Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 179 The decree has arrived!

Chapter 179 The decree has arrived!
With a plan in mind, Zhu Youjian immediately nodded and said: "Yes, it's Sun Chengzong.

Just right, isn't he at Gao Yang's hometown?First, he was asked to temporarily assume the post of governor of Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei and other four provinces, and he was fully responsible for handling the incident.

I give him the greatest power and convenience, but to see the effect in the shortest time, the officials of the four provinces, except the fourth rank and above, can let him kill him first, and the fourth rank and above must provide definite evidence before they can be escorted to Beijing for disposal. "

Although Huang Liji and others were shocked that Zhu Youjian would give Sun Chengzong so much power, they also understood that the situation in these four provinces would be difficult if the people who went there did not have these powers, so they all understood.

Therefore, after Zhu Youjian finished speaking, Qiqi bent down and bowed: "Your Majesty is holy!"

Zhu Youjian waved his hands with a cold face and said: "Forget about being holy, but I didn't know until now that such a big thing happened underneath. I don't know how many people's families have been destroyed during this period. I can't afford the word "sage!"

"I am ashamed!"

They were supposed to get the news about this kind of thing, and then reported it. As a result, they and others did not receive the news, but let the emperor tell them. Now that the emperor has blamed himself, they are even more ashamed.

Zhu Youjian snorted coldly: "You'd better be really ashamed in your heart, this incident has been delayed until now, you cabinet ministers are all responsible for negligence that cannot be shirked, and each of you will be punished with one year's salary as punishment.

If there is a next time, I still need to remind you, not only do you have to take off the hat on your head and take off your clothes, but I will also punish you!
Did you hear me! "

Being fined for a whole year of salary, it made Huang Liji and others breathe a sigh of relief. With their status and status, they naturally don't care about this salary. The most important thing is to keep the power in their hands. If you assign responsibility to them, it means that the matter is serious and His Majesty has not yet figured out how to deal with them. The longer the incident drags on, the more trouble they will have and the heavier the punishment they will receive!

But punishing them with their salaries like now means that His Majesty is not very angry with them, and it will be fine after the punishment.

But they didn't dare to show joyful expressions, and hurriedly said in fear and trepidation: "I understand, thank you Your Majesty for your kindness!"

"Okay! Hurry up to discuss this matter, and immediately issue an order to Sun Chengzong to act immediately if the matter is passed!

I changed your habit of procrastinating, and I waited in time, but the people who received the disaster couldn't wait for a moment! "

Zhu Youjian waved his hand and urged them to clean up and go back to work.

Huang Liji and others immediately bid farewell to Zhu Youjian and returned to Wenyuan Pavilion.

Soon, the decree of rehabilitating Sun Chengzong was sent to the cabinet, and the cabinet passed the decree without delay, and the decree was taken by the angel to Sun Chengzong's hometown, Baoding Gaoyang...

North Zhili (Hebei), Gaoyang County, Baoding Prefecture, Sunfu.

"You bastard! You bastard! They actually forced the people to do such things, are they still officials? This is clearly a bandit! A bandit! A bandit in official clothes!
no!The old man wants to impeach them!Impeach them immediately!Otherwise, once the patience of the people reaches the limit, it will be too late! "

In the hall of the Sun Mansion, an old man with a majestic appearance, a beard spread like a halberd, and a deep voice was walking back and forth in the hall with his hands behind his back, furious and furious!

As he said that, the old man turned to his eldest brother and said: "Sun Er, bring me a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and I will write a notebook now!"

The old housekeeper, Sun Er, looked embarrassed, but said, "Master, madam and young master have ordered you to write notes, so don't embarrass this old servant."

Hearing this, Sun Chengzong immediately furiously said: "Presumptuous! Why don't they let the old man write the scriptures! What this old man said doesn't count anymore, right?
You now, immediately!immediately!Bring the pen, ink, paper and inkstone to the old man!Let me see who dares to stop me! "

"Ah, this..."

The old butler suddenly had a bitter expression on his face, I'm too hard!You need to listen to what the young master and madam say, but you also need to listen to what the master says. Aren't you embarrassing me, an old man?


The furious master couldn't make sense, and when Sun Er was about to bring a pen and paper, a group of people walked in suddenly.

After Sun Er saw who was coming, a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, the savior came!

Why does he think so?

Because the group that came was headed by a graceful old woman and a young man with a slightly majestic appearance.

These two people are Sun Chengzong's first wife, Wang Shi (can't find out, there are many opinions, so I chose one at random) and his second descendants!
Sun Quan, the eldest son of Sun Chengzong, served as the magistrate of Gaoyuan County in Shandong, so he was not at home. Among the sons who were with him and his wife at home, the eldest son, Sun Quan, was Juren.

As soon as Mrs. Wang came in, she yelled with a straight face: "Old man, I dare to stop you! What's the matter? You still want to behead the old woman like some subordinates in the army to show the public?"

Originally, Sun Chengzong wanted to get angry when he heard that someone dared to stop him, but when he turned his head and saw that it was his old wife Wang who spoke, he immediately withered.

Na Na said: "I... How dare I..."

"Hmph! Sorry, you don't have the guts!"

With a cold snort, Mrs. Wang walked into one of the two chairs at the top of the hall with the support of her son and sat down. Then she looked at Sun Chengzong who was standing still and dared not speak out, and persuaded earnestly: " Master, it's not that the old woman doesn't understand your loyalty to the country, it's really because of the current situation, all the officials are colluding, and there are people on the roads leading to other provinces, and it's not only the master who has seen the misery of the people I can't bear it, but it's not like you don't know what will happen to those people, sir?
As for the magistrate of Chen County in the county next door to us, he is also a county magistrate, because he can't understand their behavior, so he wants to give the imperial court a piece of paper, and the result?

Zhezi was intercepted before he even left the county seat, and the county magistrate Chen's family was slaughtered by the mob that suddenly appeared that night!Even the corpses are not complete!
Can't you see this situation?

Master, even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about the lives of all the people in my Sun family!
You have resigned now, and you are no longer an official. You have no control over these matters, and you have no ability to control them!

It's better to stay honest, the situation here is so big, I believe it won't take long to hide it, when the court receives the news, it will naturally send someone to solve it, it's nothing to do with you. "

The second son and grandson on the side also assisted his mother and said: "Yes, father! You have to think about our family. The lives of dozens of people in this whole house are all in your mind. You really have to do it for this." Are you disregarding the safety of my Sun family's family?"


Sun Chengzong was speechless, and after a while he waved his hands bitterly and said: "Could it be that this old man can only watch helplessly, they are so cruel to the people that they are powerless!"



The cries of the wife and the son still made the old man compromise, and he sat down on the chair slumped, his eyes lost their light.

Just when Mrs. Wang was about to step forward to comfort her, Sun Er, who had just left, rushed in and shouted, "Master! Master! The angel has arrived! The angel has brought the imperial decree! Get out now!" Accept the order!!!"

"Ah! Angel?"

"Ah! Your Majesty!"

Both the Wang family and the second son and grandson were shocked, but Sun Chengzong, who was originally downcast, had a bright light in his eyes, jumped up from the chair suddenly, and rushed out of the door with an expression of excitement.

As an old man, he probably already guessed the reason why an imperial decree was sent to him at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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