Entering Kung Fu into a Sauce

Chapter 4 Be a Thief, Don't Elope

Chapter 4 Be a Thief, Don't Elope

"Jiang Bao, Jiang Bao, why don't you do your business and run around?" Lao Hong entered Jiang Bao's shop, but he couldn't see Jiang Bao himself, so he called out loudly.

Jiang Bao took a few steps and entered the shop: "Uncle Hong, what do you do?"

"Can't you go in if you have nothing to do?"

Lao Hong spoke very aggressively, Jiang Bao really wanted to take Maza and beat this former cheap old man out, then he thought: "Now I need to set up a sensible and mature persona, just bear with it for now!"

At this time, Lao Hong said again: "Jiang Bao, you really don't show affection! You are my childhood sweetheart with my daughter, and my son is your younger brother. My son comes to cut his hair, and you still charge money, you Out of money's eyes?"

Jiang Bao complained in his heart: "If everyone who comes to shave their heads is as shameless as you, then I will starve to death!"

But he was still full of smiles: "The last time Jin Bao came to shave his head, I just opened the business that morning, so I collected money and made a profit! If he comes again next time, I will definitely not collect money! Otherwise, I will give Uncle Hong today One shave, no money!"

On a whim, he wanted to feel Lao Hong's psychology.

Lao Hong originally thought that Jiang Bao would quarrel with him because he hired Zhaodi to a cobbler, but he didn't expect that Jiang Bao didn't mention this matter, and offered to shave his head for free.

"Is this kid trying to play tricks on me? Hmph, looking at him like a bear, what kind of mind can he have?"

Thinking of this, Lao Hong immediately sat on the shaving chair: "You cut it!"

Jiang Bao mixed some warm water for Lao Hong, and while washing Lao Hong's hair, he asked, "Uncle Hong promised Zhaodi to the cobbler, how much dowry did you receive?"

Lao Hong was a little embarrassed at first, and then sneered: "What's the use of you asking these things? You can't take them out!"

Jiang Bao accompanied him with a smiling face: "I just want to know the market and see how soon I can save enough money to marry a wife!"

When he said this, he had already heard Lao Hong's heartfelt voice: "I sold my daughter for 3000 yuan, which is double the price of other houses. It's not that I have a dark heart. My daughter is a young girl who is much younger than the cobbler. It’s worth the price! Originally, I didn’t want to sell it, but the cobbler secretly gave me 500 yuan for gambling. Where can I find such a good thing?”

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Bao saw this scene again - Lao Hong gave the 3000 yuan given by the cobbler to his wife for safekeeping, and he hid the other 500 yuan in the cracks in the bricks outside the residence.

Lao Hong's family lived on the westernmost side of the second floor of the Walled City, where some bricks had loosened.

"Hmph, instead of letting you lose the five hundred in the casino, why don't I give you pocket money tonight!" Jiang Bao thought to himself.

In his previous life, Jiang Bao was a hanger, and in this life he is a barber with no overnight food. He is at the bottom of society and doesn't mind being a thief at all.

Lao Hong shaved his head for free, thinking he had taken advantage of the sky, and left with a smile on his face.

Jiang Bao shaved the heads of the next customers as if nothing had happened, and sat on a chair to take a nap when no one was around, and he persisted like this until night.

After ten o'clock, the walled city gradually quieted down, and hundreds of tenants turned off their lights one after another.

Jiang Bao groped in the dark and tiptoed to the second floor.He passed by the door of Lao Hong's house, and when he heard pig-like snores coming from the room, he boldly walked to the west gable wall, took out a movable brick in the shadow of creepers, and touched it from the hole in the wall. to a few sheets of stiff paper.

Jiang Bao stuffed the papers into his pocket, put the bricks back in, went back to his room quietly, turned on the light, and took out the papers for examination.

"Haha, five hundred! I can't save that much money in a year!"

Jiang Bao shaves the heads of up to 200 people every day, and only charges [-] cents per person. Among them, there are some cheeky people like Lao Chong who don't pay, and his daily income is less than ten yuan.With all the calculations, the gross income is only more than [-] yuan a month.

Ordinary residents in the Piggy Walled City have to pay the charterer 30 yuan a month in rent. However, because Jiang Bao rents a front room on the first floor, the monthly rent is 60 yuan.

In addition, he has to pay for food, water and electricity bills, tax payments, hairdressing equipment repair and replacement, etc., which costs hundreds of yuan a month;

If gangsters, patrols, or deserters come in to extort money, it is very likely that this month will be for nothing.And it's not uncommon.

