Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 213 The Train Robber

Chapter 213 The Train Robber
Three days later, on the train bound for the west, Jiang Bao and He Keren lay on the first-class sleeper and started their journey to the west.

"Brother Leopard, we played too much this time. The economy of Meilijian has been set back for 20 years. Many factories have shut down and workers have been displaced. I can't bear it in my heart!"

Jiang Bao snorted: "Those workers, when you look at them now, you think they are pitiful. However, if you look at their attitude towards us Chinese, it is quite arrogant. Therefore, they deserve this disaster! Thinking of being a compatriot After letting out a bad breath, I felt much better. Pour me a glass of wine, and I'll make it clear!"

"You are right, poor people must have something to hate," He Keren said while pouring a glass of red wine for Jiang Bao, "I heard that the railway under our feet was built by us Chinese !"

Jiang Bao took the wine glass, but he didn't drink it. Instead, he gritted his teeth: "I heard from those old people who were lucky enough to return home alive that they shed blood and sweat for the construction of the country, but they were treated inhumanely. Under every sleeper on this railway, They all buried the body of a Chinese laborer!"

He Keren also nodded again and again: "Brother Leopard, if you destroy this railway, I will definitely not stop you!"

Jiang Bao smiled: "I really want to destroy it, but not now!"

"Why? Do you still have to pick the right time to do bad things?"

Jiang Bao explained: "Once this railway collapses, the Chinese people will definitely have to rebuild it. However, their own people are too lazy to work and can't bear the pain. There is a lesson from the past, and they will recruit foreign labor. In the end, it is very likely that we Chinese workers will suffer! "

He Keren was a little bit unconvinced: "No way! Can't our Chinese workers stop doing it?"

Jiang Bao shook his head: "If the Chinese workers don't work, the government of the country may confiscate their property and throw them into prison!"

"Can't these Chinese workers unite to protect their own rights?"

"How can it be so easy? The biggest shortcoming of our Chinese workers is that we are not united! You have never heard people say that in foreign countries, a Chinese is a dragon, and a group of Chinese is a group of worms. What is said is that we are not united!"

There was helplessness in Jiang Bao's eyes, and at the same time, he was mourning his misfortune and angry at him for not fighting.

Hearing what Jiang Bao said, He Keren also put down his wine glass and sighed: "Isn't that the case in the mainland of China!"

Jiang Bao also said: "The forces in the mainland are divided and have been fighting for years. If the country gives them some benefits, someone will definitely send a large number of Chinese workers to the city, and let these Chinese workers be buried under the sleepers again!"

"Isn't there a genius who can clean up the rivers and mountains?" He Keren asked Jiang Bao as well as himself.

Jiang Bao's eyes narrowed slightly, but his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the vast universe and see the great back of the previous life.

He thought to himself: "Even though I have golden fingers, I can't do what his old man did!"

Both of them have a bit of family and country feelings, and they can't help but feel melancholy when they think that their homeland is a mess.

At this moment, the door of the sleeper box was kicked open, and a white man dressed in western cowboy broke in.

The cowboy drew his pistol and pointed at Jiang Bao on the sleeper: "Huang Monkey, hurry up, take out all your money, don't make me trouble!"

Jiang Bao laughed and said, "I have plenty of money, and I'll give it to you if you want it!"

As he spoke, he actually took out a coin.

"Boy, how dare you play me!" said the cowboy, about to pull the trigger.

However, before his finger could pull the trigger, Jiang Bao's coin shot into his left eye.

"Ah!" the cowboy yelled, covering his face and falling down.

"He's dead!" He Keren couldn't believe it, "Why did he die blind in one eye? This rascal is too fragile?"

Jiang Bao sneered and said, "The coin I ejected is stronger than a bullet. It has already broken through his eye socket and entered his brain. It's no wonder he didn't die!"

"Brother Leopard, you are amazing!" He Keren gave a thumbs up, not missing any chance to flatter his sweetheart.

Outside the box, there are other cowboys who are robbing.Hearing the tragic death of his companion, two more cowboys with live ammunition rushed in.

"Damn yellow monkey, we want to avenge Jack!" the two cowboys said while aiming their guns.

Jiang Bao popped out two more coins, which hit their throats.

Just hearing the sound of "click", the throat bones of the two cowboys were shattered, and they fell down in front of the box door without even making a scream.

"Boss, come quickly! Three of us have died! Jack, Rosen and Sam have all been killed!" The cowboys behind did not dare to approach, but shouted for help.

Apparently they had more accomplices in other cars.

Since they still have accomplices, Jiang Bao will never allow them to be lawless.He pushed open the door of the box and came to the corridor outside.He looked left and right, and there were several cowboys on both sides, all aiming at him with pistols.

They were all exposed to the enemy's guns, and Jiang Bao would no longer be soft-handed. He opened his arms and clapped left and right.

There were two "whoops", and the hurricane surged in the carriage.

Before the cowboys on either side could shoot, they were swept up by the hurricane and sent flying backwards.

At the same time, the wooden boards, curtains, small table boards and even the passengers in the berths in the carriage were all swept up by the hurricane and hit the exits on both sides of the carriage.

Rarely any of the mugged cowboys, along with the innocent travelers, survived.

"Brother Leopard, you have hurt innocent people!" He Keren said.

Jiang Bao said coldly: "I heard just now that these cowboys only rob foreigners, but the people of the country are not affected. This shows that they are free to rob foreigners. If this is the case, they are all accomplices. Since If you are an accomplice, then there are no innocent people!"

After hearing this, He Keren nodded and laughed repeatedly, "Whatever you do is right!"

Jiang Bao said again: "Sit here and don't move around. I'll go to another carriage to clear out all the robbers, and then I'll bring you some oranges!"

When He Keren heard that he was going to play tricks, he immediately laughed more freely: "Go and kill the thief bravely, my wife is your strong backing! Do you want to tattoo a few words on you, serve the country faithfully?"

Jiang Bao saw that He Keren was also playing tricks, so he pretended to smile, and made a milk-grabbing dragon claw with both hands: "Little girl, you dare to take advantage of me, wait until you get off the train, and see how I deal with you in the hotel!"

Then, he turned around and walked towards the next carriage.

Because of the hurricane he inspired, all the sundries in the car were swept to the aisle of the two cars.He had no choice but to slap again and pat these sundries into the opposite carriage.

"Someone can do magic! Someone can do magic!"

"My God!"

"Almighty Lord, I saw a true God today, and he is a man of yellow race. Lord, are you possessing him? Amen!"

The passengers in the opposite carriage had already heard the commotion here, and they were already trembling with fright when they saw Jiang Bao's attack was a hurricane.Now that Jiang Bao was approaching again, they kept screaming and making crosses on their chests and foreheads.

(End of this chapter)

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