that People, he doesn’t care what the outside world thinks, what happened to the girl’s housekeeper? My brother and brother don’t care, as long as the family is good. Later, I chose it myself, and started a business with the chairman you have met. At that time He is a poor boy, but I spent all day in the silver building at that time, and I didn’t see much of the world. We didn’t have the mobile phones or computers you have now. When he said the beautiful scenery outside, I was moved , followed him and left home. At that time my grandpa was gone, but I think, he will not stop me, because how can I know right or wrong if I don’t do it? Who can define what is wrong? Brother My younger brother let me go again, and only said that if this bastard treats you badly, he will come home and let me be the head of the family. Later, I did get bad results. The poor boy cheated when he had money, but I didn’t think that What kind of retribution, I just feel that there is no certainty in the impermanence of the world. My brothers and younger brothers all persuaded me to go home, divorce and leave, but I couldn’t swallow this tone. What do I think? It was the foundation I laid alone, even my own. The bet made by the dowry, even if I lose, I can't give him everything, and I can't make him comfortable. So I started to become arrogant and self-willed, holding all the shares of the company in my hands If he wants to be the chairman, he can do it. He can play whatever he wants. In the end, everything in the company is mine. If I want to start another company, I can start another company. If I want to do other business, I can do it Other business... I do these things for myself and my children. Therefore, there is no mother who does not think about the children. Qi Chen is just my niece. I still think about her in the long run, let alone your mother , she will not blame you, she must want you to be happy. Didn't you meet a good man now, so there are still good people in the world. Although your mother and I have not met a good marriage, but I have indeed seen a happy marriage, there is nothing wrong with the marriage itself, it’s just that the person is wrong, we should take good care of one person, won’t it be enough?”

Take a good hold of someone... It's easy to say, but it's really too difficult to do. Xu Hong was still thinking about the date with Chang Qing at night with joy during the day, but now, she had already forgotten about Chang Qing.That's right, who can still think about his love affairs under such a blow, let alone this man, she can't even hear his phone call or see his messages, Xu Hong will completely let himself go Wrapped in her own world, everyone outside was shielded by her and temporarily abandoned by her.

Chang Qing, who was temporarily abandoned, also felt abnormal. He didn't answer the phone, didn't reply to the message, and didn't have any news. Chang Qing thought, Xu Hong, what are you playing again?Xu Hong, Xu Hong, this kind of thing of giving a sweet date the day before and giving a slap in the face the day after doing too much, made Chang Qing resentful and angry, even if it is a sweet bean, even if it is a gentle person, He would also feel that he was stupid and fell for the tricks of this sweet-talking woman.Chang Qing sent a message to Xu Hong, "Xu Hong, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation this time, don't expect me to forgive you." After sending, Chang Qing got into the car and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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