Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 139 We are all working hard for the people we care about!

Chapter 139 We are all working hard for the people we care about!

In the middle of the night, neither the husband nor wife slept.

Daughter Yaya couldn't help falling asleep after eating.

However, Ye Laosan and his wife were too excited to sleep.

Before returning today, Ye Laosan made a special trip to Dongshi, and used the Anjia money he just got to buy some daily necessities such as rice, noodles, salt and oil, as well as steamed buns and other food.

When passing by a place to buy hairpins, I thought that I hadn’t bought jewelry for my wife for a long time. Even the silver hairpin that my mother gave to my daughter-in-law when I got married was sold for food on the way to escape. Now my wife is half Not even a piece of jewelry.

Seeing all kinds of hairpins on the stall, Ye Laosan moved his mind, carefully selected for a long time before gritting his teeth, took out a tael of silver and bought a silver hairpin, carefully put it away before returning home .

When the daughter fell asleep and there were only him and his mother-in-law, Ye Laosan carefully took out the remaining eight taels of silver, and handed it to his wife with a smile: "Come on, Cuihua, this is our family's money." The property is gone, you keep it for Haosheng!"

"How many!"

Seeing the eight ingots and one tael of snowflake silver, Liu Cuihua's eyes lit up!
Immediately afterwards, she first showed a surprised expression, and then looked around vigilantly, and took the silver with a quick movement, and carefully wrapped it with a piece of cloth. After thinking about it, she was not at ease. I found another piece of old clothes, and... until I wrapped the eight liang of silver layer by layer and hid it in the pillow, I was relieved!

Ye Laosan just watched these actions of his daughter-in-law with a smile, without saying a word, always smiling.

After the money was hidden, Liu Cuihua breathed a sigh of relief and found out that her husband-in-law had been looking at her and smiling, her face turned red, and then she slapped her in anger and said angrily, "What are you laughing at! My family has never had so much silver, if I don't hide it better, what if someone steals it?!"

Ye Laosan didn't hide, just received the slap forcibly, then took his wife's hand, pulled her into his arms and said with a smile: "I didn't laugh, I just like to see your thrifty face. Looks like a housekeeper!"

"Hmph! That's right! You should be lucky to marry such a good woman like me!" Liu Cuihua snorted and said proudly.

"Hehehe! Yes, yes! I, Ye Laosan, must have done good deeds in my previous life, otherwise I would not have married such a good woman as Cuihua! God bless you!" Ye Laosan did not refute, hehe He echoed with a smile.

"It's good to know!" Liu Cuihua snorted.

Just hugging quietly for a while like this, the husband and wife felt the tenderness that they had never felt for a long time. Since the escape, they have been constantly running around and worrying about the next meal every day, and there is no such quiet feeling anymore. , It's time to just sit quietly together like this without thinking about anything.

Now that they have a rare opportunity, the husband and wife are somewhat reluctant to break this atmosphere.

In the end, it was Liu Cuihua who took the lead in breaking the atmosphere.

"Head of the family, tell me, with this money, will we be able to settle down in the capital? Will we no longer have to flee?" Liu Cuihua's words were a little low, but there was a hint of longing.

Hugging his wife tightly in his arms, Ye Laosan nodded heavily: "Yes! We can settle down! We don't have to run away. Although it is not enough to buy a house in the capital, we can rent a small yard for you Move in with Yaya, it’s safer than living outside the city, and then take out two taels to buy some furniture and the like, and finally use the two taels to start a small business, and save the rest of the money for me to earn money in the future If we earn more military pay and earn enough military pay, we will buy a house in the capital!
This place is at the foot of the Son of Heaven. There should not be as many corrupt officials as in my hometown. Even if there is a disaster, it will definitely be the first relief. As long as we settle down in the capital, our family will never have to flee again! "

"That would be great!"

Liu Cuihua murmured with longing in her eyes.

"Soon! Soon I will let you two live like this!"

Ye Laosan solemnly promised.

"But...wars are deadly! If you die on the battlefield, we girls..."

Liu Cuihua's expression became gloomy, and the more she talked, the more she couldn't continue, and the uneasiness in her heart kept coming.

Raising his hand to touch his wife's black hair when she was no longer young due to long-term malnutrition, Ye Laosan slowly put his head on his wife's head, and whispered comfortingly: "I don't know how to fight!" , I participated in the Beijing Camp, and I was usually responsible for defending the capital. Do you think anyone has attacked the capital in these years?

If someone really calls, it's not safe to hide anywhere. I'm in the army, maybe it's safer, so don't worry. "

"Oh, I see!"

Liu Cuihua nodded slowly.

"Go to sleep, it's getting late, don't you have to go to the office tomorrow? You said it all, if you are late, you will be punished by military law!"

Liu Cuihua began to urge her husband to rest.

Liu Laosan responded softly and prepared to go to sleep.

"Go off the lights!"

"it is good!"

With a breath, the burning candle lost its light.

Ye Laosan lay down slowly, and was about to close his eyes, but suddenly he felt something was wrong, why did he feel that there was movement below him, and his hands were groping around, making himself a little...cough cough...

So Ye Laosan opened his eyes suddenly, but he couldn't see anything, he could only vaguely see where a shadow under him was moving, and his belt was slowly loosened by some hands!
"Cuihua! What are you doing?"

"Don't do anything! Give birth to a son for you!"

"What? My daughter is still asleep! Don't be like this!"

"Don't worry, this girl is full and sleepy, I will move lightly, you don't need to move, I will do it!"

"Oh! why bother?"

"Hmph! You are going to join the army, but I haven't given you old Ye's family a hand. If something happens to you, how will you tell my parents after I die?

I do not care!I'm going to give you a son! "

"Alas! All right!"

Hearing his wife's resolute words, Ye Laosan gave in.

But just when he felt cold, he suddenly called out again!
"and many more!"

"what happened again?"

The movement of the figure below also stopped.

Ye Laosan's embarrassed voice sounded:

"Hey, well, I'm not used to being on the bottom, I'm on the top, you need to rest!"

"Hmph! Hypocritical! Come on, you get up, I'll lie down!"

"Hey hey! Good!"

After a while, everything was ready and the nightlife began...

It was the time when summer and autumn were handing over, and the cicadas in summer began to cry for the last time. Tonight, for some reason, the cry of frogs was also unusually loud. There were even a few cats who didn’t know what happened, and made a series of high and low melodious calls , quarreled all night, it made people's heart itchy, tossing and turning hard...

ps. This is a very serious chapter, but I gave out a little bit of benefits, wouldn't you be ashamed to give some rewards?

Hehehe (/ω\) shy
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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