Chapter 6

After adding water and washing his hair, Jiang Bao's hand naturally rested on Coolie Qiang's head.

Jiang Bao asked while washing, "Brother Qiang, I saw that when you were carrying the sack, your steps were so steady. Have you ever practiced your footwork?"

Coolie was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously denied: "Brother, how can I know kung fu?"

He said so, but his brain couldn't help recalling the scene of practicing the Twelve-Road Tam legs back then.

Coolie Qiang started practicing martial arts with the famous northern martial arts master Gong Jianchen when he was less than ten years old. In just ten years, he has practiced the twelve-way pool legs to perfection.Since then, he has been alone in the rivers and lakes, experienced a lot of practice, and gradually became one of the first-class masters.

The scene of being strictly taught by Master back then seemed like yesterday.

"The first way is a horse with a whip, the second way is a cross ghost pulling a drill, the third way is smashing and smashing the wheel, the fourth way is obliquely kicking and wiping the barrier, the fifth way is a lion playing in the water, the sixth way is hooking, chopping and twisting with a single whip, the seventh way is a phoenix spreading its wings, and the eighth way Turning the golden stool to the sky, nine ways to catch the dragon and seize the jade belt, ten ways to climb the plum tip, eleven ways to swing the lotus leaf legs in the wind, and twelve ways to link up with mandarin ducks."

Each of the Twelve Roads in Tanju has its own strengths, and Gong Jianchen's teachings are vivid in his memory.

The clips of martial arts, duels, and life-and-death struggles flashed through Coolie Qiang's mind like a movie, and were also copied by Jiang Bao and "pasted" in his own memory.

How did the coolie know that when he got a new hairstyle, he had already cultivated a new disciple with thick legs.

Jiang Bao at this time, because he was far from the training intensity of Coolie Qiang back then, his strength and flexibility were not as good as him, but he completely inherited Coolie Qiang's memory in terms of actual combat experience and understanding of kung fu.

"Brother, I'll give you the money!" Coolie looked at himself in the mirror much more refreshed, very satisfied, and immediately took out a fifty-cent copper coin.

"Brother Qiang, I said I don't want money!"

"I also said, I won't shave the free head!"

Seeing that coolie insisted on paying, Jiang Bao reluctantly accepted it.

After seeing off coolie Qiang, Jiang Bao restrained his excitement and stayed in the barber shop as if nothing had happened.

As long as no one comes to shave his head, he will secretly practice basic leg skills such as leg presses, single-foot balance, squats, and horse stances.

At night, before ten o'clock, Jiang Bao locked the door. He wanted to find a secluded place to practice the pool legs he had just learned.

Pigpen Walled City is located on the outskirts of Xiangjiang City, and to the north of it is an execution ground stained red with human blood.In the former Qing Dynasty, the executioner with the braid cut off the head of the prisoner with a ghost knife.Up to now, it is soldiers wearing military caps who use Hanyang to blow the heads of prisoners.

Weeds and flowers grew all over the place of execution, probably because they had absorbed the nutrients of human blood, the grass and flowers were very luxuriant.

At night, most people dare not approach this place.

The former Jiang Bao didn't dare to come to play, but Jiang Bao didn't care.As a highly educated man, he doesn't believe there are ghosts here.Besides, only practicing martial arts in this inaccessible place will not be seen by others.

A whip, a ghostly drill, a wheel, a block...Jiang Bao practiced it over and over again.

A few hours later, Jiang Bao was so tired that he lay on the ground, not wanting to move.

At this moment, a message suddenly came to his mind: "Twelve-way Tanzu entry, a third-rate warrior from a foreign family!"

He shuddered and sat up from the ground: "Is this my current state?"

Based on his limited knowledge, Tan Leg should indeed belong to outsider kung fu.He has only practiced for a day, and he has memorized all the movements, and with some basic skills, he can only be regarded as an introduction.

He remembered that there was such a plot in "Kung Fu", where Tiancan and Dican had lines like this in the lair of the Axe Gang: "Twelve Lu Tan Legs, Hong Jia Iron Line Fist, and Wu Lang Bagua Stick, these three people were all He is a first-class master in the Jianghu..."

Coolie practiced for more than ten years before he became a first-rate master. Jiang Bao only practiced for one day before he became a third-rate warrior.Although he was two levels behind the first-class masters, he was still complacent.

"I won't practice today, go back to sleep, and come back tomorrow night!" Jiang Bao dragged his exhausted body back to the city, washed up casually, and went to bed.

Jiang Bao slept from four o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock in the morning before getting up to open the door. After washing up, he came to Fried Ghost's shop for breakfast.

It happened that the dentist, Old Xu, was also there. This guy was reading a newspaper while eating.

