Chapter 212

One day in the early summer of 1926, a financial tsunami was silently raiding the entire Wall Street.

Through the method just now, Jiang Bao took another US$[-] million from the Goldman Sachs consortium and US$[-] billion from the Rothschild consortium.

Although this amount of money would not hurt the consortium, it would cut off their cash flow. It should not be so easy to make waves in the financial market.

Next, he and He Keren walked into the New York Stock Exchange.

In this era, the New York Stock Exchange can be said to be the busiest unit in the world.As soon as Jiang Bao entered the gate, he was taken aback by the crowded scene inside.

"But man, there are so many people, there are at least a few hundred, and your eggs are not enough!"

He Keren said: "If I feed each person an egg, that person will be a fool all his life. If it is diluted, it can make these hundreds of people foolish for a day or two. Do you make some people foolish for a day, or Make everyone here stupid for a day?"

"Make everyone here stupid for a day!"

"That's good, you've got to see it!" He Keren said, and he and Jiang Bao walked towards the bustling securities office area.

Although they all have oriental faces, the elites from all over the world are concentrated in this stock exchange, and there are a few orientals who are too normal.

Since no one cared, Jiang Bao felt no pressure.

In this era, there were no televisions, let alone large screens. All transaction information was commanded by remote control by telephone, and the results of transactions were written on the blackboard.

Hundreds of heads are staring at countless blackboards, they are either excited, angry, disappointed, or unwilling.Some people are like mourning a concubine, while others are like a lover of first love.All emotions in the world can be seen here.

Jiang Bao was not interested in these stock trading information at all, he was just looking for a tea room here.

Really let him find it.

In a large boiler room behind the stock exchange, a few workers in overalls were smoking and chatting.

When they saw Jiang Bao and He Keren coming in, they were very surprised. However, like the previous people, they had no affection for the yellow race. They just insulted: "Yellow monkey, what are you doing here?"

"What the hell is looking for abuse!" Jiang Bao snorted coldly, went up and hit them, three punches and two kicks, and all these people were acupointed.

Because the hall in front was too noisy, no one noticed the movement here.

At this time, He Keren had already taken a few cups of warm water and dissolved an insect egg.With Jiang Bao's help, she gave the warm water to the workers to drink.

After a few minutes, the eyes of these people were a little scattered, presumably the bug eggs had worked.

He Keren poured his worm eggs into the tea stove again, and then she said to the workers: "I am your general manager, now, I order you to carry this boiling water to the front hall and give each worker Add some hot water to the staff's coffee cup!"

"Yes, general manager!" Several workers were very obedient.

Watching them walk into the hall, Jiang Bao hugged He Keren in his arms: "Keren, today is really thanks to you!"

He Keren didn't seem so optimistic: "Brother Leopard, I've tried my best, if I fail, don't blame me!"

Jiang Bao was taken aback: "Why do you say that, how could we fail?"

"Yesterday afternoon, didn't you say that even if the bandits went out to rob, they would not touch any woman before going out. But you insisted on following me..."

Jiang Bao laughed loudly: "It's okay! Even if you fail, it has nothing to do with you. It's because I'm worthless. I can't hold back against a beauty like you!"

After more than ten minutes, these workers all came back.They stood in front of Jiang Bao and He Keren, like silly schoolchildren.

So, Jiang Bao once again issued orders to them: "You split up and notify each trading team, so that no matter what the phone calls tell them to do, they must sell the stocks in hand, as much as they have!"

"You are not the general manager, why order us?" Several "elementary school students" were still quite unconvinced.

He Keren said: "I have already given up the position of general manager to him, you just listen to him, there is nothing wrong!"

"Okay, general manager!" Several "primary school students" respectfully agreed, and then went out.

After more than ten minutes, there was a commotion in the hall outside, and after a while, someone started yelling.

"Go! Go out and have a look, a good show should be staged!"

As Jiang Bao said, he took He Keren's hand and went to the trading hall outside.

I saw hundreds of stockholders surrounding those stock traders, asking loudly: "Why did you sell our stocks without our consent?"

Those stock traders were also very "backbone", and their answers were almost the same: "The general manager just said that we should sell all the stocks in hand. We only listen to the general manager, what are you?"

"That's our stock, without us opening an account, you can only eat shit!"

"Even if we eat shit, it's the general manager's shit, not yours!"

"Quickly withdraw my shares!"

"It's too late, it's already sold!"

Someone rushed to the back of the trading desk in a fit of exasperation and began smashing in despair.

The stock traders, on the other hand, acted like competent employees, protecting the blackboard around them.

The two sides first had a small-scale physical conflict, and then a big fight, which eventually led to a large-scale fighting.

For a moment, in the exchange, chairs and sticks flew together, and nosebleeds and ties were the same color.

The general manager of the stock exchange was flirting with a female assistant in the office. When he heard the news, he immediately went to the first floor, but was beaten to death on the spot by angry stockholders.

Seeing that their losses were irreparable, some people desperately climbed to the top of the exchange and plunged down.

If there is one leader, dozens of people will follow.In less than an hour, the Xiamen gate of the stock exchange was filled with corpses.

At this time, the major newspapers in New York also caught wind of the news, and even rushed to surround the exchange before the police.

The police then arrived and took everyone in the exchange back to the police station, trying to minimize the impact.

However, any slight change in the New York Stock Exchange may affect an industry.What's more, all traders today are in a state of idiocy.

Waves of extremely bad news spread outward through telephone calls, telegrams, and newspapers, from Wall Street to Manhattan, then to New York City, then to New York State, then to the whole of the United States, and finally spread to the whole world.

Almost everyone has one word on their lips - "mess up"!
Nearly one million domestic and overseas enterprises have been affected, and many freighters that are fully loaded with cargo and are about to sail to their destinations have to continue to berth in ports of various countries.

At the same time, the presidential palace held an emergency meeting.

President Carl Keluzhi made a final decision: "Suspend the investigation of the 'California' disappearance incident, and permanently shelve the Xiangjiang war! All overseas military bases will be withdrawn! All military activities that have no economic benefits must be suspended! Military spending and various expenditures will be greatly reduced. , to ensure that the country has the money to tide over this difficulty!"

(End of this chapter)

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