In addition, Jiang Bao was young and thoughtless, and spent a lot of unjust money on Zhaodi's family. Therefore, after going out to shave his head for several years, he only had three hundred savings at most.

"Lao Hong wants to use this money to gamble. This is the rhythm of bankruptcy. I take his money for his own good!" Jiang Bao defended his theft.

In essence, Jiang Bao should not be considered a good person. For example, he picked up change a few times in his previous life, but he never considered the owner and spent it all by himself.

Traveling to Jiang Bao's body, with the ability to touch his head and read his mind, he will not become a hero who takes the world as his own responsibility for the time being.

Therefore, he naturally thought: "I haven't added any clothes in the past one or two years. Do you want to go to the tailor Sheng to have a suit some other day, and then trick him into coming to me to shave his head?"

Just as he thought of this, there was a sudden knock on the door of the barber's shop.

"Could it be that Lao Hong saw my whereabouts and came to the door?"

But he quickly denied this judgment, "If Lao Hong sees me taking his money, he will fight me hard on the spot!"

So he asked softly, "Who?"

"Brother Jiang Bao, it's me!" A female voice came from outside, "I'm Zhaodi!"

Jiang Bao put the money into the gap under the shaving chair, and then came to open the door.

Originally, he only opened a small slit, but he thought that this small slit would not allow Di to get in.However, Zhaodi was stronger than the boy, she pushed hard and crashed into Jiang Bao's arms.

Jiang Bao heard Zhaodi sobbing and her chest was getting wet, and immediately asked, "Zhaodi, why are you crying?"

Zhao Di raised her head, her face was covered with tears: "Brother Jiang Bao, take me away!"

Jiang Bao vaguely guessed Zhaodi's thoughts, but pretended not to know: "Where are you going?"

"It doesn't matter where you go! As long as I can get out of here, as long as I'm with you, I don't care about anything else!"

"Are you going to elope with me?"

"Don't you dare?"

"Don't dare!" Jiang Bao actually didn't want to.

"You coward, you coward!" Zhaodi provoked him deliberately, "We played together and grew up, and everyone knows that I will be yours in the future. Father sold me to a cobbler for 3000 yuan, and you won't Are you sad, don't you feel ashamed?"

Jiang Bao shook his head again and again: "What's the use of being ashamed and sad? If I take you away, the cobbler will definitely ask your parents to pay back the money. In fact, I guess they take the cobbler's money to marry your brother in the future. No With this money, your brother will be a bachelor in the future!"

He still couldn't say a word: "The cobbler gave your father three thousand and five, and five hundred of them belonged to me! As long as you run away, your father will definitely not be there!"

Zhao Di didn't know what Jiang Bao was thinking, but instead she said lightly, "Let daddy return the money to the cobbler! My younger brother is still so young, and he is not in a hurry to get married. In the past few years, we have been earning more money outside. When we have collected 3000 yuan, we will go home and marry my brother a wife. At that time, my father and mother will definitely not blame us!"

Jiang Bao suddenly became angry: "According to what you said, I have worked hard to make money for your brother for the past few years? In a few years, when we go home, your parents will also be old. Do we still have to do it for your brother?" Are they old age?"

Zhao Di was taken aback: "Be my son-in-law and not provide for my parents, what do you want?"

"I want to live for myself in this life, and I will never raise a brother-in-law who is not polite and an old man who dictates! You go, I will not marry you!"

Before Jiang Bao crossed over, he had an uncle from the same family. Because he married a wife who was a "helping brother demon", he was tortured to pieces and exhausted physically and mentally.This uncle often taught him that he must find an only daughter to be his wife.

Jiang Bao himself thought the same way, marrying an only child would at most take care of both parents.If the wife has brothers, she will not only take care of her parents-in-law, but also her brother-in-law.

Although he was not married in his previous life, he has already accumulated life experience.In this life, he just used it as a reason for refusing Zhaodi.

"Sauce, don't regret it!"

"Whoever regrets is the grandson!"

"If you don't take me away, I will go by myself!"

As Zhaodi said, she opened the door, picked up a bag from the corridor in front of the door, and strode towards the gate of the Pig Cage Walled City.

Jiang Bao couldn't help but marvel: "It seems that she is well prepared!"

 Jiang Bao: Zhaodi, can you not leave?
  Zhaodi: Don't go, you support me?
  Jiang Bao: Then you should go!
(End of this chapter)

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