Jiang Bao said hello to the fried ghost first, filled another bowl of porridge, took two deep-fried dough sticks, and sat beside Old Xu: "Brother Xu, what's the news today?"

Old Xu pointed to the blurry photo in the newspaper: "Di Dujun won another big victory and has already driven Yao Huzi out of Guangdong and Guangxi. The world in Lingnan will be peaceful from now on!"

Jiang Bao was stunned: "Di Dujun? Yao Huzi? What the hell are these?"

Jiang Bao was a person who never cared about national affairs. Jiang Bao couldn't find any relevant information from his memory.

In the memories Jiang Bao brought from the earth, there was only the separatist melee since the end of the Qing Dynasty, and there was no warlord named "Yao Huzi" or a warlord named "Di".

"It seems that I need to collect a little more information to understand this world in depth!"

At this moment, Old Xu asked: "Jiang Bao, you are not happy that Governor Di won the battle?"

"Happy, of course happy, haha!" Jiang Bao laughed awkwardly.

"You kid is really ignorant, and you don't even care about national affairs. Listen carefully, let me tell you. This Di Dujun is the hero of our Xiangjiang..."

Jiang Bao pricked up his ears to listen, not letting go of a small piece of information, so that the porridge in front of him became cold...

After breakfast, Jiang Bao went back to the barber shop, changed into clean clothes, and left the pig cage city.

He wants to walk on the street, observe the world with his own eyes, and buy some newspapers and books to read, so as to understand the general trend of the world.

As for the business of the barber shop, he didn't intend to watch it all day long, relying on it, he couldn't even sustain food and clothing.

Anyway, with 800 yuan as a base, he doesn't have to worry about eating for the time being. He will see if he can do something else first.

Going south from the gate of the Walled City, you pass a slum called "Chen Cuo".It is said to be a slum area, but the people here are actually better than the tenants in the Pigpen Walled City. At least they still have one or two dilapidated tile-roofed houses for themselves to live in.

After passing Chencuo, take the No. [-] tram to the east of the urban area, and in front of you is the exotic Elizabeth Road in Xiangjiang City.

In the early years, the Qing Dynasty went downhill, and the Chinese from Europe relied on their strong strength to control Xiangjiang.

The Chinese made great efforts to transform Xiangjiang. They not only introduced foreign institutions such as universities, industrial bureaus, and stock exchanges, but also widened and extended an abandoned road leading directly to the seaside wharf, and named it Elizabeth Road.

Foreigners built many European-style buildings on both sides of Elizabeth Road. Since then, Xiangjiang has become an international metropolis.

Later, Di Dujun was born, separated Guangdong and Guangxi, and snatched Xiangjiang back from the people of China.Because he needed the support of various forces in Xiangjiang, he did not drive away the Europeans who did business here.

Jiang Bao had just heard the above information from the dentist Lao Xu.He felt that Lao Xu's words inevitably contained exaggeration or fiction. If he wanted to truly understand the world, he had to do it himself.

In anyone's eyes, Elizabeth Road and Pigpen Walled City are completely two worlds.

Cars, trams, rickshaws, and bicycles run on the wide and flat roads. Men in suits, leather shoes, and gold-rimmed glasses, and modern girls with perms, cheongsams, and high-heeled shoes stroll leisurely on the streets. Restaurants, casinos, banks, pawnshops, and movie theaters are lined up.

Jiang Bao walked around the street, and felt that it was the customs and customs of the earth at the beginning of the last century.If you want to determine the specific age, you also need to look at what major events have happened recently.

It happened that there was a newsstand in the alley next to the brothel, and there was a sign in front of the kiosk, with ten large characters on it-"Two cents, read old and new newspapers for a day", and four small characters-"Can't take it away".

With some heartache, Jiang Bao handed the spectator twenty cents, then took a few newspapers, sat down on the low stool in front of the pavilion, and concentrated on reading the newspapers.

Although there are many traditional Chinese characters in the newspaper, Jiang Bao is not troubled, he basically knows all of them.

What Old Xu said was indeed true. The headlines of the several newspapers that Jiang Bao took were all news about Du Dujun, either winning the battle, observing the people's sentiments, or meeting wealthy businessmen.

In addition, there are major events at home and abroad. Domestically, Yao Huzi occupies the two lakes, and Zhang Mazi occupies the three eastern provinces; the international situation is also changing. In East Asia, the East Asia is threatening, the European country dominates, and the North American Citigroup rises, and so on.

"Citigroup is a traitor, I know that; Flying Kingdom should be Yinger, right? Whoever translated it is really talented!"

"This world is very different from what I knew before time travel!"

 Such a good-looking novel has been ignored by you, is there still Wang Fa?Is there still a law?

(End of this chapter)

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