Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 140 We are all working hard for the people we care about!

Chapter 140 We are all working hard for the people we care about!

The next day, early in the morning.

At the end of Yin time.

Ye Laosan, who had worked so hard to take a look until late at night, was finally able to rest, opened his sleepy eyes, and helped his somewhat overwhelmed waist to get up from the bed.

Lying beside him was his wife with a rosy face, and the little girl who was sleeping soundly on the other side.

Ye Laosan got up lightly, for fear of waking up the two of them, but instead of what he wanted, his wife Liu Cuihua woke up and stretched her body comfortably. Liu Cuihua got out of bed, her eyes turned white The husband complained at a glance: "Why didn't you wake me up, you were so tired yesterday, let me tidy up for you!"

After speaking, he still tidied up his husband's clothes, Ye Laosan smiled, and stood there to be manipulated by his wife.

Not long after, the clothes were tidied up, the couple got up, Ye Laosan started to prepare the things to bring to the military camp today, and Liu Cuihua started to make breakfast.

Moment of time.

The couple who had breakfast came outside the door together. Ye Laosan carried a package on his back, which contained some things he thought would be useful, because he didn't know how many days he was going to the military camp this time, so it was better to get ready.

After tidying her husband's clothes again, Liu Cuihua looked at her husband who was about to leave but couldn't help but become jealous again, and tears fell silently.

Seeing his wife crying, Ye Laosan wiped her gently, then hugged her in his arms, and after a long time, he slowly let go and comforted him: "I'm just going to order a massage, maybe I will stay in Beijing for a few days , nothing will happen, don't worry!"

Liu Cuihua nodded heavily: "Well, I know, but... I just can't help but worry."

Ye Laosan smiled, patted his wife's head, suddenly seemed to remember something, took out a package wrapped in blue cloth from his arms, and handed it over.


"what is this?"

Liu Cuihua took it with a puzzled look and asked.

Ye Laosan smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't you know if you open it and have a look?"

"I'll sell it!"

Rolling her eyes at her husband, Liu Cuihua slowly opened the package in her hand.

The next moment, a beautiful silver hairpin appeared in front of her eyes!
The hollow carving technique, a silver crabapple flower is vivid and vivid, although the workmanship is not very exquisite, but it can be seen that it is very hardworking, and the ingenuity in the subtle corners makes people love it.

Picking up the hairpin with a look of surprise, looking at her husband, Liu Cuihua said in surprise, "Hairpin! How could you think of buying this thing for me? How much money does it cost!"

Ye Laosan smiled and looked at his wife's tangled expression that he liked but felt distressed, and said softly: "It's not much, just one tael of silver.

I didn’t mean that you don’t have any jewelry anymore. I happened to see it when I was passing by yesterday. I thought you would like it so I bought it, as long as you like it! "

Holding the hairpin in her hand, Liu Cuihua said with emotion and distress in her eyes: "I like it, but a tael of silver is too expensive. It's enough for us to buy a lot of food. Why are you spending this money?"

"If the money is gone, you can earn it again, but you are the only one of my wife!"

Ye Laosan blushed and said love words that he had never said before.

"You are old and undeserved! Shame on you!"

Liu Cuihua's face turned red, she slapped her husband lightly, and then handed over the hairpin.

Ye Laosan was taken aback, Liu Cuihua gave him a blank look: "Idiot! Put it on for me to see if it looks good!"

"Hey! Good!"

Ye Lao San smiled foolishly, quickly took the hairpin, looked it over carefully, and carefully inserted the hairpin into his wife's hairstyle.

Then he took a step back to look at it, then grinned, and praised: "It's so beautiful!"

"Am I prettier, or the hairpin?"

Liu Cuihua raised a question that most women would ask.

Ye Laosan was taken aback, thought for a while, then scratched the back of his head and smiled, "The hairpin is beautiful, but you are even more beautiful!"

"Humph! You are acquainted with each other!"

Liu Cuihua snorted coquettishly, let her husband go, and then turned around with joy on her face, just like when she was a girl, she was very happy.

After being happy, Liu Cuihua came back to her senses and saw that her husband was still looking at her stupidly and smiling, but the sun in the sky was getting late, so she immediately urged: "Okay, it's getting late, hurry up Go ahead, don't be too late for the military law."

"Okay, Cuihua, stay at home. When I come back, let's go to the city and find a small courtyard to move in!"

"Okay! Be careful on the road!"


The husband and wife were about to leave after saying goodbye, but at this moment, Ye Laosan, who was about to take a step, stopped with a crisp child's voice.

"Daddy! Where are you going? Why don't you bring a ring?"

The husband and wife looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that it was their five or six-year-old daughter who had gotten up at some point and ran towards them with her little feet. !
Seeing his daughter, Ye Laosan immediately showed a kind smile on his face. After squatting down and opening his body, he saved the daughter who was rushing towards him, stood up and hugged her, Ye Laosan smiled and said: "Little girl!" Huan, why did you wake up so early, why don't you sleep more?"

The little girl rubbed her little eyes, glanced around and gave a hache, she looked extremely cute, and said in a vague voice: "Uh...Xiaohuan got up...uh...didn't see my parents...uh...I'm afraid!
Hmm... Daddy, where are you going, take Xiaohuan with you, okay?Well……"

"Hahaha, Xiaohuan, don't run away, our Xiaohuan will be a big girl in a few years, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Dad, I am going to fight monsters!
Hitting the monster can not only protect our family Xiaohuan from being hurt by monsters, but also earn money to buy meat buns for Xiaohuan, so Daddy can't take Xiaohuan with him, Xiaohuan just stay at home obediently, follow mother, help Daddy protects mother, okay?
How about bringing Xiaohuan the meat buns from last night when daddy comes back after beating the monsters? "

Pouted, tilted her head and thought for a while, the little girl hesitated for a long time between her father and the meat buns, and finally nodded heavily: "Yes! Good! Daddy is going to fight monsters and earn meat buns for Xiaohuan. Xiaohuan Protect your mother obediently at home, and don't cause trouble for her!

But...well...but...Daddy, you have to come back early, otherwise Xiaohuan misses you!I can't see you, Xiaohuan... Xiaohuan can't help but want to cry... Do you know? "

Hearing his daughter's innocent words, Ye Laosan's eyes welled up with tears, but he nodded heavily, and even made a hook with his daughter, promising to come back soon.

A moment later, in front of the wooden shed.

The woman and the girl watched her husband and father go away. The woman tightly held the silver hairpin in her hand, and tears fell down involuntarily.

In the distance, the man who left home, facing the unknown, embarked on a new life with the belief in making the people he cares about live a better life, and walked towards the road that they knew was dangerous but was the only life-saving straw for their family!
It's all because all of us are working hard for the people we care about!

People are born lonely, but it is those people in our hearts who can make us give everything for them, so that we are no longer lonely and out of tune with this world.

ps. Do you have any of these people who can work hard for it?

If yes, then congratulations, you have found the meaning of your life!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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